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V1.4.0 Completed This update adds a handful of new features and readies the API for public use. Detailed changes below: config.example.ts - Bumped version, added local testing options, added prefill data, changed default logging to false, moved long strings for help and rollhelp to longStrings.ts db/initialize.ts (previously initDB.ts) - Relocated file for organization, added local options, added new command count and allowed guilds table, created stored procedure for counting commands db/populateDefaults.ts - Fills in db with default values, adding admin's api key and populating the command count table flags.ts - Centralized flags for dev/local modes longStrings.ts - Moved all long string commands to here, contains help, rollhelp, apihelp, info, and privacy commands mod.ts - Moved flags out into flags.ts, implemented local mode for development, implemented command counting for basic statistics, added info and privacy commands for user help, added more stats to the stats command, added api command, allowing users to allow or block api rolls from happening in their server, reformatted API code, using proper HTTP methods, makes sure api is allowed to roll into chosen guild, added delete endpoint to remove user's data from the database, added endpoint to allow the general public to generate their own api keys - I got bored and wrote a privacy policy, detailing how little data is collected and how the user can have their data removed - Added new commands to README, updated API documentation, added delete endpoint, updated self hosting details src/utils.ts - Bumped discordeno version www/api - Built API website www/home (previously located in www) - Moved for better organization, minor fixes, updated API details,
2021-02-12 20:26:33 -08:00
# The Artificer's Privacy Policy
## Information relating to Discord Interactions
### Public Bot Information
Publicly available versions of `The Artificer#8166` (Discord ID: `789045930011656223`) (herein referred to as _The Bot_ or _Bot_) do not track or collect user information via Discord.
V1.4.0 Completed This update adds a handful of new features and readies the API for public use. Detailed changes below: config.example.ts - Bumped version, added local testing options, added prefill data, changed default logging to false, moved long strings for help and rollhelp to longStrings.ts db/initialize.ts (previously initDB.ts) - Relocated file for organization, added local options, added new command count and allowed guilds table, created stored procedure for counting commands db/populateDefaults.ts - Fills in db with default values, adding admin's api key and populating the command count table flags.ts - Centralized flags for dev/local modes longStrings.ts - Moved all long string commands to here, contains help, rollhelp, apihelp, info, and privacy commands mod.ts - Moved flags out into flags.ts, implemented local mode for development, implemented command counting for basic statistics, added info and privacy commands for user help, added more stats to the stats command, added api command, allowing users to allow or block api rolls from happening in their server, reformatted API code, using proper HTTP methods, makes sure api is allowed to roll into chosen guild, added delete endpoint to remove user's data from the database, added endpoint to allow the general public to generate their own api keys - I got bored and wrote a privacy policy, detailing how little data is collected and how the user can have their data removed - Added new commands to README, updated API documentation, added delete endpoint, updated self hosting details src/utils.ts - Bumped discordeno version www/api - Built API website www/home (previously located in www) - Moved for better organization, minor fixes, updated API details,
2021-02-12 20:26:33 -08:00
Upon inviting _The Bot_ to a user's guild, _The Bot_ sends the guild name, Discord Guild ID, and current count of guild members to Burn_E99#1062 (herein referred to as _The Developer_) via a private Discord Guild. The guild name, Discord Guild ID, and current count of guild members are only used to roughly gage how popular _The Bot_ is and to determine if _The Bot_'s hosting solution needs to be improved. These pieces of information will never be sold or shared with anyone.
Like all Discord bots, _The Bot_ reads every message that it is allowed to, meaning if _The Bot_ is allowed to see a channel in a guild, it reads every new message sent in said channel. This is due to the way the Discord API itself is designed. _The Bot_ does not read any messages sent in the past.
* Messages that do not begin with _The Bot_'s command prefix are not saved or stored anywhere. Messages that do not begin with _The Bot_'s command prefix are ignored and not processed.
* Messages that do begin with _The Bot_'s command prefix do not log user data, and most commands to not log any data. The commands that log data are the report command (in Discord, this command is known as `[[report` or `[[r`) and the API enable/disable commands (in Discord, these commands are known as `[[api enable`, `[[api allow`, `[[api disable`, and `[[api block`).
