Remove all old source code
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// All external dependancies are to be loaded here to make updating dependancy versions much easier
export {
} from '';
export type {
} from '';
export { Client } from '';
export { initLog, log, LogTypes as LT } from '';
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
import { ActionRow, DiscordButtonStyles } from '../deps.ts';
import config from '../../config.ts';
export const constantCmds = {
lfgHelp: {
embeds: [{
title: `${} LFG Help`,
fields: [
name: 'All commands must have the bot\'s prefix before them.',
value: `Default is \`${config.prefix}\`, send <@847256159123013722> to change it.`,
name: 'lfg create',
value: `
\`lfg create\`, alternatively \`lfg c\`, will walk you through creating a new LFG post. Simply follow the prompts and the bot will walk you through building a new LFG.
Make sure you run this command in the channel you wish the LFG post to be created in.
inline: true,
name: 'lfg edit',
value: `
\`lfg edit [id?]\`, alternatively \`lfg e [id?]\`, will walk you through editing an existing LFG. Like \`lfg create\`, the bot will walk you through editing it.
Simply run \`lfg edit\` in the channel where the LFG post lives.
If you only have one LFG in this channel, the editing process will begin.
If you have more than one LFG in this channel, the bot will ask you to specify the LFG post using a two character id.
inline: true,
name: 'lfg delete',
value: `
\`lfg delete [id?]\`, alternatively \`lfg d [id?]\`, will delete an existing LFG. You only can delete LFG posts that you own.
Simply run \`lfg delete\` in the channel where the LFG post lives.
If you only have one LFG in this channel, the LFG will be deleted.
If you have more than one LFG in this channel, the bot will ask you to specify the LFG post using a two character id.
inline: true,
lfgDelete1: {
embeds: [{
fields: [
name: 'Could not find any LFGs to delete.',
value: 'Make sure you are the owner of the LFG and are running this command in the same channel as the LFG',
lfgDelete2: {
embeds: [{
fields: [
name: `Multiple LFGs found, please run this command again with the two character ID of the LFG you wish to delete.\n\nExample: \`${config.prefix}lfg delete XX\``,
value: 'Click on the two character IDs below to view the LFG:\n',
lfgDelete3: {
embeds: [{
title: 'LFG deleted.',
lfgEdit1: {
embeds: [{
fields: [
name: 'Could not find any LFGs to edit.',
value: 'Make sure you are the owner of the LFG and are running this command in the same channel as the LFG',
lfgEdit2: {
embeds: [{
fields: [
name: `Multiple LFGs found, please run this command again with the two character ID of the LFG you wish to edit.\n\nExample: \`${config.prefix}lfg edit XX\``,
value: 'Click on the two character IDs below to view the LFG:\n',
export const editBtns: ActionRow['components'] = [
type: 2,
label: 'Change Game/Activity',
customId: `editing@set_game`,
style: DiscordButtonStyles.Primary,
type: 2,
label: 'Change Time',
customId: `editing@set_time`,
style: DiscordButtonStyles.Primary,
type: 2,
label: 'Change Description',
customId: `editing@set_desc`,
style: DiscordButtonStyles.Primary,
export const lfgStepQuestions = {
'set_game': 'Please select a game from the list below. If your game is not listed, please type it out:',
'Please select an Activity from the list below. Depending on the game selected, these may be categories you can use to drill down to a specific activity.\n\nIf your activity is not listed, please type it out:',
'set_activity_with_text': 'Please type the activity name out:',
'set_activity_from_category': 'Please select an Activity from the list below.\n\nIf your activity is not listed, please type it out:',
