import { ActionRow, ButtonComponent, DiscordButtonStyles, EmbedField, DiscordenoMember } from "../deps.ts"; import { JoinLeaveType } from "./lfgHandlers.d.ts"; import { BuildingLFG } from "./mod.d.ts"; import { LFGActivities } from "./games.ts"; import { determineTZ } from "./timeUtils.ts" export const handleLFGStep = async (wipLFG: BuildingLFG, input: string): Promise => { const currentLFG = (wipLFG.lfgMsg.embeds[0] || { fields: undefined }).fields || [ { name: ". . .", value: ". . .", inline: true }, { name: "Start Time:", value: ". . .", inline: true }, { name: "Add to Calendar:", value: "Coming Soon:tm:", inline: true }, { name: "Description:", value: ". . .", inline: false }, { name: `Members Joined: 0/?`, value: "None", inline: true }, { name: "Alternates:", value: "None", inline: true } ]; let nextQuestion = ""; const nextComponents: Array = []; let editFlag = true; switch (wipLFG.step) { case "set_game": { currentLFG[0].name = input; if (, input)) { nextQuestion = "Please select an Activity from the list below. Depending on the game selected, these may be categories you can use to drill down to a specific activity.\n\nIf your activity is not listed, please type it out:"; let tempObj = {}; Object.entries(LFGActivities).some(e => { if (e[0] === input) { tempObj = e[1]; return true; } }); const activityButtons: Array = Object.keys(tempObj).map(activity => { return { type: 2, label: activity, customId: `building@set_activity#${activity}`, style: DiscordButtonStyles.Primary }; }); const temp: Array = []; activityButtons.forEach((btn, idx) => { if (!temp[Math.floor(idx/5)]) { temp[Math.floor(idx/5)] = [btn]; } else { temp[Math.floor(idx/5)].push(btn); } }); temp.forEach(btns => { if (btns.length && btns.length <= 5) { nextComponents.push({ type: 1, components: btns }); } }); } else { nextQuestion = "Please type the activity name out:"; } wipLFG.step = "set_activity"; break; } case "set_activity": { const game = currentLFG[0].name; let tempObj; Object.entries(LFGActivities).some(e => { if (e[0] === game) { Object.entries(e[1]).some(f => { if (f[0] === input) { tempObj = f[1]; return true; } }); return true; } }); currentLFG[0].name = `${game}:`; currentLFG[0].value = input; if (typeof tempObj === "number") { // Activity currentLFG[4].name = `Members Joined: ${currentLFG[4].value === "None" ? 0 : currentLFG[4].value.split("\n").length}/${tempObj}`; nextQuestion = wipLFG.editing ? "Finalizing, please wait. . ." : "Please enter the time of the activity:"; wipLFG.step = wipLFG.editing ? "done" : "set_time"; } else if (!tempObj) { // Custom nextQuestion = "Please enter the max number of members for this activity:"; wipLFG.step = "set_player_cnt"; } else { // Category nextQuestion = "Please select an Activity from the list below.\n\nIf your activity is not listed, please type it out:"; currentLFG[0].name = game; const activityButtons: Array = Object.keys(tempObj).map(activity => { return { type: 2, label: activity, customId: `building@set_activity_from_category#${activity}`, style: DiscordButtonStyles.Primary }; }); const temp: Array = []; activityButtons.forEach((btn, idx) => { if (!temp[Math.floor(idx/5)]) { temp[Math.floor(idx/5)] = [btn]; } else { temp[Math.floor(idx/5)].push(btn); } }); temp.forEach(btns => { if (btns.length && btns.length <= 5) { nextComponents.push({ type: 1, components: btns }); } }); wipLFG.step = "set_activity_from_category"; } break; } case "set_activity_from_category": { const game = currentLFG[0].name; const category = currentLFG[0].value; let tempObj; Object.entries(LFGActivities).some(e => { if (e[0] === game) { Object.entries(e[1]).some(f => { if (f[0] === category) { Object.entries(f[1]).some(g => { if (g[0] === input) { tempObj = g[1]; return true; } }); return true; } }); return true; } }); currentLFG[0].name = `${game}:`; currentLFG[0].value = input; if (tempObj) { currentLFG[4].name = `Members Joined: ${currentLFG[4].value === "None" ? 0 : currentLFG[4].value.split("\n").length}/${tempObj}`; nextQuestion = wipLFG.editing ? "Finalizing, please wait. . ." : "Please enter the time of the activity:"; wipLFG.step = wipLFG.editing ? "done" : "set_time"; } else { nextQuestion = "Please enter the max number of members for this activity:"; wipLFG.step = "set_player_cnt"; } break; } case "set_player_cnt": { if (parseInt(input)) { currentLFG[4].name = `Members Joined: ${currentLFG[4].value === "None" ? 0 : currentLFG[4].value.split("\n").length}/${parseInt(input)}`; nextQuestion = wipLFG.editing ? "Finalizing, please wait. . ." : "Please enter the time of the activity:"; wipLFG.step = wipLFG.editing ? "done" : "set_time"; } else { editFlag = false; nextQuestion = `Input max members "${input}" is invalid, please make sure you are only entering a number.