Roll command now utilizes embeds, count decorator (-c) complete, added [[api h shorthand
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export const api = async (message: DiscordenoMessage, args: string[]) => {
if (await hasGuildPermissions(message.authorId, message.guildId, ['ADMINISTRATOR'])) {
// [[api help
// Shows API help details
if (apiArg === 'help') {
if (apiArg === 'help' || apiArg === 'h') {
} // [[api allow/block
// Lets a guild admin allow or ban API rolls from happening in said guild
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ import {
} from '../../deps.ts';
import solver from '../solver/_index.ts';
import { constantCmds, generateDMFailed } from '../constantCmds.ts';
import { SolvedRoll } from '../solver/solver.d.ts';
import { constantCmds, generateCountDetailsEmbed, generateDMFailed, generateRollEmbed } from '../constantCmds.ts';
import rollFuncs from './roll/_index.ts';
export const roll = async (message: DiscordenoMessage, args: string[], command: string) => {
@ -31,11 +32,15 @@ export const roll = async (message: DiscordenoMessage, args: string[], command:
try {
const originalCommand = `${config.prefix}${command} ${args.join(' ')}`;
const m = await message.send(constantCmds.rolling);
const m = await message.reply(constantCmds.rolling);
// Get modifiers from command
const modifiers = rollFuncs.getModifiers(m, args, command, originalCommand);
// gmModifiers used to create gmEmbed (basically just turn off the gmRoll)
const gmModifiers = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(modifiers));
gmModifiers.gmRoll = false;
// Return early if the modifiers were invalid
if (!modifiers.valid) {
@ -43,111 +48,58 @@ export const roll = async (message: DiscordenoMessage, args: string[], command:
// Rejoin all of the args and send it into the solver, if solver returns a falsy item, an error object will be substituded in
const rollCmd = `${command} ${args.join(' ')}`;
const returnmsg = solver.parseRoll(rollCmd, modifiers) || { error: true, errorCode: 'EmptyMessage', errorMsg: 'Error: Empty message', line1: '', line2: '', line3: '' };
const returnmsg = solver.parseRoll(rollCmd, modifiers) || <SolvedRoll> { error: true, errorCode: 'EmptyMessage', errorMsg: 'Error: Empty message' };
let returnText = '';
const pubEmbedDetails = await generateRollEmbed(message.authorId, returnmsg, modifiers);
const gmEmbedDetails = await generateRollEmbed(message.authorId, returnmsg, gmModifiers);
const countEmbed = generateCountDetailsEmbed(returnmsg.counts);
// If there was an error, report it to the user in hopes that they can determine what they did wrong
if (returnmsg.error) {
returnText = returnmsg.errorMsg;
m.edit({embeds: [pubEmbedDetails.embed]});
if (DEVMODE && config.logRolls) {
// If enabled, log rolls so we can verify the bots math
// If enabled, log rolls so we can see what went wrong
dbClient.execute(queries.insertRollLogCmd(0, 1), [originalCommand, returnmsg.errorCode,]).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into DB: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else {
// Else format the output using details from the solver
returnText = `<@${message.authorId}>${returnmsg.line1}\n${returnmsg.line2}`;
// Determine if we are to send a GM roll or a normal roll
if (modifiers.gmRoll) {
// Send the public embed to correct channel
m.edit({embeds: [pubEmbedDetails.embed]});
if (!modifiers.superNoDetails) {
if (modifiers.noDetails) {
returnText += '\nDetails suppressed by -nd flag.';
} else {
returnText += `\nDetails:\n${modifiers.spoiler}${returnmsg.line3}${modifiers.spoiler}`;
// If the roll was a GM roll, send DMs to all the GMs
if (modifiers.gmRoll) {
// Make a new return line to be sent to the roller
const normalText = `<@${message.authorId}>${returnmsg.line1}\nResults have been messaged to the following GMs: ${modifiers.gms.join(' ')}`;
// And message the full details to each of the GMs, alerting roller of every GM that could not be messaged
modifiers.gms.forEach(async (e) => {
log(LT.LOG, `Messaging GM ${e}`);
// If its too big, collapse it into a .txt file and send that instead.