'set_player_cnt': 'Please enter the max number of members for this activity:',
'set_time': 'Please enter the time of the activity:\nRecommended format: `h:mm am/pm tz month/day`',
'set_desc': 'Please enter a description for the activity. Enter `none` to skip:',
'set_done': 'Finalizing, please wait. . .',
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
export const LFGActivities = {
'Destiny 2': {
'Raids': {
'King\'s Fall': 6,
'Vow of the Disciple': 6,
'Vault of Glass': 6,
'Deep Stone Crypt': 6,
'Garden of Salvation': 6,
'Last Wish': 6,
'Dungeons': {
'Spire of the Watcher': 3,
'Duality': 3,
'Grasp of Avarice': 3,
'Prophecy': 3,
'Pit of Heresy': 3,
'Shattered Throne': 3,
'Crucible': {
'Crucible (Control)': 6,
'Crucible (Survival)': 3,
'Crucible (Elimination)': 3,
'Crucible (Private Match)': 12,
'Iron Banner': 6,
'Trials of Osiris': 3,
'Gambit': {
'Gambit (Classic)': 4,
'Gambit (Private Match)': 8,
"Exotic Missions": {
'Operation: Seraph\'s Shield': 3,
// "Presage": 3,
// "Harbinger": 3
'Nightfall': 3,
'Miscellaneous': {
'Heist Battlegrounds': 3,
'Ketchrash': 6,
'Expedition': 3,
'Weekly Witch Queen Campaign Mission': 3,
'Wellspring': 6,
'Dares of Eternity': 6,
// "Astral Alignment": 6,
// "Shattered Realm": 3,
// "Override": 6,
// "Expunge": 3,
// "Battlegrounds": 3,
'Wrathborn Hunt': 3,
'Empire Hunt': 3,
'Vanguard Operations': 3,
// "Nightmare Hunt": 3
'Among Us': {
'Vanilla': 15,
'Modded': 15,
@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
import {
// Discordeno deps
// Log4Deno deps
} from '../deps.ts';
import { jsonStringifyBig } from './utils.ts';
import { ActiveLFG, BuildingLFG } from './mod.d.ts';
import config from '../../config.ts';
// getRandomStatus() returns status as string
// Gets a new random status for the bot
const getRandomStatus = (cachedGuilds: number): string => {
let status = '';
switch (Math.floor((Math.random() * 5) + 1)) {
case 1:
status = `${config.prefix}help for commands`;
case 2:
status = `Running V${config.version}`;
case 3:
status = `${config.prefix}info to learn more`;
case 4:
status = 'Mention me to check my prefix!';
status = `Running LFGs in ${cachedGuilds + cache.dispatchedGuildIds.size} servers`;
return status;
// updateListStatistics(bot ID, current guild count) returns nothing
// Sends the current server count to all bot list sites we are listed on
const updateListStatistics = (botID: BigInt, serverCount: number): void => {
config.botLists.forEach(async (e) => {
if (e.enabled) {
log(LT.LOG, `Updating statistics for ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`);
try {
const tempHeaders = new Headers();
tempHeaders.append(e.headers[0].header, e.headers[0].value);
tempHeaders.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');
// ?{} is a template used in config, just need to replace it with the real value
const response = await fetch(e.apiUrl.replace('?{bot_id}', botID.toString()), {
'method': 'POST',
'headers': tempHeaders,
'body': jsonStringifyBig(e.body).replace('"?{server_count}"', serverCount.toString()), // ?{server_count} needs the "" removed from around it aswell to make sure its sent as a number
log(LT.INFO, `Posted server count to ${}. Results: ${jsonStringifyBig(response)}`);
} catch (e) {
log(LT.WARN, `Failed to post statistics to ${} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`);
const buildingTimeout = async (activeBuilders: Array<BuildingLFG>): Promise<void> => {
const currentTime = new Date().getTime();
for (let i = 0; i < activeBuilders.length; i++) {
if (activeBuilders[i].lastTouch.getTime() + (activeBuilders[i].maxIdle * 1000) < currentTime) {
