import { // Discordeno deps startBot, editBotStatus, editBotNickname, Intents, DiscordActivityTypes, DiscordButtonStyles, DiscordInteractionTypes, sendMessage, sendInteractionResponse, deleteMessage, getMessage, sendDirectMessage, getGuild, getUser, hasGuildPermissions, cache, botId, DebugArg, cacheHandlers, DiscordenoMessage, DiscordenoGuild, ButtonComponent, ActionRow, ButtonData, Embed, DiscordInteractionResponseTypes, // MySQL Driver deps Client, // Log4Deno deps LT, initLog, log } from "./deps.ts"; import { BuildingLFG, ActiveLFG, GuildPrefixes, GuildModRoles, GuildCleanChannels } from "./src/mod.d.ts"; import intervals from "./src/intervals.ts"; import { LFGActivities } from "./src/games.ts"; import { JoinLeaveType } from "./src/lfgHandlers.d.ts"; import { handleLFGStep, handleMemberJoin, handleMemberLeave, urlToIds } from "./src/lfgHandlers.ts"; import { constantCmds, editBtns, lfgStepQuestions } from "./src/constantCmds.ts"; import { jsonParseBig, jsonStringifyBig } from "./src/utils.ts"; import { DEBUG, LOCALMODE } from "./flags.ts"; import config from "./config.ts"; // Initialize DB client const dbClient = await new Client().connect({ hostname: LOCALMODE ? config.db.localhost :, port: config.db.port, db:, username: config.db.username, password: config.db.password }); // Initialize logging client with folder to use for logs, needs --allow-write set on Deno startup initLog("logs", DEBUG); log(LT.INFO, `${} Starting up . . .`); // Handle idling out the active builders const activeBuilders: Array = []; setInterval(() => { intervals.buildingTimeout(activeBuilders); }, 1000); const activeLFGPosts: Array = jsonParseBig(localStorage.getItem("activeLFGPosts") || "[]"); log(LT.INFO, `Loaded ${activeLFGPosts.length} activeLFGPosts`); setInterval(() => { intervals.lfgNotifier(activeLFGPosts); }, 60000); const guildPrefixes: Map = new Map(); const getGuildPrefixes = await dbClient.query("SELECT * FROM guild_prefix"); getGuildPrefixes.forEach((g: GuildPrefixes) => { guildPrefixes.set(g.guildId, g.prefix); }); const guildModRoles: Map = new Map(); const getGuildModRoles = await dbClient.query("SELECT * FROM guild_mod_role"); getGuildModRoles.forEach((g: GuildModRoles) => { guildModRoles.set(g.guildId, g.roleId); }); const cleanChannels: Map> = new Map(); const getCleanChannels = await dbClient.query("SELECT * FROM guild_clean_channel"); getCleanChannels.forEach((g: GuildCleanChannels) => { const tempArr = cleanChannels.get(g.guildId) || []; tempArr.push(g.channelId); cleanChannels.set(g.guildId, tempArr); }); const ALPHABET = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; // Start up the Discord Bot startBot({ token: LOCALMODE ? config.localtoken : config.token, intents: [Intents.GuildMessages, Intents.DirectMessages, Intents.Guilds], eventHandlers: { ready: () => { log(LT.INFO, `${} Logged in!`); editBotStatus({ activities: [{ name: "Booting up . . .", type: DiscordActivityTypes.Game, createdAt: new Date().getTime() }], status: "online" }); // Interval to rotate the status text every 30 seconds to show off more commands setInterval(async () => { log(LT.LOG, "Changing bot status"); try { const cachedCount = await cacheHandlers.size("guilds"); // Wrapped in try-catch due to hard crash possible editBotStatus({ activities: [{ name: intervals.getRandomStatus(cachedCount), type: DiscordActivityTypes.Game, createdAt: new Date().getTime() }], status: "online" }); } catch (e) { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to update status: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); } }, 30000); // Interval to update bot list stats every 24 hours LOCALMODE ? log(LT.INFO, "updateListStatistics not running") : setInterval(() => { log(LT.LOG, "Updating all bot lists statistics"); intervals.updateListStatistics(botId, cache.guilds.size); }, 86400000); // setTimeout added to make sure the startup message does not error out setTimeout(() => { LOCALMODE && editBotNickname(config.devServer, `LOCAL - ${}`); LOCALMODE ? log(LT.INFO, "updateListStatistics not running") : intervals.updateListStatistics(botId, cache.guilds.size); editBotStatus({ activities: [{ name: "Booting Complete", type: DiscordActivityTypes.Game, createdAt: new Date().getTime() }], status: "online" }); sendMessage(config.logChannel, `${} has started, running version ${config.version}.`).