Added full notification system
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,6 +66,18 @@ await dbClient.execute(`
console.log('Table created');
* notifiedFlag
* 0 = Not notified
* 1 = Notified Successfully
* -1 = Failed to notify
* lockedFlag
* 0 = Not locked
* 1 = Locked Successfully
* -1 = Failed to lock
* If both are -1, the event failed to delete
await dbClient.close();
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export const somethingWentWrong = async (bot: Bot, interaction: Interaction, err
description: 'You should not be able to get here. Please try again and if the issue continues, `/report` this issue to the developers with the error code below.',
fields: [{
name: 'Error Code:',
value: errorCode,
value: `\`${errorCode}\``,
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export const queries = {
selectFailedEvents: 'SELECT * FROM active_events WHERE (notifiedFlag = -1 OR lockedFlag = -1) AND eventTime < ?',
insertEvent: 'INSERT INTO active_events(messageId,channelId,guildId,ownerId,eventTime) values(?,?,?,?,?)',
updateEventTime: 'UPDATE active_events SET eventTime = ? WHERE channelId = ? AND messageId = ?',
updateEventFlags: (notifiedFlag: number, lockedFlag: number) => `UPDATE active_events SET notifiedFlag = ${notifiedFlag} AND lockedFlag = ${lockedFlag} WHERE channelId = ? AND messageId = ?`,
updateEventFlags: (notifiedFlag: number, lockedFlag: number) => `UPDATE active_events SET notifiedFlag = ${notifiedFlag}, lockedFlag = ${lockedFlag} WHERE channelId = ? AND messageId = ?`,
deleteEvent: 'DELETE FROM active_events WHERE channelId = ? AND messageId = ?',
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
import { ActivityTypes, Bot, BotWithCache, log, LT } from '../../deps.ts';
import config from '../../config.ts';
import { LOCALMODE } from '../../flags.ts';
import { ActivityTypes, Bot, BotWithCache, log, LT } from '../../deps.ts';
import { getRandomStatus, successColor } from '../commandUtils.ts';
import { ActiveEvent } from '../types/commandTypes.ts';
import utils from '../utils.ts';
import { dbClient, queries } from '../db.ts';
const tenMinutes = 10 * 60 * 1000;
import { deleteEvent, handleFailures, lockEvent, notifyEventMembers, tenMinutes } from '../notificationSystem.ts';
// Storing intervalIds in case bot soft reboots to prevent multiple of these intervals from stacking
let notificationIntervalId: number;
@ -40,28 +39,25 @@ export const ready = (rawBot: Bot) => {
// Interval to handle event notifications and cleanup every minute
if (notificationIntervalId) clearInterval(notificationIntervalId);
notificationIntervalId = setInterval(() => {
notificationIntervalId = setInterval(async () => {
log(LT.LOG, 'Running notification system');
const now = new Date().getTime();
// Notify Members of Events
dbClient.execute(queries.selectEvents(0, 0), [new Date(now + tenMinutes)]).then((events) => events.rows?.forEach((event) => console.log(event as ActiveEvent))).catch((e) =>
// Get all the events
const eventsToNotify = await dbClient.execute(queries.selectEvents(0, 0), [new Date(now + tenMinutes)]).catch((e) =>
utils.commonLoggers.dbError('ready.ts@notifyMembers', 'SELECT events from', e)
const eventsToLock = await dbClient.execute(queries.selectEvents(1, 0), [new Date(now)]).catch((e) => utils.commonLoggers.dbError('ready.ts@notifyAlternates', 'SELECT events from', e));
const eventsToDelete = await dbClient.execute(queries.selectEvents(1, 1), [new Date(now - tenMinutes)]).catch((e) => utils.commonLoggers.dbError('ready.ts@deleteEvent', 'SELECT events from', e));
const eventFailuresToHandle = await dbClient.execute(queries.selectFailedEvents, [new Date(now + tenMinutes)]).catch((e) =>
utils.commonLoggers.dbError('ready.ts@handleFailures', 'SELECT events from', e)
// // Notify Alternates of Events (if NOT full) and lock the event message
// dbClient.execute(queries.selectEvents(1, 0), [new Date(now)]).then((events) => console.log(events.rows as ActiveEvent[])).catch((e) =>
// utils.commonLoggers.dbError('ready.ts@notifyAlternates', 'SELECT events from', e)
// );
// // Delete the event
// dbClient.execute(queries.selectEvents(1, 1), [new Date(now - tenMinutes)]).then((events) => console.log(events.rows as ActiveEvent[])).catch((e) =>
// utils.commonLoggers.dbError('ready.ts@deleteEvent', 'SELECT events from', e)
// );
// // Handle events that failed at some point
// dbClient.execute(queries.selectFailedEvents, [new Date(now + tenMinutes)]).then((events) => console.log(events.rows as ActiveEvent[])).catch((e) =>
// utils.commonLoggers.dbError('ready.ts@deleteEvent', 'SELECT events from', e)
// );
// Run all the handlers
eventsToNotify?.rows?.forEach((event) => notifyEventMembers(bot, event as ActiveEvent));
eventsToLock?.rows?.forEach((event) => lockEvent(bot, event as ActiveEvent));
eventsToDelete?.rows?.forEach((event) => deleteEvent(bot, event as ActiveEvent));
