
16 lines
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// All external dependencies are to be loaded here to make updating dependency versions much easier
import { getBotIdFromToken } from '';
import config from './config.ts';
import { LOCALMODE } from './flags.ts';
export const botId = getBotIdFromToken(LOCALMODE ? config.localToken : config.token);
export { enableCachePlugin, enableCacheSweepers } from '';
export type { BotWithCache } from '';
export { ActivityTypes, createBot, editBotMember, editBotStatus, getBotIdFromToken, Intents, sendInteractionResponse, sendMessage, startBot } from '';
export type { ActionRow, Bot, ButtonComponent, CreateMessage, Embed, EventHandlers, Guild, Interaction, Message } from '';
export { Client } from '';
export { initLog, log, LogTypes as LT } from '';