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); }, 1000); }, guildCreate: (guild: DiscordenoGuild) => { log(LT.LOG, `Handling joining guild ${jsonStringifyBig(guild)}`); sendMessage(config.logChannel, `New guild joined: ${} (id: ${}). This guild has ${guild.memberCount} members!`).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); }, guildDelete: async (guild: DiscordenoGuild) => { log(LT.LOG, `Handling leaving guild ${jsonStringifyBig(guild)}`); sendMessage(config.logChannel, `I have been removed from: ${} (id: ${}).`).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); try { await dbClient.execute("DELETE FROM guild_prefix WHERE guildId = ?", []); await dbClient.execute("DELETE FROM guild_mod_role WHERE guildId = ?", []); await dbClient.execute("DELETE FROM guild_clean_channel WHERE guildId = ?", []); } catch (e) { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to remove guild from DB: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); } }, debug: (dmsg: string | DebugArg, data?: string) => log(LT.LOG, `Debug Message | ${jsonStringifyBig(dmsg)} | ${jsonStringifyBig(data)}`, false), messageCreate: async (message: DiscordenoMessage) => { // Ignore all other bots if (message.isBot) return; const prefix = guildPrefixes.get(message.guildId) || config.prefix; // Handle messages not starting with the prefix if (message.content.indexOf(prefix) !== 0) { // Mentions if (message.mentionedUserIds[0] === botId && message.content.trim().startsWith(`<@!${botId}>`)) { // Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run await dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("prefix");`).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); if (message.content.trim() === `<@!${botId}>`) { message.send({ embeds: [{ title: `Hello ${message.member?.username}, and thanks for using Group Up!`, fields: [ { name: `My prefix in this guild is: \`${prefix}\``, value: "Mention me with a new prefix to change it." } ] }] }).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to send message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } else if (await hasGuildPermissions(message.guildId, message.authorId, ["ADMINISTRATOR"])) { const newPrefix = message.content.replace(`<@!${botId}>`, "").trim(); if (newPrefix.length <= 10) { let success = true; if (guildPrefixes.has(message.guildId)) { // Execute the DB update await dbClient.execute("UPDATE guild_prefix SET prefix = ? WHERE guildId = ?", [newPrefix, message.guildId]).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into database: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); success = false; }); } else { // Execute the DB insertion await dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO guild_prefix(guildId,prefix) values(?,?)", [message.guildId, newPrefix]).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into database: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); success = false; }); } if (success) { guildPrefixes.set(message.guildId, newPrefix); message.send({ embeds: [{ fields: [ { name: `My prefix in this guild is now: \`${newPrefix}\``, value: "Mention me with a new prefix to change it." } ] }] }).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to send message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } else { message.send({ embeds: [{ fields: [ { name: "Something went wrong!", value: `My prefix is still \`${prefix}\`. Please try again, and if the problem persists, please report this to the developers using \`${prefix}report\`.` } ] }] }).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to send message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } } else { message.send({ embeds: [{ fields: [ { name: "Prefix too long, please set a prefix less than 10 characters long.", value: "Mention me with a new prefix to change it." } ] }] }).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to send message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } } return; } // Other const activeIdx = activeBuilders.findIndex(x => (message.channelId === x.channelId && message.authorId === x.userId)); if (activeIdx > -1) { activeBuilders[activeIdx].lastTouch = new Date(); activeBuilders[activeIdx] = await handleLFGStep(activeBuilders[activeIdx], message.content); if (activeBuilders[activeIdx].step === "done") { if (message.member) { const memberJoined = handleMemberJoin(activeBuilders[activeIdx].lfgMsg.embeds[0].fields || [], message.member, false); const newTimestamp = new Date(parseInt(memberJoined.embed[1].value.split("#")[1])); const newLfgUid = ALPHABET[Math.floor(Math.random()*26)] + ALPHABET[Math.floor(Math.random()*26)]; const tempMembers = memberJoined.embed[4].name.split(":")[1].split("/"); const currentMembers = parseInt(tempMembers[0]); const maxMembers = parseInt(tempMembers[1]); if (activeBuilders[activeIdx].editing) { if (currentMembers > maxMembers) { const currentPeople = memberJoined.embed[4].value.split("\n"); const newAlts = currentPeople.splice(maxMembers); memberJoined.embed[4].value = currentPeople.join("\n") || "None"; memberJoined.embed[5].value = `${newAlts.join("\n")}\n${memberJoined.embed[5].value === "None" ? "" : memberJoined.embed[5].value}`; memberJoined.embed[4].name = `Members Joined: ${maxMembers}/${maxMembers}`; } } await activeBuilders[activeIdx].lfgMsg.edit({ content: "", embeds: [{ fields: memberJoined.embed, footer: { text: `Created by: ${message.member.username} | ${newLfgUid}`, }, timestamp: newTimestamp.toISOString() }], components: [ { type: 1, components: [ { type: 2, label: "Join", customId: "active@join_group", style: DiscordButtonStyles.Success }, { type: 2, label: "Leave", customId: "active@leave_group", style: DiscordButtonStyles.Danger }, { type: 2, label: "Join as Alternate", customId: "active@alternate_group", style: DiscordButtonStyles.Primary } ] } ] }).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to edit message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); if (activeBuilders[activeIdx]) { const activeLFGIdx = activeLFGPosts.findIndex(lfg => (lfg.channelId === activeBuilders[activeIdx].channelId && lfg.messageId === activeBuilders[activeIdx] && lfg.ownerId === activeBuilders[activeIdx].userId)); if (activeLFGIdx >= 0) { activeLFGPosts[activeLFGIdx].lfgUid = newLfgUid; activeLFGPosts[activeLFGIdx].lfgTime = newTimestamp.getTime(); activeLFGPosts[activeLFGIdx].notified = false; activeLFGPosts[activeLFGIdx].locked = false; } else { activeLFGPosts.push({ messageId: activeBuilders[activeIdx], channelId: activeBuilders[activeIdx].lfgMsg.channelId, ownerId: message.authorId, lfgUid: newLfgUid, lfgTime: newTimestamp.getTime(), notified: false, locked: false }); } localStorage.setItem("activeLFGPosts", jsonStringifyBig(activeLFGPosts)); } } await activeBuilders[activeIdx].questionMsg.delete().catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); activeBuilders.splice(activeIdx, 1); } await message.delete().catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); return; } // Should this get cleaned up? const enabledCleanChannels = cleanChannels.get(message.guildId); if (enabledCleanChannels && enabledCleanChannels.length && enabledCleanChannels.indexOf(message.channelId) > -1) { message.delete("Cleaning Channel").catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); return; } return; } else { // User is sending a command, make sure its a lfg command if its being sent in a clean channel const enabledCleanChannels = cleanChannels.get(message.guildId); if (enabledCleanChannels && enabledCleanChannels.length && enabledCleanChannels.indexOf(message.channelId) > -1 && message.content.indexOf(`${prefix}lfg`) !== 0) { message.delete("Cleaning Channel").catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); return; } } log(LT.LOG, `Handling message ${jsonStringifyBig(message)}`); // Split into standard command + args format const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/[ \n]+/g); const command = args.shift()?.toLowerCase(); // All commands below here // ping // Its a ping test, what else do you want. if (command === "ping") { // Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("ping");`).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); // Calculates ping between sending a message and editing it, giving a nice round-trip latency. try { const m = await message.send({ embeds: [{ title: "Ping?" }] }); m.edit({ embeds: [{ title: `Pong! Latency is ${m.timestamp - message.timestamp}ms.` }] }); } catch (e) { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); } } // lfg // Handles all LFG commands, creating, editing, deleting else if (command === "lfg") { // Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("lfg");`).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); const subcmd = (args[0] || "help").toLowerCase(); const lfgUid = (args[1] || "").toUpperCase(); // Learn how the LFG command works if (subcmd === "help" || subcmd === "h" || subcmd === "?") { message.send(constantCmds.lfgHelp).