eventFailuresToHandle?.rows?.forEach((event) => handleFailures(bot, event as ActiveEvent));
}, 60000);
// setTimeout added to make sure the startup message does not error out
@ -1,2 +1,235 @@
// define functions that take db data and do actions on it
// in ready, call db select to create a to do list and send it here in dbclient.execute().then(FUNC FROM THIS FILE).catch()
import config from '../config.ts';
import { Bot } from '../deps.ts';
import { LfgEmbedIndexes } from './buttons/eventUtils.ts';
import { getEventMemberCount, getGuildName, getLfgMembers } from './buttons/live-event/utils.ts';
import { failColor, infoColor1, sendDirectMessage, warnColor } from './commandUtils.ts';
import { dbClient, queries } from './db.ts';
import { ActiveEvent } from './types/commandTypes.ts';
import utils from './utils.ts';
const notifyStepName = 'notify';
const lockStepName = 'lock';
const deleteStepName = 'delete';
export const tenMinutes = 10 * 60 * 1000;
// Join strings with english in mind
const joinWithAnd = (words: string[]) => {
if (words.length === 0) {
return '';
} else if (words.length === 1) {
return words[0];
} else if (words.length === 2) {
return words.join(' and ');
} else {
return words.slice(0, -1).join(', ') + ', and ' + words.slice(-1);
// Log the failure in a loud sense
const loudLogFailure = async (bot: Bot, event: ActiveEvent, stepName: string, secondFailure = false) => {
const guildName = await getGuildName(bot, event.guildId);
const eventUrl = utils.idsToMessageUrl({
guildId: event.guildId,
channelId: event.channelId,
messageId: event.messageId,
// Try to DM owner if this is the second time it has failed
let dmSuccess = false;
if (secondFailure) {
const msg = await sendDirectMessage(bot, event.ownerId, {
embeds: [{
color: failColor,
title: `Attention: Failed to ${stepName} one of your events`,
`${} tried twice to find [this event](${eventUrl}) in ${guildName}, and could not either time. Since ${} has failed twice, ${} has now removed [this event](${eventUrl}) from its list of active events.
[This event](${eventUrl}) was scheduled to start at <t:${event.eventTime.getTime() / 1000}:F>.
The message containing this event may have been deleted by a moderator or administrator in ${guildName}. If [the event](${eventUrl}) still exists when you click on the link above, please \`/report\` this issue to the developers with the full error code below.`,
fields: [{
name: 'Error Code:',
value: `\`loudLog@${event.guildId}|${event.channelId}|${event.messageId}|${event.ownerId}|${event.eventTime.getTime()}|${event.notifiedFlag}|${event.lockedFlag}@\``,
}).catch((e: Error) => utils.commonLoggers.messageSendError('notificationSystem.ts@loudLog', 'send DM fail', e));
dmSuccess = Boolean(msg);
// Log this to bot's log channel
bot.helpers.sendMessage(config.logChannel, {
content: secondFailure ? `Hey <@${config.owner}>, something may have gone wrong. The owner of this event was ${dmSuccess ? 'SUCCESSFULLY' : 'NOT'} notified.` : undefined,
embeds: [{
color: secondFailure ? failColor : warnColor,
title: `Failed to ${stepName} an event in ${guildName}. This is the ${secondFailure ? 'second' : 'first'} attempt.`,
description: `${} failed to ${stepName} [this event](${eventUrl}).\n\nDebug Data:`,
fields: [{
name: 'Guild ID:',
value: `${event.guildId}`,
inline: true,
}, {
name: 'Channel ID:',
value: `${event.channelId}`,
inline: true,
}, {
name: 'Message ID:',
value: `${event.messageId}`,
inline: true,
}, {
name: 'Owner ID:',
value: `${event.ownerId}`,
inline: true,
}, {
name: 'Event Time:',
value: `<t:${event.eventTime.getTime() / 1000}:F>`,
inline: true,
}, {
name: 'Notified Flag:',
value: `${event.notifiedFlag}`,
inline: true,
}, {
name: 'Locked Flag:',
value: `${event.lockedFlag}`,
inline: true,
}).catch((e: Error) => utils.commonLoggers.messageSendError('notificationSystem.ts@loudLog', 'send log message', e));
// Notifies all members of the event and edits the event message
export const notifyEventMembers = async (bot: Bot, event: ActiveEvent, secondTry = false): Promise<boolean> => {
const eventMessage = await bot.helpers.getMessage(event.channelId, event.messageId).catch((e: Error) => utils.commonLoggers.messageGetError('notificationSystem.ts@notify', 'get event', e));
if (eventMessage?.embeds[0].fields) {
const activityName = `\`${eventMessage.embeds[0].fields[LfgEmbedIndexes.Activity].name} ${eventMessage.embeds[0].fields[LfgEmbedIndexes.Activity].value}\``;
const members = getLfgMembers(eventMessage.embeds[0].fields[LfgEmbedIndexes.JoinedMembers].value);
const memberMentionString = joinWithAnd( => `<@${}>`));
const guildName = await getGuildName(bot, event.guildId);
// Edit event in guild
await bot.helpers.editMessage(event.channelId, event.messageId, {
content: `Attention ${memberMentionString}, your ${activityName} starts in less than 10 minutes.`,
}).catch((e: Error) => utils.commonLoggers.messageEditError('notificationSystem.ts@notify', 'event edit fail', e));
