import { // Discordeno deps cache, deleteMessage, getGuild, getMessage, log, // Log4Deno deps LT, sendDirectMessage, sendMessage, } from '../deps.ts'; import { jsonStringifyBig } from './utils.ts'; import { ActiveLFG, BuildingLFG } from './mod.d.ts'; import config from '../config.ts'; // getRandomStatus() returns status as string // Gets a new random status for the bot const getRandomStatus = (cachedGuilds: number): string => { let status = ''; switch (Math.floor((Math.random() * 5) + 1)) { case 1: status = `${config.prefix}help for commands`; break; case 2: status = `Running V${config.version}`; break; case 3: status = `${config.prefix}info to learn more`; break; case 4: status = 'Mention me to check my prefix!'; break; default: status = `Running LFGs in ${cachedGuilds + cache.dispatchedGuildIds.size} servers`; break; } return status; }; // updateListStatistics(bot ID, current guild count) returns nothing // Sends the current server count to all bot list sites we are listed on const updateListStatistics = (botID: BigInt, serverCount: number): void => { config.botLists.forEach(async (e) => { if (e.enabled) { log(LT.LOG, `Updating statistics for ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); try { const tempHeaders = new Headers(); tempHeaders.append(e.headers[0].header, e.headers[0].value); tempHeaders.append('Content-Type', 'application/json'); // ?{} is a template used in config, just need to replace it with the real value const response = await fetch(e.apiUrl.replace('?{bot_id}', botID.toString()), { 'method': 'POST', 'headers': tempHeaders, 'body': jsonStringifyBig(e.body).replace('"?{server_count}"', serverCount.toString()), // ?{server_count} needs the "" removed from around it aswell to make sure its sent as a number }); log(LT.INFO, `Posted server count to ${}. Results: ${jsonStringifyBig(response)}`); } catch (e) { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to post statistics to ${} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); } } }); }; const buildingTimeout = async (activeBuilders: Array): Promise => { const currentTime = new Date().getTime(); for (let i = 0; i < activeBuilders.length; i++) { if (activeBuilders[i].lastTouch.getTime() + (activeBuilders[i].maxIdle * 1000) < currentTime) { activeBuilders[i].questionMsg.delete().catch((e) => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up active builder | edit | ${activeBuilders[i].userId}-${activeBuilders[i].channelId} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); if (activeBuilders[i].editing) { activeBuilders[i].lfgMsg.edit({ content: '', }).catch((e) => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up active builder | edit | ${activeBuilders[i].userId}-${activeBuilders[i].channelId} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } else { activeBuilders[i].lfgMsg.delete().catch((e) => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up active builder | delete | ${activeBuilders[i].userId}-${activeBuilders[i].channelId} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } try { const m = await sendMessage(activeBuilders[i].channelId, `<@${activeBuilders[i].userId}>, your LFG ${activeBuilders[i].editing ? 'editing' : 'creation'} has timed out. Please try again.`); m.delete('Channel Cleanup', 30000).catch((e) => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); } catch (e) { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to clean up active builder | ${activeBuilders[i].userId}-${activeBuilders[i].channelId} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); } finally { activeBuilders.splice(i, 1); i--; } } } }; const lfgNotifier = async (activeLFGPosts: Array): Promise => { log(LT.INFO, 'Checking for LFG posts to notify/delete/lock'); const tenMin = 10 * 60 * 1000; const now = new Date().getTime(); for (let i = 0; i < activeLFGPosts.length; i++) { // Send notifications if (!activeLFGPosts[i].notified && activeLFGPosts[i].lfgTime < (now + tenMin)) { log(LT.INFO, `Notifying LFG ${activeLFGPosts[i].ownerId}-${activeLFGPosts[i].lfgUid}`); try { const message = await getMessage(activeLFGPosts[i].channelId, activeLFGPosts[i].messageId); const lfg = message.embeds[0].fields || []; const lfgActivity = `${lfg[0].name.substr(0, lfg[0].name.length - 1)} - ${lfg[0].value}`; const guildName = message.guild?.name || (await getGuild(message.guildId, { counts: false, addToCache: false })).name; const members = lfg[4].value; let editMsg = ''; members.split('\n').forEach(async (m) => { if (m !== 'None') { const [name, tmpId] = m.split(' - <@'); const userId = BigInt(tmpId.substr(0, tmpId.length - 1)); editMsg += `<@${userId}>, `; await sendDirectMessage(userId, { embeds: [{ title: `Hello ${name}! Your event in ${guildName} starts in less than 10 minutes.`, fields: [ lfg[0], { name: 'Please start grouping up with the other members of this activity:', value: members, }, ], }], }); } }); editMsg += `your ${lfgActivity} starts in less than 10 minutes.`; await message.edit({ content: editMsg, }); activeLFGPosts[i].notified = true; } catch (err) { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to find LFG ${activeLFGPosts[i].ownerId}-${activeLFGPosts[i].lfgUid} | ${jsonStringifyBig(err)}`); activeLFGPosts.splice(i, 1); i--; } } // Lock LFG from editing/Joining/Leaving else if (!activeLFGPosts[i].locked && activeLFGPosts[i].lfgTime < now) { log(LT.INFO, `Locking LFG ${activeLFGPosts[i].ownerId}-${activeLFGPosts[i].lfgUid}`); try { const message = await getMessage(activeLFGPosts[i].channelId, activeLFGPosts[i].messageId); await message.edit({ components: [], }); activeLFGPosts[i].locked = true; } catch (err) { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to find LFG ${activeLFGPosts[i].ownerId}-${activeLFGPosts[i].lfgUid} | ${jsonStringifyBig(err)}`); activeLFGPosts.splice(i, 1); i--; } } // Delete old LFG post else if (activeLFGPosts[i].lfgTime < (now - tenMin)) { log(LT.INFO, `Deleting LFG ${activeLFGPosts[i].ownerId}-${activeLFGPosts[i].lfgUid}`); await deleteMessage(activeLFGPosts[i].channelId, activeLFGPosts[i].messageId, 'LFG post expired').catch((e) => { log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete LFG ${activeLFGPosts[i].ownerId}-${activeLFGPosts[i].lfgUid} | ${jsonStringifyBig(e)}`); }); activeLFGPosts.splice(i, 1); i--; } } localStorage.setItem('activeLFGPosts', jsonStringifyBig(activeLFGPosts)); }; export default { getRandomStatus, updateListStatistics, buildingTimeout, lfgNotifier };