activeBuilders[i].questionMsg.delete().catch((e) => {
log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up active builder | edit | ${activeBuilders[i].userId}-${activeBuilders[i].channelId} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`);
if (activeBuilders[i].editing) {
content: '',
}).catch((e) => {
log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up active builder | edit | ${activeBuilders[i].userId}-${activeBuilders[i].channelId} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`);
} else {
activeBuilders[i].lfgMsg.delete().catch((e) => {
log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up active builder | delete | ${activeBuilders[i].userId}-${activeBuilders[i].channelId} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`);
try {
const m = await sendMessage(activeBuilders[i].channelId, `<@${activeBuilders[i].userId}>, your LFG ${activeBuilders[i].editing ? 'editing' : 'creation'} has timed out. Please try again.`);
m.delete('Channel Cleanup', 30000).catch((e) => {
log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`);
} catch (e) {
log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up active builder | ${activeBuilders[i].userId}-${activeBuilders[i].channelId} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`);
} finally {
activeBuilders.splice(i, 1);
const lfgNotifier = async (activeLFGPosts: Array<ActiveLFG>): Promise<void> => {
log(LT.INFO, 'Checking for LFG posts to notify/delete/lock');
const tenMin = 10 * 60 * 1000;
const now = new Date().getTime();
for (let i = 0; i < activeLFGPosts.length; i++) {
// Send notifications
if (!activeLFGPosts[i].notified && activeLFGPosts[i].lfgTime < (now + tenMin)) {
log(LT.INFO, `Notifying LFG ${activeLFGPosts[i].ownerId}-${activeLFGPosts[i].lfgUid}`);
try {
const message = await getMessage(activeLFGPosts[i].channelId, activeLFGPosts[i].messageId);
const lfg = message.embeds[0].fields || [];
const lfgActivity = `${lfg[0].name.substr(0, lfg[0].name.length - 1)} - ${lfg[0].value}`;
const guildName = message.guild?.name || (await getGuild(message.guildId, { counts: false, addToCache: false })).name;
const members = lfg[4].value;
let editMsg = '';
members.split('\n').forEach(async (m) => {
if (m !== 'None') {
const [name, tmpId] = m.split(' - <@');
const userId = BigInt(tmpId.substr(0, tmpId.length - 1));
editMsg += `<@${userId}>, `;
await sendDirectMessage(userId, {
embeds: [{
title: `Hello ${name}! Your event in ${guildName} starts in less than 10 minutes.`,
fields: [
name: 'Please start grouping up with the other members of this activity:',
value: members,
editMsg += `your ${lfgActivity} starts in less than 10 minutes.`;
await message.edit({
content: editMsg,
activeLFGPosts[i].notified = true;
} catch (err) {
log(LT.WARN, `Failed to find LFG ${activeLFGPosts[i].ownerId}-${activeLFGPosts[i].lfgUid} | ${jsonStringifyBig(err)}`);
activeLFGPosts.splice(i, 1);
} // Lock LFG from editing/Joining/Leaving
else if (!activeLFGPosts[i].locked && activeLFGPosts[i].lfgTime < now) {
log(LT.INFO, `Locking LFG ${activeLFGPosts[i].ownerId}-${activeLFGPosts[i].lfgUid}`);
try {
const message = await getMessage(activeLFGPosts[i].channelId, activeLFGPosts[i].messageId);
await message.edit({
components: [],
activeLFGPosts[i].locked = true;
} catch (err) {
log(LT.WARN, `Failed to find LFG ${activeLFGPosts[i].ownerId}-${activeLFGPosts[i].lfgUid} | ${jsonStringifyBig(err)}`);
activeLFGPosts.splice(i, 1);
} // Delete old LFG post
else if (activeLFGPosts[i].lfgTime < (now - tenMin)) {
log(LT.INFO, `Deleting LFG ${activeLFGPosts[i].ownerId}-${activeLFGPosts[i].lfgUid}`);
