V1.4.2 - Code Rework + minor bugfixes
.gitignore - added new logs folder for future feature config.example.ts, README.md, *index.html - version bumped deps.ts - moved all remote dependencies to this file to make version updating easier db/* - changed deps to new format longStrings.ts, README.md - fixed typo mod.ts - changed deps to new format, implemented error catching for editBotStatus, moved api to separate file api.ts - pulled api code to this file for better organization intervals.ts - new utility file for functions that will be called after bot boots (and that continue to be called on a specified interval mod.d.ts - documentation added solver.ts - newline utils.ts - updated deps to new format
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# The Artificer - A Dice Rolling Discord Bot
Version 1.4.1 - 2021/02/13
Version 1.4.2 - 2021/02/14
The Artificer is a Discord bot that specializes in rolling dice. The bot utilizes the compact [Roll20 formatting](https://roll20.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037773133-Dice-Reference) for ease of use and will correctly perform any needed math on the roll (limited to basic algebra).
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ The Artificer comes with a few supplemental commands to the main rolling command
| csq or cs=q | Optional | Yes | changes crit score to q |
| cs<q | Optional | Yes | changes crit score to be less than or equal to q |
| cs>q | Optional | Yes | changes crit score to be greater than or equal to q |
| cfq or cs=q | Optional | Yes | changes crit fail to q |
| cfq or cf=q | Optional | Yes | changes crit fail to q |
| cf<q | Optional | Yes | changes crit fail to be less than or equal to q |
| cf>q | Optional | Yes | changes crit fail to be greater than or equal to q |
| ! | Optional | No | exploding, rolls another dy for every crit roll |
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
export const config = {
"name": "The Artificer", // Name of the bot
"version": "1.4.1", // Version of the bot
"version": "1.4.2", // Version of the bot
"token": "the_bot_token", // Discord API Token for this bot
"localtoken": "local_testing_token", // Discord API Token for a secondary OPTIONAL testing bot, THIS MUST BE DIFFERENT FROM "token"
"prefix": "[[", // Prefix for all commands
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
// This file will create all tables for the artificer schema
import { Client } from "https://deno.land/x/mysql/mod.ts";
import {
// MySQL deps
} from "../deps.ts";
import { LOCALMODE } from "../flags.ts";
import config from "../config.ts";
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
// This file will populate the tables with default values
import { Client } from "https://deno.land/x/mysql/mod.ts";
import {
// MySQL deps
} from "../deps.ts";
import { LOCALMODE } from "../flags.ts";
import config from "../config.ts";
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// All external dependancies are to be loaded here to make updating dependancy versions much easier
export {
startBot, editBotsStatus,
Intents, StatusTypes, ActivityType,
sendMessage, sendDirectMessage,
} from "https://deno.land/x/discordeno@10.3.0/mod.ts";
export type {
CacheData, Message, Guild, MessageContent
} from "https://deno.land/x/discordeno@10.3.0/mod.ts";
export { Client } from "https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.7.0/mod.ts";
export { serve } from "https://deno.land/std@0.83.0/http/server.ts";
export { Status, STATUS_TEXT } from "https://deno.land/std@0.83.0/http/http_status.ts";
export { nanoid } from "https://deno.land/x/nanoid@v3.0.0/mod.ts";
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ export const longStrs = {
"* csq or cs=q [OPT] - changes crit score to q",
"* cs<q [OPT] - changes crit score to be less than or equal to q",
"* cs>q [OPT] - changes crit score to be greater than or equal to q ",
"* cfq or cs=q [OPT] - changes crit fail to q",
"* cfq or cf=q [OPT] - changes crit fail to q",
"* cf<q [OPT] - changes crit fail to be less than or equal to q",
"* cf>q [OPT] - changes crit fail to be greater than or equal to q",
"* ! [OPT] - exploding, rolls another dy for every crit roll",
@ -5,21 +5,19 @@
import {
// Discordeno deps
startBot, editBotsStatus,
Intents, StatusTypes, ActivityType,
Message, Guild, sendMessage, sendDirectMessage,
} from "https://deno.land/x/discordeno@10.3.0/mod.ts";
import { serve } from "https://deno.land/std@0.83.0/http/server.ts";
import { Status, STATUS_TEXT } from "https://deno.land/std@0.83.0/http/http_status.ts";
import { Client } from "https://deno.land/x/mysql@v2.7.0/mod.ts";
import { nanoid } from "https://deno.land/x/nanoid@v3.0.0/mod.ts";
// MySQL Driver deps
} from "./deps.ts";
import api from "./src/api.ts";
import intervals from "./src/intervals.ts";
import utils from "./src/utils.ts";
import solver from "./src/solver.ts";
@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ const dbClient = await new Client().connect({
port: config.db.port,
db: config.db.name,
username: config.db.username,
password: config.db.password,
password: config.db.password
// Start up the Discord Bot
@ -45,14 +43,21 @@ startBot({
eventHandlers: {
ready: () => {
console.log(`${config.name} Logged in!`);
let statusIdx = 0;
const statusRotation =[`${config.prefix}help for commands`, `Running V${config.version}`, `${config.prefix}info to learn more`, `Rolling dice for ${cache.guilds.size} servers`];
editBotsStatus(StatusTypes.Online, "Booting up . . .", ActivityType.Game);
// Interval to rotate the status text every 30 seconds to show off more commands
setInterval(() => {
editBotsStatus(StatusTypes.Online, statusRotation[statusIdx], ActivityType.Game);
statusIdx >= statusRotation.length ? statusIdx = 0 : statusIdx++;
try {
// Wrapped in try-catch due to hard crash possible
editBotsStatus(StatusTypes.Online, intervals.getRandomStatus(cache), ActivityType.Game);
} catch (err) {
console.error("Failed to update status 00", err);
}, 30000);
// setTimeout added to make sure the startup message does not error out
setTimeout(() => {
editBotsStatus(StatusTypes.Online, `Boot Complete`, ActivityType.Game);