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } // Create a new LFG else if (subcmd === "create" || subcmd === "c") { try { const lfgMsg = await message.send(`Creating new LFG post for <@${message.authorId}>. Please reply with the requested information and watch as your LFG post gets created!`); const gameButtons: Array = Object.keys(LFGActivities).map(game => { return { type: 2, label: game, customId: `building@set_game#${game}`, style: DiscordButtonStyles.Primary }; }); const buttonComps: Array = []; const temp: Array = []; gameButtons.forEach((btn, idx) => { if (!temp[Math.floor(idx/5)]) { temp[Math.floor(idx/5)] = [btn]; } else { temp[Math.floor(idx/5)].push(btn); } }); temp.forEach(btns => { if (btns.length && btns.length <= 5) { buttonComps.push({ type: 1, components: btns }); } }); const question = await message.send({ content: lfgStepQuestions.set_game, components: buttonComps }); activeBuilders.push({ userId: message.authorId, channelId: message.channelId, step: "set_game", lfgMsg: lfgMsg, questionMsg: question, lastTouch: new Date(), maxIdle: 60, editing: false }); message.delete().catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } catch (e) { log(LT.WARN, `LFG failed at step | create | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); } } // Delete an existing LFG else if (subcmd === "delete" || subcmd === "d") { try { // User provided a Uid, use it if (lfgUid) { const matches = activeLFGPosts.filter(lfg => (message.authorId === lfg.ownerId && message.channelId === lfg.channelId && lfgUid === lfg.lfgUid)); // Found one, delete if (matches.length) { await deleteMessage(matches[0].channelId, matches[0].messageId, "User requested LFG to be deleted.").catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to find message to delete | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); const lfgIdx = activeLFGPosts.findIndex(lfg => (message.authorId === lfg.ownerId && message.channelId === lfg.channelId && lfgUid === lfg.lfgUid)); activeLFGPosts.splice(lfgIdx, 1); localStorage.setItem("activeLFGPosts", jsonStringifyBig(activeLFGPosts)); const m = await message.send(constantCmds.lfgDelete3); m.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } // Did not find one else { const m = await message.send(constantCmds.lfgDelete1); m.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } } // User did not provide a Uid, find it automatically else { const matches = activeLFGPosts.filter(lfg => (message.authorId === lfg.ownerId && message.channelId === lfg.channelId)); // Found one, delete if (matches.length === 1) { await deleteMessage(matches[0].channelId, matches[0].messageId, "User requested LFG to be deleted.").catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to find message to delete | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); const lfgIdx = activeLFGPosts.findIndex(lfg => (message.authorId === lfg.ownerId && message.channelId === lfg.channelId)); activeLFGPosts.splice(lfgIdx, 1); localStorage.setItem("activeLFGPosts", jsonStringifyBig(activeLFGPosts)); const m = await message.send(constantCmds.lfgDelete3); m.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } // Found multiple, notify user else if (matches.length) { const deleteMsg = constantCmds.lfgDelete2; const deepCloningFailedSoThisIsTheSolution = constantCmds.lfgDelete2.embeds[0].fields[0].value; matches.forEach(mt => { deleteMsg.embeds[0].fields[0].value += `[${mt.lfgUid}](${message.guildId}/${mt.channelId}/${mt.messageId})\n` }); deleteMsg.embeds[0].fields[0].value += "\nThis message will self descruct in 30 seconds." const m = await message.send(deleteMsg); constantCmds.lfgDelete2.embeds[0].fields[0].value = deepCloningFailedSoThisIsTheSolution; m.delete("Channel Cleanup", 30000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.delete("Channel Cleanup", 30000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } // Found none, notify user you cannot delete other's lfgs else { const m = await message.send(constantCmds.lfgDelete1); m.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } } } catch (e) { log(LT.WARN, `LFG failed at step | delete | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); } } // Edit an existing LFG else if (subcmd === "edit" || subcmd === "e") { try { // User provided a Uid, use it if (lfgUid) { const matches = activeLFGPosts.filter(lfg => (message.authorId === lfg.ownerId && message.channelId === lfg.channelId && lfgUid === lfg.lfgUid)); // Found one, edit if (matches.length) { const lfgMessage = await (await getMessage(matches[0].channelId, matches[0].messageId)).edit({ content: `Editing new LFG post for <@${matches[0].ownerId}>. Please reply with the requested information and watch as your LFG post gets edited!