await deleteMessage(activeLFGPosts[i].channelId, activeLFGPosts[i].messageId, 'LFG post expired').catch((e) => {
log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete LFG ${activeLFGPosts[i].ownerId}-${activeLFGPosts[i].lfgUid} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`);
activeLFGPosts.splice(i, 1);
localStorage.setItem('activeLFGPosts', jsonStringifyBig(activeLFGPosts));
export default { getRandomStatus, updateListStatistics, buildingTimeout, lfgNotifier };
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
import { EmbedField } from '../deps.ts';
export type JoinLeaveType = {
embed: EmbedField[];
success: boolean;
full: boolean;
justFilled: boolean;
export type UrlIds = {
guildId: bigint;
channelId: bigint;
messageId: bigint;
@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
import { ActionRow, ButtonComponent, DiscordButtonStyles, DiscordenoMember, EmbedField, log, LT } from '../deps.ts';
import { JoinLeaveType, UrlIds } from './lfgHandlers.d.ts';
import { BuildingLFG } from './mod.d.ts';
import { LFGActivities } from './games.ts';
import { determineTZ } from './timeUtils.ts';
import { lfgStepQuestions } from './constantCmds.ts';
import { jsonStringifyBig } from './utils.ts';
export const handleLFGStep = async (wipLFG: BuildingLFG, input: string): Promise<BuildingLFG> => {
const currentLFG = (wipLFG.lfgMsg.embeds[0] || { fields: undefined }).fields || [
name: '. . .',
value: '. . .',
inline: true,
name: 'Start Time:',
value: '. . .',
inline: true,
name: 'Add to Calendar:',
value: '. . .',
inline: true,
name: 'Description:',
value: '. . .',
inline: false,
name: `Members Joined: 0/?`,
value: 'None',
inline: true,
name: 'Alternates:',
value: 'None',
inline: true,
let nextQuestion = '';
const nextComponents: Array<ActionRow> = [];
let editFlag = true;
switch (wipLFG.step) {
case 'set_game': {
currentLFG[0].name = input.substr(0, 254);
if (, input)) {
nextQuestion = lfgStepQuestions.set_activity_with_button;
let tempObj = {};
Object.entries(LFGActivities).some((e) => {
if (e[0] === input) {
tempObj = e[1];
return true;
const activityButtons: Array<ButtonComponent> = Object.keys(tempObj).map((activity) => {
return {
type: 2,
label: activity,
customId: `building@set_activity#${activity}`,
style: DiscordButtonStyles.Primary,
const temp: Array<ActionRow['components']> = [];
activityButtons.forEach((btn, idx) => {
if (!temp[Math.floor(idx / 5)]) {
temp[Math.floor(idx / 5)] = [btn];
} else {
temp[Math.floor(idx / 5)].push(btn);
temp.forEach((btns) => {
if (btns.length && btns.length <= 5) {
type: 1,
components: btns,
} else {
nextQuestion = lfgStepQuestions.set_activity_with_text;
wipLFG.step = 'set_activity';
case 'set_activity': {
const game = currentLFG[0].name;
let tempObj;
Object.entries(LFGActivities).some((e) => {
if (e[0] === game) {
Object.entries(e[1]).some((f) => {
if (f[0] === input) {
tempObj = f[1];
return true;
return true;
currentLFG[0].name = `${game}:`;
currentLFG[0].value = input.substr(0, 1023);
if (typeof tempObj === 'number') {
// Activity
currentLFG[4].name = `Members Joined: ${currentLFG[4].value === 'None' ? 0 : currentLFG[4].value.split('\n').length}/${tempObj}`;
nextQuestion = wipLFG.editing ? lfgStepQuestions.set_done : lfgStepQuestions.set_time;
wipLFG.step = wipLFG.editing ? 'done' : 'set_time';
} else if (!tempObj) {
// Custom
nextQuestion = lfgStepQuestions.set_player_cnt;
wipLFG.step = 'set_player_cnt';
} else {
// Category
nextQuestion = lfgStepQuestions.set_activity_from_category;
currentLFG[0].name = game;
const activityButtons: Array<ButtonComponent> = Object.keys(tempObj).map((activity) => {
return {
type: 2,
label: activity,
customId: `building@set_activity_from_category#${activity}`,