const b = await new Blob([returnText as BlobPart], { 'type': 'text' });
if (b.size > 8388290) {
// Update return text
// todo: embedify
returnText =
`<@${message.authorId}>${returnmsg.line1}\n${returnmsg.line2}\nFull details could not be attached to this messaged as a \`.txt\` file as the file would be too large for Discord to handle. If you would like to see the details of rolls, please send the rolls in multiple messages instead of bundled into one.`;
// Attempt to DM the GMs and send a warning if it could not DM a GM
await sendDirectMessage(BigInt(e.substring(2, e.length - 1)), returnText).catch(() => {
// And message the full details to each of the GMs, alerting roller of every GM that could not be messaged
modifiers.gms.forEach(async (gm) => {
log(LT.LOG, `Messaging GM ${gm}`);
// Attempt to DM the GM and send a warning if it could not DM a GM
await sendDirectMessage(BigInt(gm.substring(2, gm.length - 1)), {
embeds: modifiers.count ? [gmEmbedDetails.embed, countEmbed] : [gmEmbedDetails.embed],
}).then(async () => {
// Check if we need to attach a file and send it after the initial details sent
if (gmEmbedDetails.hasAttachment) {
await sendDirectMessage(BigInt(gm.substring(2, gm.length - 1)), {
file: gmEmbedDetails.attachment,
}).catch(() => {
}).catch(() => {
} else {
// Update return
// todo: embedify
returnText = `<@${message.authorId}>${returnmsg.line1}\n${returnmsg.line2}\nFull details have been attached to this messaged as a \`.txt\` file for verification purposes.`;
// Attempt to DM the GMs and send a warning if it could not DM a GM
await sendDirectMessage(BigInt(e.substring(2, e.length - 1)), { 'content': returnText, 'file': { 'blob': b, 'name': 'rollDetails.txt' } }).catch(() => {
// Finally send the text
if (DEVMODE && config.logRolls) {
// If enabled, log rolls so we can verify the bots math
dbClient.execute(queries.insertRollLogCmd(0, 0), [originalCommand, returnText,]).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into DB: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else {
// When not a GM roll, make sure the message is not too big
if (returnText.length > 2000) {
// If its too big, collapse it into a .txt file and send that instead.
const b = await new Blob([returnText as BlobPart], { 'type': 'text' });
if (b.size > 8388290) {
// Update return text
returnText =
`<@${message.authorId}>${returnmsg.line1}\n${returnmsg.line2}\nDetails have been ommitted from this message for being over 2000 characters. Full details could not be attached to this messaged as a \`.txt\` file as the file would be too large for Discord to handle. If you would like to see the details of rolls, please send the rolls in multiple messages instead of bundled into one.`;
// Send the results
} else {
// Update return text
returnText =
`<@${message.authorId}>${returnmsg.line1}\n${returnmsg.line2}\nDetails have been ommitted from this message for being over 2000 characters. Full details have been attached to this messaged as a \`.txt\` file for verification purposes.`;
// Remove the original message to send new one with attachment
// todo: embedify
await message.send({ 'content': returnText, 'file': { 'blob': b, 'name': 'rollDetails.txt' } });
} else {
// Finally send the text
if (DEVMODE && config.logRolls) {
// If enabled, log rolls so we can verify the bots math
dbClient.execute(queries.insertRollLogCmd(0, 0), [originalCommand, returnText,]).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into DB: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// Not a gm roll, so just send normal embed to correct channel
await m.edit({
embeds: modifiers.count ? [pubEmbedDetails.embed, countEmbed] : [pubEmbedDetails.embed],
if (pubEmbedDetails.hasAttachment) {
// Attachment requires you to send a new message
file: pubEmbedDetails.attachment,
} catch (e) {
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import config from '../config.ts';
import { CountDetails } from './solver/solver.d.ts';
import { DiscordenoMessage } from '../deps.ts';
import { CountDetails, SolvedRoll } from './solver/solver.d.ts';
import { RollModifiers } from './mod.d.ts';
const failColor = 0xe71212;
const warnColor = 0xe38f28;
@ -625,41 +627,144 @@ export const generateRollError = (errorType: string, errorMsg: string) => ({
export const generateCountDetails = (counts: CountDetails) => ({
embeds: [{
color: infoColor1,
title: 'Roll Count Details:',
fields: [
name: 'Total Rolls:',