\n\nPlease enter the max number of members for this activity:` } break; } case "set_time": { const today = new Date(); let lfgDate = `${today.getMonth() + 1}/${today.getDate()}`, lfgTime = "", lfgTZ = "", lfgPeriod = ""; input.split(" ").forEach(c => { if (c.includes("/")) { lfgDate = c; } else if (c.includes(":") || parseInt(c).toString() === c) { lfgTime = c; } else if (c.toLowerCase() === "am" || c.toLowerCase() === "pm") { lfgPeriod = c.toLowerCase(); } else if (c.toLowerCase().includes("am") || c.toLowerCase().includes("pm")) { lfgTime = c.substr(0, c.length - 2); lfgPeriod = c.toLowerCase().includes("am") ? "am" : "pm"; } else { lfgTZ = determineTZ(c); } }); if (!lfgTZ) { lfgTZ = determineTZ("ET"); } if (!lfgTime.includes(":")) { lfgTime += ":00"; } if (!lfgPeriod) { lfgPeriod = parseInt(lfgTime.split(":")[0]) >= 12 ? "pm" : "am"; } lfgPeriod = lfgPeriod.toUpperCase(); lfgTZ = lfgTZ.toUpperCase(); lfgDate = `${lfgDate.split("/")[0]}/${lfgDate.split("/")[1]}/${today.getFullYear()}`; const lfgDateTime = new Date(`${lfgTime} ${lfgPeriod} ${lfgTZ} ${lfgDate}`); lfgDate = `${lfgDate.split("/")[0]}/${lfgDate.split("/")[1]}`; const lfgDateStr = `[${lfgTime} ${lfgPeriod} ${lfgTZ} ${lfgDate}](${lfgDateTime.getTime()})`; currentLFG[1].name = "Start Time (Click for Conversion):"; currentLFG[1].value = lfgDateStr; if (isNaN(lfgDateTime.getTime())) { nextQuestion = `Input time "${input}" is invalid, please make sure you have the timezone set correctly.\n\nPlease enter the time of the activity:`; editFlag = false; } else { nextQuestion = wipLFG.editing ? "Finalizing, please wait. . ." : "Please enter a description for the activity. Enter `none` to skip:"; wipLFG.step = wipLFG.editing ? "done" : "set_desc"; } break; } case "set_desc":{ if (input === "none") { input = currentLFG[0].value; } currentLFG[3].value = input; nextQuestion = "Finalizing, please wait. . ."; wipLFG.step = "done"; break; } default: break; } if (editFlag) { wipLFG.lfgMsg = await wipLFG.lfgMsg.edit({ embed: { fields: currentLFG } }); } wipLFG.questionMsg = await wipLFG.questionMsg.edit({ content: nextQuestion, components: nextComponents }); return wipLFG; }; export const handleMemberJoin = (lfg: EmbedField[], member: DiscordenoMember, alternate: boolean): JoinLeaveType => { let success = false; const userStr = `${member.username} - <@${}>`; const tempMembers = lfg[4].name.split(":")[1].split("/"); let currentMembers = parseInt(tempMembers[0]); const maxMembers = parseInt(tempMembers[1]); if (alternate && !lfg[5].value.includes( { if (lfg[4].value.includes( { const tempArr = lfg[4].value.split("\n"); const memberIdx = tempArr.findIndex(m => m.includes(; tempArr.splice(memberIdx, 1) lfg[4].value = tempArr.join("\n") || "None"; if (currentMembers) { currentMembers--; } lfg[4].name = `Members Joined: ${currentMembers}/${maxMembers}`; } if (lfg[5].value === "None") { lfg[5].value = userStr; } else { lfg[5].value += `\n${userStr}`; } success = true; } else if (!alternate &¤tMembers < maxMembers && !lfg[4].value.includes( { if (lfg[5].value.includes( { const tempArr = lfg[5].value.split("\n"); const memberIdx = tempArr.findIndex(m => m.includes(; tempArr.splice(memberIdx, 1) lfg[5].value = tempArr.join("\n") || "None"; } if (lfg[4].value === "None") { lfg[4].value = userStr; } else { lfg[4].value += `\n${userStr}`; } currentMembers++; lfg[4].name = `Members Joined: ${currentMembers}/${maxMembers}`; success = true; } return { embed: lfg, success: success, full: currentMembers === maxMembers }; }; export const handleMemberLeave = (lfg: EmbedField[], member: DiscordenoMember): JoinLeaveType => { let success = false; const memberId =; const tempMembers = lfg[4].name.split(":")[1].split("/"); let currentMembers = parseInt(tempMembers[0]); const maxMembers = parseInt(tempMembers[1]); if (lfg[4].value.includes(memberId)) { const tempArr = lfg[4].value.split("\n"); const memberIdx = tempArr.findIndex(m => m.includes(memberId)); tempArr.splice(memberIdx, 1); lfg[4].value = tempArr.join("\n") || "None"; if (currentMembers) { currentMembers--; } lfg[4].name = `Members Joined: ${currentMembers}/${maxMembers}`; success = true; } if (lfg[5].value.includes(memberId)) { const tempArr = lfg[5].value.split("\n"); const memberIdx = tempArr.findIndex(m => m.includes(memberId)); tempArr.splice(memberIdx, 1); lfg[5].value = tempArr.join("\n") || "None"; success = true; } return { embed: lfg, success: success, full: currentMembers === maxMembers }; };