style: DiscordButtonStyles.Primary,
const temp: Array<ActionRow['components']> = [];
activityButtons.forEach((btn, idx) => {
if (!temp[Math.floor(idx / 5)]) {
temp[Math.floor(idx / 5)] = [btn];
} else {
temp[Math.floor(idx / 5)].push(btn);
temp.forEach((btns) => {
if (btns.length && btns.length <= 5) {
type: 1,
components: btns,
wipLFG.step = 'set_activity_from_category';
case 'set_activity_from_category': {
const game = currentLFG[0].name;
const category = currentLFG[0].value;
let tempObj;
Object.entries(LFGActivities).some((e) => {
if (e[0] === game) {
Object.entries(e[1]).some((f) => {
if (f[0] === category) {
Object.entries(f[1]).some((g) => {
if (g[0] === input) {
tempObj = g[1];
return true;
return true;
return true;
currentLFG[0].name = `${game}:`;
currentLFG[0].value = input.substr(0, 1023);
if (tempObj) {
currentLFG[4].name = `Members Joined: ${currentLFG[4].value === 'None' ? 0 : currentLFG[4].value.split('\n').length}/${tempObj}`;
nextQuestion = wipLFG.editing ? lfgStepQuestions.set_done : lfgStepQuestions.set_time;
wipLFG.step = wipLFG.editing ? 'done' : 'set_time';
} else {
nextQuestion = lfgStepQuestions.set_player_cnt;
wipLFG.step = 'set_player_cnt';
case 'set_player_cnt': {
if (parseInt(input)) {
currentLFG[4].name = `Members Joined: ${currentLFG[4].value === 'None' ? 0 : currentLFG[4].value.split('\n').length}/${Math.abs(parseInt(input)) || 1}`;
nextQuestion = wipLFG.editing ? lfgStepQuestions.set_done : lfgStepQuestions.set_time;
wipLFG.step = wipLFG.editing ? 'done' : 'set_time';
} else {
editFlag = false;
nextQuestion = `Input max members "${input}" is invalid, please make sure you are only entering a number.\n\n${lfgStepQuestions.set_player_cnt}`;
case 'set_time': {
const today = new Date();
let lfgDate = `${today.getMonth() + 1}/${today.getDate()}`,
lfgTime = '',
lfgTZ = '',
lfgPeriod = '',
overrodeTZ = false;
input.split(' ').forEach((c) => {
if (c.includes('/')) {
lfgDate = c;
} else if (c.toLowerCase() === 'am' || c.toLowerCase() === 'pm') {
lfgPeriod = c.toLowerCase();
} else if (c.toLowerCase().includes('am') || c.toLowerCase().includes('pm')) {
lfgTime = c.substr(0, c.length - 2);
lfgPeriod = c.toLowerCase().includes('am') ? 'am' : 'pm';
} else if (c.includes(':')) {
lfgTime = c;
} else if (parseInt(c).toString() === (c.replace(/^0+/, '') || '0')) {
if (c.length === 4) {
if (parseInt(c) >= 1300) {
lfgTime = (parseInt(c) - 1200).toString();
lfgPeriod = 'pm';
} else if (parseInt(c) >= 1200) {
lfgTime = c;
lfgPeriod = 'pm';
} else {
lfgTime = c.startsWith('00') ? `12${c.substr(2)}` : c;
lfgPeriod = 'am';
const hourLen = lfgTime.length === 4 ? 2 : 1;
lfgTime = `${lfgTime.substr(0, hourLen)}:${lfgTime.substr(hourLen)}`;
} else {
lfgTime = c;
} else if (c.match(/^\d/)) {
const tzIdx =[a-zA-Z]/);
lfgTime = c.substr(0, tzIdx);
[lfgTZ, overrodeTZ] = determineTZ(c.substr(tzIdx));
} else {
[lfgTZ, overrodeTZ] = determineTZ(c);
if (!lfgTZ) {
[lfgTZ, overrodeTZ] = determineTZ('ET');
if (!lfgTime.includes(':')) {
lfgTime += ':00';
if (!lfgPeriod) {
lfgPeriod = today.getHours() >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
lfgPeriod = lfgPeriod.toUpperCase();
lfgTZ = lfgTZ.toUpperCase();
lfgDate = `${lfgDate.split('/')[0]}/${lfgDate.split('/')[1]}/${today.getFullYear()}`;
log(LT.LOG, `Date Time Debug | ${lfgTime} ${lfgPeriod} ${lfgTZ} ${lfgDate}`);
const lfgDateTime = new Date(`${lfgTime} ${lfgPeriod} ${lfgTZ} ${lfgDate}`);
lfgDate = `${lfgDate.split('/')[0]}/${lfgDate.split('/')[1]}`;
const lfgDateStr = `[${lfgTime} ${lfgPeriod} ${lfgTZ} ${lfgDate}](${lfgDateTime.getTime()})`;
const icsDetails = `${currentLFG[0].name} ${currentLFG[0].value}`;