` }); const question = await message.send({ content: "Please select an item to edit from the buttons below:", components: [{ type: 1, components: editBtns }] }); activeBuilders.push({ userId: matches[0].ownerId, channelId: matches[0].channelId, step: "edit_btn", lfgMsg: lfgMessage, questionMsg: question, lastTouch: new Date(), maxIdle: 60, editing: true }); message.delete().catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } // Did not find one else { const m = await message.send(constantCmds.lfgEdit1); m.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } } // User did not provide a Uid, find it automatically else { const matches = activeLFGPosts.filter(lfg => (message.authorId === lfg.ownerId && message.channelId === lfg.channelId)); // Found one, edit if (matches.length === 1) { const lfgMessage = await (await getMessage(matches[0].channelId, matches[0].messageId)).edit({ content: `Editing new LFG post for <@${matches[0].ownerId}>. Please reply with the requested information and watch as your LFG post gets edited!` }); const question = await message.send({ content: "Please select an item to edit from the buttons below:", components: [{ type: 1, components: editBtns }] }); activeBuilders.push({ userId: matches[0].ownerId, channelId: matches[0].channelId, step: "edit_btn", lfgMsg: lfgMessage, questionMsg: question, lastTouch: new Date(), maxIdle: 60, editing: true }); message.delete().catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } // Found multiple, notify user else if (matches.length) { const deleteMsg = constantCmds.lfgEdit2; const deepCloningFailedSoThisIsTheSolution = constantCmds.lfgEdit2.embeds[0].fields[0].value; matches.forEach(mt => { deleteMsg.embeds[0].fields[0].value += `[${mt.lfgUid}](${message.guildId}/${mt.channelId}/${mt.messageId})\n` }); deleteMsg.embeds[0].fields[0].value += "\nThis message will self descruct in 30 seconds." const m = await message.send(deleteMsg); constantCmds.lfgEdit2.embeds[0].fields[0].value = deepCloningFailedSoThisIsTheSolution; m.delete("Channel Cleanup", 30000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.delete("Channel Cleanup", 30000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } // Found none, notify user you cannot edit other's lfgs else { const m = await message.send(constantCmds.lfgEdit1); m.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } } } catch (e) { log(LT.WARN, `LFG failed at step | edit | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); } } // Join a LFG on behalf of a user // gu!lfg join [url] [join/leave/alternate] [member?] else if (subcmd === "join" || subcmd === "leave" || subcmd === "alternate") { try { const action = subcmd; const lfgIds = urlToIds(args[1] || ""); const memberStr = args[2] || `<@${message.authorId}>`; const member = await message.guild?.members.get(BigInt(memberStr.substr(3, memberStr.length - 4))); const modRole = guildModRoles.get(message.guildId) || 0n; // Join yourself (or others if you are a guild mod) to an LFG if (lfgIds.guildId === message.guildId && member && ( === message.authorId || message.guildMember?.roles.includes(modRole))) { const lfgMessage = await getMessage(lfgIds.channelId, lfgIds.messageId); const embeds = lfgMessage.embeds[0].fields || []; let results: JoinLeaveType = { embed: [], success: false, full: true, justFilled: false }; let actionResp: string; switch (action) { case "join": results = handleMemberJoin(embeds, member, false); actionResp = "joined"; break; case "leave": results = handleMemberLeave(embeds, member); actionResp = "left"; break; case "alternate": results = handleMemberJoin(embeds, member, true); actionResp = "joined as alternate"; break; } let resp: string; if (results.success && lfgMessage.components) { const buttonRow: ActionRow = lfgMessage.components[0] as ActionRow; await lfgMessage.edit({ embeds: [{ fields: results.embed, footer: lfgMessage.embeds[0].footer, timestamp: lfgMessage.embeds[0].timestamp }], components: [buttonRow] }); if (results.justFilled) { const thisLFGPost = activeLFGPosts.filter(lfg => ( === lfg.messageId && lfgMessage.channelId === lfg.channelId))[0]; const thisLFG = (await getMessage(thisLFGPost.channelId, thisLFGPost.messageId)).embeds[0].fields || []; sendDirectMessage(thisLFGPost.ownerId, { embeds: [{ title: `Hello ${(await getUser(thisLFGPost.ownerId)).username}! Your event in ${lfgMessage.guild?.name || (await getGuild(message.guildId, {counts:false, addToCache: false})).name} has filled up!