* The report command only stores the text placed within the message that is directly after the command (herein referred to as _The Report Text_). This command is entirely optional, meaning users never need to run this command under normal usage of _The Bot_. This command is only intended to be used to report roll commands that did not output what was expected. This command will accept any value for _The Report Text_, thus it is up to the user to remove any sensitive information before sending the command. _The Report Text_ is stored in a private Discord Guild in a channel that only _The Developer_ can see. _The Report Text_ is solely used to improve _The Bot_, either by providing a feature suggestions or alerting _The Developer_ to bugs that need patched.
* The API enable/disable commands only stores the Discord Guild ID upon usage. These commands are entirely optional, meaning users never need to run this command under normal usage of _The Bot_. These commands only need to be used when the user desires to utilize the optional API. Discord Guild IDs are internal IDs generated and provided by Discord. _The Bot_ only uses the stored Discord Guild IDs to ensure that API users cannot interact with Guilds that do not allow it or to check if an API user is a member of said Guild. The Guild IDs are only visible to _The Developer_ thru direct database administration. This direct database administration is only used when there are issues with _The Bot_'s database.
All commands contribute to a global counter to track the number of times a command is used. These counters do not keep track of where commands were run, only counting the number of times the command has been called. These counters have no way of being tracked back to the individual commands run by the users.
If the Discord interaction is not explicitly mentioned above, it does not collect any information at all.
### Private Bot Information
Privately hosted versions of The Artificer (in other words, bots running The Artificer's source code, but not running under the publicly available _Bot_, `The Artificer#8166`) (herein referred to as _Rehosts_ or _Rehost_) may be running in DEVMODE, a mode that allows the _Rehost_ to log every roll command used. This mode is intended for development use only, and only allows the roll command to function in the Guild specified in `config.ts` as `config.devServer`. _The Developer_ is not responsible for _Rehosts_, thus _Rehosts_ of _The Bot_ are not recommended to be used.
All policies described in **Public Bot Information** apply to _Rehosts_.
Due to the nature of open source code, _Rehosts_ may not use the same codebase that is available in this repository. _The Developer_ does not moderate what other developers do to this codebase. This means that if you are not using the publicly available _Bot_ and instead using a _Rehost_, this _Rehost_ could collect any information it desires.
# Information relating to the Optional API Interactions
_The Bot_'s API (herein referred to as _The API_) does not automatically collect any information. Users utilizing _The API_ are required to provide a small amount of information before using _The API_.
When generating and API Key, the user must submit two pieces of information to be stored in _The Bot_'s database: their Discord User ID and an email address.
* The Discord User ID is only used to link a single API Key to a single Discord user and to authenticate the user when using _The API_. The stored User IDs are only visible to _The Developer_ thru direct database administration. This direct database administration is only used when there are issues with _The Bot_'s database.
* The user's email address is only used to send the user their generated API Key and to act as method of contact if an issue with their API Key arises. The stored email addresses will only be used for reasons relating to _The API_. The stored email addresses will never be sold or shared with anyone. The stored email addresses are only visible to _The Developer_ thru direct database administration. This direct database administration is only used when there are issues with _The Bot_'s database.
In order to use _The API_, the user must provide _The Bot_ with Discord Channel IDs. These Channel IDs are stored and used to restrict _The API_'s usage to desired Discord Channels. These Channel IDs can be viewed by the user that submitted them via _The API_. The user cannot view Channel IDs that they did not submit and link to their API Key. The stored Channel IDs are also visible to _The Developer_ thru direct database administration. This direct database administration is only used when there are issues with _The Bot_'s database.
When using _The API_'s roll endpoint (herein referred to as _The Roll Endpoint_), users acknowledge that every roll they request will be logged. _The Roll Endpoint_ specifically logs the input string (provided by the user), the result string (generated by _The Bot_ using the input string and sent to Discord in the requested channel), the creation timestamp, and the Discord Message ID of the result message sent by _The Bot_. This information stored is used only to identify and prevent API abuse. This information is only visible to _The Developer_ thru direct database administration. This direct database administration is only used when there are issues with _The Bot_'s database. This information will only be reviewed when _The Developer_ is notified of possible API abuse.