// Send the notifications to the members
members.forEach(async (member) => {
await sendDirectMessage(bot,, {
embeds: [{
color: infoColor1,
title: `Hello ${}! Your activity in ${guildName} starts in less than 10 minutes.`,
description: 'Please start grouping up with the other members of this activity:',
}, eventMessage.embeds[0]],
}).catch((e: Error) => utils.commonLoggers.messageSendError('notificationSystem.ts@notify', 'send DM fail', e));
// Update DB to indicate notifications have been sent out
dbClient.execute(queries.updateEventFlags(1, 0), [event.channelId, event.messageId]).catch((e) => utils.commonLoggers.dbError('notificationSystem.ts@notifySuccess', 'update event in', e));
return true;
} else {
if (!secondTry) loudLogFailure(bot, event, notifyStepName);
// Update DB to indicate notifications have not been sent out
dbClient.execute(queries.updateEventFlags(-1, 0), [event.channelId, event.messageId]).catch((e) => utils.commonLoggers.dbError('notificationSystem.ts@notifyFail', 'update event in', e));
return false;
// Locks the event message and notifies alternates if necessary
export const lockEvent = async (bot: Bot, event: ActiveEvent, secondTry = false): Promise<boolean> => {
const eventMessage = await bot.helpers.getMessage(event.channelId, event.messageId).catch((e: Error) => utils.commonLoggers.messageGetError('notificationSystem.ts@lock', 'get event', e));
if (eventMessage?.embeds[0].fields) {
const [currentMemberCount, maxMemberCount] = getEventMemberCount(eventMessage.embeds[0].fields[LfgEmbedIndexes.Activity].name);
const alternates = getLfgMembers(eventMessage.embeds[0].fields[LfgEmbedIndexes.AlternateMembers].value);
const memberMentionString = joinWithAnd( => `<@${}>`));
// See if event was filled or not, and if not notify alternates
const alternatesNeeded = alternates.length && currentMemberCount < maxMemberCount;
if (alternatesNeeded) {
const activityName = `\`${eventMessage.embeds[0].fields[LfgEmbedIndexes.Activity].name} ${eventMessage.embeds[0].fields[LfgEmbedIndexes.Activity].value}\``;
const guildName = await getGuildName(bot, event.guildId);
// Send the notifications to the members
alternates.forEach(async (member) => {
await sendDirectMessage(bot,, {
embeds: [{
color: infoColor1,
title: `Hello ${}! An activity in ${guildName} may need your help.`,
description: `The ${activityName} in ${guildName} that you marked yourself as an alternate for may be \`${
maxMemberCount - currentMemberCount
}\` people short. If you are available, please join up with them.`,
}, eventMessage.embeds[0]],
}).catch((e: Error) => utils.commonLoggers.messageSendError('notificationSystem.ts@lock', 'send DM fail', e));
// Edit event in guild
await bot.helpers.editMessage(
? {
content: `${eventMessage.content}\n\nAttention ${memberMentionString}, this activity is \`${maxMemberCount - currentMemberCount}\` people short. Please join up if you are available.`,
components: [],
: {
components: [],
).catch((e: Error) => utils.commonLoggers.messageEditError('notificationSystem.ts@lock', 'event edit fail', e));
// Update DB to indicate event has been locked
dbClient.execute(queries.updateEventFlags(1, 1), [event.channelId, event.messageId]).catch((e) => utils.commonLoggers.dbError('notificationSystem.ts@lockSuccess', 'update event in', e));
return true;
} else {
if (!secondTry) loudLogFailure(bot, event, lockStepName);
// Update DB to indicate event has not been locked
dbClient.execute(queries.updateEventFlags(1, -1), [event.channelId, event.messageId]).catch((e) => utils.commonLoggers.dbError('notificationSystem.ts@lockFail', 'update event in', e));
return false;
// Notifies all members of the event and edits the event message
export const deleteEvent = async (bot: Bot, event: ActiveEvent, secondTry = false): Promise<boolean> => {
const eventMessage = await bot.helpers.getMessage(event.channelId, event.messageId).catch((e: Error) => utils.commonLoggers.messageGetError('notificationSystem.ts@delete', 'get event', e));
if (eventMessage?.embeds[0].fields) {
// Delete event in guild
await bot.helpers.deleteMessage(event.channelId, event.messageId, 'Cleaning up activity that has started').catch((e: Error) =>
utils.commonLoggers.messageDeleteError('notificationSystem.ts@delete', 'event delete fail', e)
// Remove event from DB
dbClient.execute(queries.deleteEvent, [event.channelId, event.messageId]).catch((e) => utils.commonLoggers.dbError('notificationSystem.ts@deleteSuccess', 'delete event from', e));
return true;
} else {
if (!secondTry) loudLogFailure(bot, event, deleteStepName);
// Update DB to indicate delete failed
dbClient.execute(queries.updateEventFlags(-1, -1), [event.channelId, event.messageId]).catch((e) => utils.commonLoggers.dbError('notificationSystem.ts@deleteFail', 'update event in', e));
return false;
// Handles trying again once and cleaning up events that died
