import { ApplicationCommandFlags, Bot, CreateMessage, Embed, Interaction, InteractionResponseTypes } from '../deps.ts'; import config from '../config.ts'; import { generateGuildSettingKey, lfgChannelSettings } from './db.ts'; import utils from './utils.ts'; export const failColor = 0xe71212; export const warnColor = 0xe38f28; export const successColor = 0x0f8108; export const infoColor1 = 0x313bf9; export const infoColor2 = 0x6805e9; export const safelyDismissMsg = 'You may safely dismiss this message.'; export const getRandomStatus = (guildCount: number): string => { const statuses = [ `Running V${config.version}`, `${config.prefix}info to learn more`, `Running LFGs in ${guildCount} servers`, ]; return statuses[Math.floor(Math.random() * statuses.length)]; }; export const isLFGChannel = (guildId: bigint, channelId: bigint) => { return (lfgChannelSettings.has(generateGuildSettingKey(guildId, channelId)) || channelId === 0n || guildId === 0n) ? ApplicationCommandFlags.Ephemeral : undefined; }; // Tell user to try again or report issue export const somethingWentWrong = async (bot: Bot, interaction: Interaction, errorCode: string) => bot.helpers.sendInteractionResponse(, interaction.token, { type: InteractionResponseTypes.ChannelMessageWithSource, data: { flags: ApplicationCommandFlags.Ephemeral, embeds: [{ color: failColor, title: 'Something went wrong...', description: 'You should not be able to get here. Please try again and if the issue continues, `/report` this issue to the developers with the error code below.', fields: [{ name: 'Error Code:', value: errorCode, }], }], }, }).catch((e: Error) => utils.commonLoggers.interactionSendError('commandUtils.ts@somethingWentWrong', interaction, e)); // Smack the user for trying to modify an event that isn't theirs export const stopThat = async (bot: Bot, interaction: Interaction, stopWhat: string) => bot.helpers.sendInteractionResponse(, interaction.token, { type: InteractionResponseTypes.ChannelMessageWithSource, data: { flags: ApplicationCommandFlags.Ephemeral, embeds: [{ color: warnColor, title: 'Hey! Stop that!', description: `You are neither the owner of this event nor a ${} manager in this guild, meaning you are not allowed to ${stopWhat} this event. ${safelyDismissMsg}`, }], }, }).catch((e: Error) => utils.commonLoggers.interactionSendError('commandUtils.ts@stopThat', interaction, e)); // Send DM to User export const sendDirectMessage = async (bot: Bot, userId: bigint, message: CreateMessage) => { const userDmChannel = await bot.helpers.getDmChannel(userId).catch((e: Error) => utils.commonLoggers.messageGetError('commandUtils.ts', 'get userDmChannel', e)); // Actually send the DM return bot.helpers.sendMessage(userDmChannel?.id || 0n, message); }; // Info Embed Object (for info command and @mention command) export const infoEmbed: Embed = { color: infoColor2, title: `${}, the LFG bot`, description: `${} is developed by Ean AKA Burn_E99. Want to check out my source code? Check it out [here](${config.links.sourceCode}). Need help with this bot? Join my support server [here](${config.links.supportServer}). Ran into a bug? Report it to my developers using \`/report [issue description]\`.`, footer: { text: `Current Version: ${config.version}`, }, };