# Deleting Your Data
## API Data Deletion
If you would like to remove all of your submitted data, this can easily be done using the Delete API Key option on _The Bot_'s [API Tools]( This will delete all Discord Channel ID/Discord User ID combos that you have submitted. This will also delete your API key entry, completely removing your email address and Discord User ID from _The Bot_'s database.
If you have been banned from using _The API_, your API Key, and registration information (Discord User ID, and Email Address) will not be deleted as this data is considered necessary.
V1.4.0 Completed This update adds a handful of new features and readies the API for public use. Detailed changes below: config.example.ts - Bumped version, added local testing options, added prefill data, changed default logging to false, moved long strings for help and rollhelp to longStrings.ts db/initialize.ts (previously initDB.ts) - Relocated file for organization, added local options, added new command count and allowed guilds table, created stored procedure for counting commands db/populateDefaults.ts - Fills in db with default values, adding admin's api key and populating the command count table flags.ts - Centralized flags for dev/local modes longStrings.ts - Moved all long string commands to here, contains help, rollhelp, apihelp, info, and privacy commands mod.ts - Moved flags out into flags.ts, implemented local mode for development, implemented command counting for basic statistics, added info and privacy commands for user help, added more stats to the stats command, added api command, allowing users to allow or block api rolls from happening in their server, reformatted API code, using proper HTTP methods, makes sure api is allowed to roll into chosen guild, added delete endpoint to remove user's data from the database, added endpoint to allow the general public to generate their own api keys - I got bored and wrote a privacy policy, detailing how little data is collected and how the user can have their data removed - Added new commands to README, updated API documentation, added delete endpoint, updated self hosting details src/utils.ts - Bumped discordeno version www/api - Built API website www/home (previously located in www) - Moved for better organization, minor fixes, updated API details,
2021-02-12 20:26:33 -08:00
If you would like your Discord Guild ID to be removed from _The Bot_'s database, a Guild Owner or Administrator needs to run `[[api delete`. This will remove your Discord Guild's ID from _The Bot_'s database, reverting it back to the default setting of blocking _The API_.
If your guild has been banned from using _The API_, the Discord Guild ID will not be deleted as this data is considered necessary.
The data described above is considered necessary to prevent users from abusing the API and ban evading by deleting and recreating their account.
V1.4.0 Completed This update adds a handful of new features and readies the API for public use. Detailed changes below: config.example.ts - Bumped version, added local testing options, added prefill data, changed default logging to false, moved long strings for help and rollhelp to longStrings.ts db/initialize.ts (previously initDB.ts) - Relocated file for organization, added local options, added new command count and allowed guilds table, created stored procedure for counting commands db/populateDefaults.ts - Fills in db with default values, adding admin's api key and populating the command count table flags.ts - Centralized flags for dev/local modes longStrings.ts - Moved all long string commands to here, contains help, rollhelp, apihelp, info, and privacy commands mod.ts - Moved flags out into flags.ts, implemented local mode for development, implemented command counting for basic statistics, added info and privacy commands for user help, added more stats to the stats command, added api command, allowing users to allow or block api rolls from happening in their server, reformatted API code, using proper HTTP methods, makes sure api is allowed to roll into chosen guild, added delete endpoint to remove user's data from the database, added endpoint to allow the general public to generate their own api keys - I got bored and wrote a privacy policy, detailing how little data is collected and how the user can have their data removed - Added new commands to README, updated API documentation, added delete endpoint, updated self hosting details src/utils.ts - Bumped discordeno version www/api - Built API website www/home (previously located in www) - Moved for better organization, minor fixes, updated API details,
2021-02-12 20:26:33 -08:00
## Discord Command Data Deletion
If you would like to ensure that all of your submitted reports are removed from _The Bot_'s private development server, please contact _The Developer_ via Discord (by sending a direct message to Burn_E99#1062) or via email (<>) with a message along the lines of `"Please remove all of my submitted reports from your development server."`. Submitted reports are deleted from the server as they are processed, which happens roughly once a week, but this can be accelerated if requested.