details: `${}`,
inline: true,
name: 'Successful Rolls:',
details: `${counts.successful}`,
inline: true,
name: 'Failed Rolls:',
details: `${counts.failed}`,
inline: true,
name: 'Rerolled Dice:',
details: `${counts.rerolled}`,
inline: true,
name: 'Dropped Dice:',
details: `${counts.dropped}`,
inline: true,
name: 'Exploded Dice:',
details: `${counts.exploded}`,
inline: true,
export const generateCountDetailsEmbed = (counts: CountDetails) => ({
color: infoColor1,
title: 'Roll Count Details:',
fields: [
name: 'Total Rolls:',
value: `${}`,
inline: true,
name: 'Successful Rolls:',
value: `${counts.successful}`,
inline: true,
name: 'Failed Rolls:',
value: `${counts.failed}`,
inline: true,
name: 'Rerolled Dice:',
value: `${counts.rerolled}`,
inline: true,
name: 'Dropped Dice:',
value: `${counts.dropped}`,
inline: true,
name: 'Exploded Dice:',
value: `${counts.exploded}`,
inline: true,
export const generateRollEmbed = async (authorId: bigint, returnDetails: SolvedRoll, modifiers: RollModifiers) => {
if (returnDetails.error) {
// Roll had an error, send error embed
return {
embed: {
color: failColor,
title: 'Roll failed:',
description: `${returnDetails.errorMsg}`,
hasAttachment: false,
attachment: {
'blob': await new Blob(['' as BlobPart], { 'type': 'text'}),
'name': 'rollDetails.txt',
} else {
if (modifiers.gmRoll) {
// Roll is a GM Roll, send this in the pub channel (this funciton will be ran again to get details for the GMs)
return {
embed: {
color: infoColor2,
description: `<@${authorId}>${returnDetails.line1}
Results have been messaged to the following GMs: ${modifiers.gms.join(' ')}`,
hasAttachment: false,
attachment: {
'blob': await new Blob(['' as BlobPart], { 'type': 'text'}),
'name': 'rollDetails.txt',
} else {
// Roll is normal, make normal embed
const line2Details = returnDetails.line2.split(': ');
let details = '';
if (!modifiers.superNoDetails) {
if (modifiers.noDetails) {
details = `**Details:**
Suppressed by -nd flag`;
} else {
details = `**Details:**
const baseDesc = `<@${authorId}>${returnDetails.line1}
${line2Details.join(': ')}`;
if (baseDesc.length + details.length < 4090) {
return {
embed: {
color: infoColor2,
description: `${baseDesc}
hasAttachment: false,
attachment: {
'blob': await new Blob(['' as BlobPart], { 'type': 'text'}),
'name': 'rollDetails.txt',
} else {
// If its too big, collapse it into a .txt file and send that instead.
const b = await new Blob([`${baseDesc}\n\n${details}` as BlobPart], { 'type': 'text' });
details = 'Details have been ommitted from this message for being over 2000 characters.';
if (b.size > 8388290) {
details +=
'Full details could not be attached to this messaged as a \`.txt\` file as the file would be too large for Discord to handle. If you would like to see the details of rolls, please send the rolls in multiple messages instead of bundled into one.';
return {
embed: {
color: infoColor2,
description: `${baseDesc}
hasAttachment: false,
attachment: {
'blob': await new Blob(['' as BlobPart], { 'type': 'text'}),
'name': 'rollDetails.txt',
} else {
details += 'Full details have been attached to this messaged as a \`.txt\` file for verification purposes.';
return {
embed: {
color: infoColor2,
description: `${baseDesc}
hasAttachment: true,
attachment: {
'blob': b,
'name': 'rollDetails.txt',
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import { CountDetails, RollSet } from './solver.d.ts';
export const rollCounter = (rollSet: RollSet[]): CountDetails => {
const countDetails = {
total: 0,
successful: 0,
failed: 0,
rerolled: 0,
dropped: 0,
exploded: 0,
rollSet.forEach((roll) => {
if (roll.critHit) countDetails.successful++;
if (roll.critFail) countDetails.failed++;
if (roll.rerolled) countDetails.rerolled++;
if (roll.dropped) countDetails.dropped++;
if (roll.exploding) countDetails.exploded++;
return countDetails;
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import {
import config from '../../config.ts';
import { RollModifiers } from '../mod.d.ts';
import { ReturnData, SolvedRoll, SolvedStep } from './solver.d.ts';
import { CountDetails, ReturnData, SolvedRoll, SolvedStep } from './solver.d.ts';
import { compareTotalRolls, escapeCharacters } from './rollUtils.ts';
import { formatRoll } from './rollFormatter.ts';
import { fullSolver } from './solver.ts';
@ -15,13 +15,8 @@ import { fullSolver } from './solver.ts';
// parseRoll(fullCmd, modifiers)