`, fields: [ thisLFG[0], { name: "Your members are:", value: thisLFG[4].value } ] }] }); } resp = `Successfully ${actionResp} LFG.`; } else { resp = `Failed to ${action} LFG.` } const m = await message.send({ embeds: [{ title: resp }] }); m.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } } catch (e) { log(LT.WARN, `Member Join/Leave/Alt command failed: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); const m = await message.send({ embeds: [{ title: "Failed to find LFG." }] }); m.delete("Channel Cleanup", ).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up joiner | joining on behalf | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up joiner | joining on behalf | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } } // Sets the mod role else if (subcmd === "set_mod_role" && (await hasGuildPermissions(message.guildId, message.authorId, ["ADMINISTRATOR"]))) { const mentionedRole = args[1] || ""; const roleId = BigInt(mentionedRole.substr(3, mentionedRole.length - 4)); if (message.guild?.roles.has(roleId)) { let success = true; if (guildModRoles.has(message.guildId)) { // Execute the DB update await dbClient.execute("UPDATE guild_mod_role SET roleId = ? WHERE guildId = ?", [roleId, message.guildId]).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into database: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); success = false; }); } else { // Execute the DB insertion await dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO guild_mod_role(guildId,roleId) values(?,?)", [message.guildId, roleId]).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into database: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); success = false; }); } if (success) { guildModRoles.set(message.guildId, roleId); message.send({ embeds: [{ fields: [ { name: "LFG Mod Role set successfully", value: `LFG Mod Role set to ${args[1]}.` } ] }] }).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to send message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } else { message.send({ embeds: [{ fields: [ { name: "Something went wrong!", value: "LFG Mod Role has been left unchanged." } ] }] }).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to send message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } } else { if (guildModRoles.has(message.guildId)) { message.send({ embeds: [{ fields: [ { name: "LFG Mod Role is currently set to:", value: `<@&${guildModRoles.get(message.guildId)}>` } ] }] }).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to send message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } else { message.send({ embeds: [{ fields: [ { name: "There is no LFG Mod Role set for this guild.", value: `To set one, run this command again with the role mentioned.\n\nExample: \`${prefix}lfg set_mod_role @newModRole\`` } ] }] }).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to send message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } } } // Sets the channel cleaning up for LFG channels to keep LFG events visible and prevent conversations else if (subcmd === "set_clean_channel" && (await hasGuildPermissions(message.guildId, message.authorId, ["ADMINISTRATOR"]))) { const cleanSetting = (args[1] || "list").toLowerCase(); let success = true; if (cleanSetting === "on") { // Execute the DB insertion await dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO guild_clean_channel(guildId,channelId) values(?,?)", [message.guildId, message.channelId]).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into database: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); success = false; }); if (success) { const tempArr = cleanChannels.get(message.guildId) || []; tempArr.push(message.channelId); cleanChannels.set(message.guildId, tempArr); const m = await message.send({ embeds: [{ fields: [ { name: "Channel Cleaning turned ON.", value: "This message will self destruct in 5 seconds." } ] }] }).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to send message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); m && m.