import config from '../../config.ts'; import { LOCALMODE } from '../../flags.ts'; import { ActivityTypes, Bot, BotWithCache, editBotMember, editBotStatus, log, LT, sendMessage } from '../../deps.ts'; import { getRandomStatus, successColor } from '../commandUtils.ts'; import utils from '../utils.ts'; export const ready = (rawBot: Bot) => { const bot = rawBot as BotWithCache; log(LT.INFO, `${} Logged in!`); editBotStatus(bot, { activities: [{ name: 'Booting up . . .', type: ActivityTypes.Game, createdAt: new Date().getTime(), }], status: 'online', }); // Interval to rotate the status text every 30 seconds to show off more commands setInterval(async () => { log(LT.LOG, 'Changing bot status'); try { // Wrapped in try-catch due to hard crash possible editBotStatus(bot, { activities: [{ name: getRandomStatus(bot.guilds.size + bot.dispatchedGuildIds.size), type: ActivityTypes.Game, createdAt: new Date().getTime(), }], status: 'online', }); } catch (e) { log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to update status: ${utils.jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); } }, 30000); // setTimeout added to make sure the startup message does not error out setTimeout(() => { LOCALMODE && editBotMember(bot, config.devServer, { nick: `LOCAL - ${}` }); editBotStatus(bot, { activities: [{ name: 'Booting Complete', type: ActivityTypes.Game, createdAt: new Date().getTime(), }], status: 'online', }); sendMessage(bot, config.logChannel, { embeds: [{ title: `${} is now Online`, color: successColor, fields: [ { name: 'Version:', value: `${config.version}`, inline: true, }, ], }], }).catch((e: Error) => utils.commonLoggers.messageSendError('ready.ts:71', 'Startup', e)); }, 1000); };