const icsStr = `[Download ICS File](${lfgDateTime.getTime()}&n=${icsDetails.replaceAll(' ', '+')})`;
currentLFG[1].name = 'Start Time (Click for Conversion):';
currentLFG[1].value = lfgDateStr.substr(0, 1023);
currentLFG[2].value = icsStr.substr(0, 1023);
if (isNaN(lfgDateTime.getTime())) {
nextQuestion =
`Input time "${input}" (parsed as "${lfgTime} ${lfgPeriod} ${lfgTZ} ${lfgDate}") is invalid, please make sure you have the timezone set correctly.\n\n${lfgStepQuestions.set_time}`;
editFlag = false;
} else if (lfgDateTime.getTime() <= today.getTime()) {
nextQuestion =
`Input time "${input}" (parsed as "${lfgTime} ${lfgPeriod} ${lfgTZ} ${lfgDate}") is in the past, please make sure you are setting up the event to be in the future.\n\n${lfgStepQuestions.set_time}`;
editFlag = false;
} else {
nextQuestion = wipLFG.editing ? lfgStepQuestions.set_done : lfgStepQuestions.set_desc;
wipLFG.step = wipLFG.editing ? 'done' : 'set_desc';
case 'set_desc': {
if (input === 'none') {
input = currentLFG[0].value;
currentLFG[3].value = input.substr(0, 1023);
nextQuestion = lfgStepQuestions.set_done;
wipLFG.step = 'done';
try {
if (editFlag) {
wipLFG.lfgMsg = await wipLFG.lfgMsg.edit({
embeds: [{
fields: currentLFG,
wipLFG.questionMsg = await wipLFG.questionMsg.edit({
content: nextQuestion,
components: nextComponents,
} catch (e) {
log(LT.WARN, `Failed to edit active builder | ${wipLFG.userId}-${wipLFG.channelId} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`);
return wipLFG;
export const handleMemberJoin = (lfg: EmbedField[], member: DiscordenoMember, alternate: boolean): JoinLeaveType => {
let success = false;
let justFilled = false;
const userStr = `${member.username} - <@${}>`;
const tempMembers = lfg[4].name.split(':')[1].split('/');
let currentMembers = parseInt(tempMembers[0]);
const maxMembers = parseInt(tempMembers[1]);
if (alternate && !lfg[5].value.includes( {
// remove from joined list
if (lfg[4].value.includes( {
const tempArr = lfg[4].value.split('\n');
const memberIdx = tempArr.findIndex((m) => m.includes(;
tempArr.splice(memberIdx, 1);
lfg[4].value = tempArr.join('\n') || 'None';
if (currentMembers) {
lfg[4].name = `Members Joined: ${currentMembers}/${maxMembers}`;
if (lfg[5].value === 'None') {
lfg[5].value = userStr;
} else {
lfg[5].value += `\n${userStr}`;
success = true;
} else if (!alternate && currentMembers < maxMembers && !lfg[4].value.includes( {
// remove from alternate list
if (lfg[5].value.includes( {
const tempArr = lfg[5].value.split('\n');
const memberIdx = tempArr.findIndex((m) => m.includes(;
tempArr.splice(memberIdx, 1);
lfg[5].value = tempArr.join('\n') || 'None';
if (lfg[4].value === 'None') {
lfg[4].value = userStr;
} else {
lfg[4].value += `\n${userStr}`;
justFilled = currentMembers === maxMembers;
lfg[4].name = `Members Joined: ${currentMembers}/${maxMembers}`;
success = true;
} else if (!alternate && currentMembers === maxMembers && !lfg[4].value.includes( {
// update user in alternate list to include the * to make them autojoin
if (lfg[5].value.includes( {
const tempArr = lfg[5].value.split('\n');
const memberIdx = tempArr.findIndex((m) => m.includes(;
tempArr[memberIdx] = `${tempArr[memberIdx]} *`;
lfg[5].value = tempArr.join('\n');
} else {
if (lfg[5].value === 'None') {
lfg[5].value = `${userStr} *`;
} else {
lfg[5].value += `\n${userStr} *`;
success = true;
return {
embed: lfg,
success: success,
full: currentMembers === maxMembers,
justFilled: justFilled,
export const handleMemberLeave = (lfg: EmbedField[], member: DiscordenoMember): JoinLeaveType => {
let success = false;
const memberId =;
const tempMembers = lfg[4].name.split(':')[1].split('/');