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up | set_clean_channel | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up | set_clean_channel | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } else { message.send({ embeds: [{ fields: [ { name: "Something went wrong!", value: "Channel Clean status left off." } ] }] }).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to send message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } } else if (cleanSetting === "off") { // turns clean off for channel // Execute the DB insertion await dbClient.execute("DELETE FROM guild_clean_channel WHERE guildId = ? AND channelId = ?", [message.guildId, message.channelId]).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to delete from database: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); success = false; }); if (success) { let tempArr = cleanChannels.get(message.guildId) || []; tempArr = tempArr.filter(channelId => channelId !== message.channelId); cleanChannels.set(message.guildId, tempArr); const m = await message.send({ embeds: [{ fields: [ { name: "Channel Cleaning turned OFF.", value: "This message will self destruct in 5 seconds." } ] }] }).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to send message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); m && m.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up | set_clean_channel | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.delete("Channel Cleanup", 5000).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up | set_clean_channel | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } else { message.send({ embeds: [{ fields: [ { name: "Something went wrong!", value: "Channel Clean status left on." } ] }] }).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to send message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } } else if (cleanSetting === "list") { // send list of channels with clean on let cleanChannelStr = ""; for (const channelId of cleanChannels.get(message.guildId) || []) { cleanChannelStr += `<#${channelId}>\n`; } cleanChannelStr = cleanChannelStr.substr(0, cleanChannelStr.length - 1); const tmpEmbed: Embed = {}; if (cleanChannelStr) { tmpEmbed.fields = [ { name: "Clean Channels enabled for this guild:", value: cleanChannelStr } ] } else { tmpEmbed.title = "No Clean Channels are enabled for this guild." } await message.send({ embeds: [tmpEmbed] }).catch(e => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to send message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } } } // report or r (command that failed) // Manually report something that screwed up else if (command === "report" || command === "r") { // Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("report");`).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); sendMessage(config.reportChannel, ("USER REPORT:\n" + args.join(" "))).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.send( => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } // version or v // Returns version of the bot else if (command === "version" || command === "v") { // Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("version");`).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.send(constantCmds.version).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } // info or i // Info command, prints short desc on bot and some links else if (command === "info" || command === "i") { // Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("info");`).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.send( => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } // help or h or ? // Help command, prints available commands else if (command === "help" || command === "h" || command === "?") { // Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("help");`).catch(e => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); message.send( => { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${jsonStringifyBig(message)} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } }, interactionCreate: async (interact, member) => { try { if (interact.type === DiscordInteractionTypes.MessageComponent) { if (interact.message && && ( as ButtonData).customId && member) { log(LT.INFO, `Handling Button ${( as ButtonData).customId}`); log(LT.LOG, `Button Data | ${jsonStringifyBig(interact)}`); sendInteractionResponse(BigInt(, interact.token, { type: DiscordInteractionResponseTypes.DeferredUpdateMessage }); const [handler, stepInfo] = ( as ButtonData).customId.split("@"); const [action, value] = stepInfo.split("#"); switch (handler) { case "building": { await activeBuilders.some(async (x, i) => { if (x.channelId === BigInt(interact.channelId || "0") && member && x.userId === BigInt( { x.lastTouch = new Date(); x = await handleLFGStep(x, value); if (x.step === "done" && x.lfgMsg.components) { const currentLFG = (x.lfgMsg.embeds[0].fields || []); const newTimestamp = new Date(parseInt(currentLFG[1].value.split("#")[1])); const newLfgUid = ALPHABET[Math.floor(Math.random()*26)] + ALPHABET[Math.floor(Math.random()*26)]; const tempMembers = currentLFG[4].name.split(":")[1].split("/"); const currentMembers = parseInt(tempMembers[0]); const maxMembers = parseInt(tempMembers[1]); const buttonRow: ActionRow = x.lfgMsg.components[0] as ActionRow; if (currentMembers > maxMembers) { const currentPeople = currentLFG[4].value.split("\n"); const newAlts = currentPeople.splice(maxMembers - 1); currentLFG[4].value = currentPeople.join("\n"); currentLFG[5].value = `${newAlts.join("\n")}\n${currentLFG[5].value}`; currentLFG[4].name = `Members Joined: ${maxMembers}/${maxMembers}`; } await x.lfgMsg.edit({ content: "", embeds: [{ fields: currentLFG, footer: { text: `Created by: ${member.username} | ${newLfgUid}`, }, timestamp: newTimestamp.toISOString() }], components: [buttonRow] }); const activeIdx = activeLFGPosts.findIndex(lfg => (lfg.channelId === x.channelId && lfg.messageId === && lfg.ownerId === x.userId)); activeLFGPosts[activeIdx].lfgTime = newTimestamp.getTime(); activeLFGPosts[activeIdx].lfgUid = newLfgUid; localStorage.setItem("activeLFGPosts", jsonStringifyBig(activeLFGPosts)); await activeBuilders[i].questionMsg.delete().catch(e =>{ log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); activeBuilders.splice(i, 1); } else { activeBuilders[i] = x; } return true; } }); break; } case "active": { const message = await getMessage(BigInt(interact.channelId || "0"), BigInt(; const embeds = message.embeds[0].fields || []; let results: JoinLeaveType = { embed: [], success: false, full: true, justFilled: false }; switch (action) { case "join_group": results = handleMemberJoin(embeds, member, false); break; case "leave_group": results = handleMemberLeave(embeds, member); break; case "alternate_group": results = handleMemberJoin(embeds, member, true); break; } if (results.success && message.components) { await message.edit({ embeds: [{ fields: results.embed, footer: message.embeds[0].footer, timestamp: message.embeds[0].timestamp }], }); if (results.justFilled) { const thisLFGPost = activeLFGPosts.filter(lfg => ( === lfg.messageId && message.channelId === lfg.channelId))[0]; const thisLFG = (await getMessage(thisLFGPost.channelId, thisLFGPost.messageId)).embeds[0].fields || []; sendDirectMessage(thisLFGPost.ownerId, { embeds: [{ title: `Hello ${(await getUser(thisLFGPost.ownerId)).username}! Your event in ${message.guild?.name || (await getGuild(message.guildId, {counts:false, addToCache: false})).name} has filled up!`, fields: [ thisLFG[0], { name: "Your members are:", value: thisLFG[4].value } ] }] }); } } break; } case "editing": { await activeBuilders.some(async (x, i) => { if (x.editing && x.channelId === BigInt(interact.channelId || "0") && member && x.userId === BigInt( { x.step = action; x.lastTouch = new Date(); let nextQuestion = ""; const nextComponents: Array = []; switch (action) { case "set_game": { nextQuestion = lfgStepQuestions.set_game; const gameButtons: Array = Object.keys(LFGActivities).map(game => { return { type: 2, label: game, customId: `building@set_game#${game}`, style: DiscordButtonStyles.Primary }; }); const temp: Array = []; gameButtons.forEach((btn, idx) => { if (!temp[Math.floor(idx/5)]) { temp[Math.floor(idx/5)] = [btn]; } else { temp[Math.floor(idx/5)].push(btn); } }); temp.forEach(btns => { if (btns.length && btns.length <= 5) { nextComponents.push({ type: 1, components: btns }); } }); break; } case "set_time": { nextQuestion = "Please enter the time of the activity:"; break; } case "set_desc": { nextQuestion = "Please enter a description for the activity. Enter `none` to skip:"; break; } default: break; } x.questionMsg = await x.questionMsg.edit({ content: nextQuestion, components: nextComponents }); activeBuilders[i] = x; return true; } }); break; } default: break; } } } } catch(e) { log(LT.ERROR, `Interaction failed: ${jsonStringifyBig(interact)} | ${jsonStringifyBig(member)} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); } } } });