// parseRoll handles converting fullCmd into a computer readable format for processing, and finally executes the solving
export const parseRoll = (fullCmd: string, modifiers: RollModifiers): SolvedRoll => {
const returnmsg = {
const returnmsg = <SolvedRoll> {
error: false,
errorMsg: '',
errorCode: '',
line1: '',
line2: '',
line3: '',
// Whole function lives in a try-catch to allow safe throwing of errors on purpose
@ -30,6 +25,7 @@ export const parseRoll = (fullCmd: string, modifiers: RollModifiers): SolvedRoll
const sepRolls = fullCmd.split(config.prefix);
const tempReturnData: ReturnData[] = [];
const tempCountDetails: CountDetails[] = [];
// Loop thru all roll/math ops
for (const sepRoll of sepRolls) {
@ -68,7 +64,9 @@ export const parseRoll = (fullCmd: string, modifiers: RollModifiers): SolvedRoll
mathConf[i] = parseFloat(mathConf[i].toString());
} else if (/([0123456789])/g.test(mathConf[i].toString())) {
// If there is a number somewhere in mathconf[i] but there are also other characters preventing it from parsing correctly as a number, it should be a dice roll, parse it as such (if it for some reason is not a dice roll, formatRoll/roll will handle it)
mathConf[i] = formatRoll(mathConf[i].toString(), modifiers.maxRoll, modifiers.nominalRoll);
const formattedRoll = formatRoll(mathConf[i].toString(), modifiers.maxRoll, modifiers.nominalRoll);
mathConf[i] = formattedRoll.solvedStep;
} else if (mathConf[i].toString().toLowerCase() === 'e') {
// If the operand is the constant e, create a SolvedStep for it
mathConf[i] = {
@ -77,7 +75,7 @@ export const parseRoll = (fullCmd: string, modifiers: RollModifiers): SolvedRoll
containsCrit: false,
containsFail: false,
} else if (mathConf[i].toString().toLowerCase() === 'pi' || mathConf[i].toString().toLowerCase() == '𝜋') {
} else if (mathConf[i].toString().toLowerCase() === 'pi' || mathConf[i].toString().toLowerCase() === '𝜋') {
// If the operand is the constant pi, create a SolvedStep for it
mathConf[i] = {
total: Math.PI,
@ -190,6 +188,16 @@ export const parseRoll = (fullCmd: string, modifiers: RollModifiers): SolvedRoll
returnmsg.line1 = line1;
returnmsg.line2 = line2;
returnmsg.line3 = line3;
// Reduce counts to a single object
returnmsg.counts = tempCountDetails.reduce((acc, cnt) => ({
total: +,
successful: acc.successful + cnt.successful,
failed: acc.failed + cnt.failed,
rerolled: acc.rerolled + cnt.rerolled,
dropped: acc.dropped + cnt.dropped,
exploded: acc.exploded + cnt.exploded,
} catch (solverError) {
// Welp, the unthinkable happened, we hit an error
@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ import {
} from '../../deps.ts';
import { roll } from './roller.ts';
import { SolvedStep } from './solver.d.ts';
import { rollCounter } from './counter.ts';
import { RollFormat } from './solver.d.ts';
// formatRoll(rollConf, maximiseRoll, nominalRoll) returns one SolvedStep
// formatRoll handles creating and formatting the completed rolls into the SolvedStep format
export const formatRoll = (rollConf: string, maximiseRoll: boolean, nominalRoll: boolean): SolvedStep => {
export const formatRoll = (rollConf: string, maximiseRoll: boolean, nominalRoll: boolean): RollFormat => {
let tempTotal = 0;
let tempDetails = '[';
let tempCrit = false;
@ -59,9 +60,12 @@ export const formatRoll = (rollConf: string, maximiseRoll: boolean, nominalRoll:
tempDetails += ']';
return {
total: tempTotal,
details: tempDetails,
containsCrit: tempCrit,
containsFail: tempFail,
solvedStep: {
total: tempTotal,
details: tempDetails,
containsCrit: tempCrit,
containsFail: tempFail,
countDetails: rollCounter(tempRollSet),
@ -29,16 +29,6 @@ export type ReturnData = {
initConfig: string;
// SolvedRoll is the complete solved and formatted roll, or the error said roll created
export type SolvedRoll = {
error: boolean;
errorMsg: string;
errorCode: string;
line1: string;
line2: string;
line3: string;
// CountDetails is the object holding the count data for creating the Count Embed
export type CountDetails = {
total: number;
@ -48,3 +38,20 @@ export type CountDetails = {
dropped: number;
exploded: number;
// RollFormat is the return structure for the rollFormatter
export type RollFormat = {
solvedStep: SolvedStep;
countDetails: CountDetails;
// SolvedRoll is the complete solved and formatted roll, or the error said roll created
export type SolvedRoll = {
error: boolean;
errorMsg: string;
errorCode: string;
line1: string;
line2: string;
line3: string;
counts: CountDetails;
Reference in New Issue