let currentMembers = parseInt(tempMembers[0]);
const maxMembers = parseInt(tempMembers[1]);
if (lfg[4].value.includes(memberId)) {
const tempArr = lfg[4].value.split('\n');
const memberIdx = tempArr.findIndex((m) => m.includes(memberId));
tempArr.splice(memberIdx, 1);
lfg[4].value = tempArr.join('\n') || 'None';
if (lfg[5].value.includes('*')) {
// find first * user and move them to the joined list
const tempArr2 = lfg[5].value.split('\n');
const memberToMoveIdx = tempArr2.findIndex((m) => m.includes('*'));
let memberToMove = tempArr2[memberToMoveIdx];
memberToMove = memberToMove.substr(0, memberToMove.length - 2);
lfg[4].value = tempArr.join('\n') || 'None';
// Remove them from the alt list
tempArr2.splice(memberToMoveIdx, 1);
lfg[5].value = tempArr2.join('\n') || 'None';
} else {
// update count since no users were marked as *
if (currentMembers) {
lfg[4].name = `Members Joined: ${currentMembers}/${maxMembers}`;
success = true;
if (lfg[5].value.includes(memberId)) {
const tempArr = lfg[5].value.split('\n');
const memberIdx = tempArr.findIndex((m) => m.includes(memberId));
tempArr.splice(memberIdx, 1);
lfg[5].value = tempArr.join('\n') || 'None';
success = true;
return {
embed: lfg,
success: success,
full: currentMembers === maxMembers,
justFilled: false,
export const urlToIds = (url: string): UrlIds => {
const strIds = {
guildId: '',
channelId: '',
messageId: '',
url = url.toLowerCase();
[strIds.guildId, strIds.channelId, strIds.messageId] = url.substr(url.indexOf('channels') + 9).split('/');
return {
guildId: BigInt(strIds.guildId),
channelId: BigInt(strIds.channelId),
messageId: BigInt(strIds.messageId),
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
import { DiscordenoMessage } from '../deps.ts';
export type BuildingLFG = {
userId: bigint;
channelId: bigint;
step: string;
lfgMsg: DiscordenoMessage;
questionMsg: DiscordenoMessage;
lastTouch: Date;
maxIdle: number;
editing: boolean;
export type ActiveLFG = {
messageId: bigint;
channelId: bigint;
ownerId: bigint;
lfgUid: string;
lfgTime: number;
notified: boolean;
locked: boolean;
export type GuildPrefixes = {
guildId: bigint;
prefix: string;
export type GuildModRoles = {
guildId: bigint;
roleId: bigint;
export type GuildCleanChannels = {
guildId: bigint;
channelId: bigint;
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
export const determineTZ = (tz: string, userOverride = false): [string, boolean] => {
tz = tz.toUpperCase();
let overrode = false;
const shortHandUSTZ = (tz === 'ET' || tz === 'CT' || tz === 'MT' || tz === 'PT');
const fullUSTZ = (tz.length === 3 && (tz.startsWith('E') || tz.startsWith('C') || tz.startsWith('M') || tz.startsWith('P')) && (tz.endsWith('DT') || tz.endsWith('ST')));
if (!userOverride && (shortHandUSTZ || fullUSTZ)) {
const today = new Date();
const jan = new Date(today.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
const jul = new Date(today.getFullYear(), 6, 1);
if (today.getTimezoneOffset() < Math.max(jan.getTimezoneOffset(), jul.getTimezoneOffset())) {
if (tz.includes('S')) overrode = true;
tz = `${tz.substring(0, 1)}DT`;
} else {
if (tz.includes('D')) overrode = true;
tz = `${tz.substring(0, 1)}ST`;
return [tz, overrode];
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
export const jsonParseBig = (input: string) => {
return JSON.parse(input, (_key, value) => {
if (typeof value === 'string' && /^\d+n$/.test(value)) {
return BigInt(value.substring(0, value.length - 1));
return value;
export const jsonStringifyBig = (input: any) => {
return JSON.stringify(input, (_key, value) => typeof value === 'bigint' ? value.toString() + 'n' : value);
Reference in New Issue