export const handleFailures = async (bot: Bot, event: ActiveEvent) => {
let rerunSuccess: boolean;
let stepName: string;
// Retry the step that failed
if (event.notifiedFlag === -1 && event.lockedFlag === -1) {
rerunSuccess = await deleteEvent(bot, event, true);
stepName = deleteStepName;
} else if (event.lockedFlag === -1) {
rerunSuccess = await lockEvent(bot, event, true);
stepName = lockStepName;
} else if (event.notifiedFlag === -1) {
rerunSuccess = await notifyEventMembers(bot, event, true);
stepName = notifyStepName;
} else {
// Should never get here as this func should only be called when event has one of the flags as -1
// Set flag to true since it already succeeded?
rerunSuccess = true;
stepName = '';
if (!rerunSuccess) {
// Failed at completing a step! Event may have been deleted?
loudLogFailure(bot, event, stepName, true);
dbClient.execute(queries.deleteEvent, [event.channelId, event.messageId]).catch((e) => utils.commonLoggers.dbError('notificationSystem.ts@handleFailures', 'delete event from', e));
@ -20,24 +20,23 @@ const messageUrlToIds = (url: string): UrlIds => {
const capitalizeFirstChar = (input: string) => `${input.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${input.slice(1)}`;
const genericLogger = (level: LT, message: string) => log(level, message);
const interactionSendError = (location: string, interaction: Interaction | string, err: Error) =>
genericLogger(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to respond to interaction: ${jsonStringifyBig(interaction)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
log(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to respond to interaction: ${jsonStringifyBig(interaction)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
const messageEditError = (location: string, message: Message | string, err: Error) =>
genericLogger(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to edit message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
log(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to edit message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
const messageGetError = (location: string, message: Message | string, err: Error) =>
genericLogger(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to get message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
log(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to get message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
const messageSendError = (location: string, message: Message | CreateMessage | string, err: Error) =>
genericLogger(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to send message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
log(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to send message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
const messageDeleteError = (location: string, message: Message | string, err: Error) =>
genericLogger(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to delete message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
log(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to delete message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
const reactionAddError = (location: string, message: Message | string, err: Error, emoji: string) =>
genericLogger(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to add emoji (${emoji}) to message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
log(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to add emoji (${emoji}) to message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
const reactionDeleteError = (location: string, message: Message | string, err: Error, emoji: string) =>
genericLogger(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to delete emoji (${emoji}) from message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
const channelUpdateError = (location: string, message: string, err: Error) => genericLogger(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to update channel | ${message} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
log(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to delete emoji (${emoji}) from message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
const channelUpdateError = (location: string, message: string, err: Error) => log(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to update channel | ${message} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
const dbError = (location: string, type: string, err: Error) => genericLogger(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to ${type} database | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
const dbError = (location: string, type: string, err: Error) => log(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to ${type} database | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
export default {
Reference in New Issue