sendMessage(config.logChannel, `${config.name} has started, running version ${config.version}.`).catch(() => {
console.error("Failed to send message 00");
@ -583,715 +588,5 @@ if (DEBUG) {
// Start up the API for rolling from third party apps (like excel macros)
if (config.api.enable) {
const server = serve({ hostname: "", port: config.api.port });
console.log(`HTTP api running at: http://localhost:${config.api.port}/`);
// rateLimitTime holds all users with the last time they started a rate limit timer
const rateLimitTime = new Map<string, number>();
// rateLimitCnt holds the number of times the user has called the api in the current rate limit timer
const rateLimitCnt = new Map<string, number>();
// Catching every request made to the server
for await (const request of server) {
// Check if user is authenticated to be using this API
let authenticated = false;
let rateLimited = false;
let updateRateLimitTime = false;
let apiUserid = 0n;
let apiUseridStr = "";
let apiUserEmail = "";
let apiUserDelCode = "";
// Check the requests API key
if (request.headers.has("X-Api-Key")) {
// Get the userid and flags for the specific key
const dbApiQuery = await dbClient.query("SELECT userid, email, deleteCode FROM all_keys WHERE apiKey = ? AND active = 1 AND banned = 0", [request.headers.get("X-Api-Key")]);
// If only one user returned, is not banned, and is currently active, mark as authenticated
if (dbApiQuery.length === 1) {
apiUserid = BigInt(dbApiQuery[0].userid);
apiUserEmail = dbApiQuery[0].email;
apiUserDelCode = dbApiQuery[0].deleteCode;
authenticated = true;
// Rate limiting inits
apiUseridStr = apiUserid.toString();
const apiTimeNow = new Date().getTime();
// Check if user has sent a request recently
if (rateLimitTime.has(apiUseridStr) && (((rateLimitTime.get(apiUseridStr) || 0) + config.api.rateLimitTime) > apiTimeNow)) {
// Get current count
const currentCnt = rateLimitCnt.get(apiUseridStr) || 0;
if (currentCnt < config.api.rateLimitCnt) {
// Limit not yet exceeded, update count
rateLimitCnt.set(apiUseridStr, (currentCnt + 1));
} else {
// Limit exceeded, prevent API use
rateLimited = true;
} else {
// Update the maps
updateRateLimitTime = true;
rateLimitCnt.set(apiUseridStr, 1);
if (authenticated && !rateLimited) {
// Get path and query as a string
const [path, tempQ] = request.url.split("?");
// Turn the query into a map (if it exists)
const query = new Map<string, string>();
if (tempQ !== undefined) {
tempQ.split("&").forEach(e => {
const [option, params] = e.split("=");
query.set(option.toLowerCase(), params);
// Handle the request
switch (request.method) {
case "GET":
switch (path.toLowerCase()) {
case "/api/key":
case "/api/key/":
if ((query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("a") && ((query.get("a") || "").length > 0))) {
if (apiUserid === config.api.admin && apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("a"))) {
// Generate new secure key
const newKey = await nanoid(25);
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let erroredOut = false;
// Insert new key/user pair into the db
await dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO all_keys(userid,apiKey) values(?,?)", [apiUserid, newKey]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 20");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
// Exit this case now if catch errored
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: JSON.stringify({ "key": newKey, "userid": query.get("user") }) });
} else {
// Only allow the db admin to use this API
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
case "/api/channel":
case "/api/channel/":
if (query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0)) {
if (apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("user"))) {
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let erroredOut = false;
// Get all channels userid has authorized
const dbAllowedChannelQuery = await dbClient.query("SELECT * FROM allowed_channels WHERE userid = ?", [apiUserid]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to query database 22");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Customized strinification to handle BigInts correctly
const returnChannels = JSON.stringify(dbAllowedChannelQuery, (_key, value) => (typeof value === 'bigint' ? value.toString() : value));
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: returnChannels });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
case "/api/roll":
case "/api/roll/":
// Make sure query contains all the needed parts
if ((query.has("rollstr") && ((query.get("rollstr") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("channel") && ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0))) {
if (query.has("n") && query.has("m")) {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Check if user is authenticated to use this endpoint
let authorized = false;
// Check if the db has the requested userid/channelid combo, and that the requested userid matches the userid linked with the api key
const dbChannelQuery = await dbClient.query("SELECT active, banned FROM allowed_channels WHERE userid = ? AND channelid = ?", [apiUserid, BigInt(query.get("channel"))]);
if (dbChannelQuery.length === 1 && (apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("user"))) && dbChannelQuery[0].active && !dbChannelQuery[0].banned) {
// Get the guild from the channel and make sure user is in said guild
const guild = cache.channels.get(query.get("channel") || "")?.guild;
if (guild && guild.members.get(query.get("user") || "")?.id) {
const dbGuildQuery = await dbClient.query("SELECT active, banned FROM allowed_guilds WHERE guildid = ?", [BigInt(guild.id)]);
// Make sure guild allows API rolls
if (dbGuildQuery.length === 1 && dbGuildQuery[0].active && !dbGuildQuery[0].banned) {
authorized = true;
if (authorized) {
// Rest of this command is in a try-catch to protect all sends/edits from erroring out
try {
// Flag to tell if roll was completely successful
let errorOut = false;
// Make sure rollCmd is not undefined
let rollCmd = query.get("rollstr") || "";
const originalCommand = query.get("rollstr");
if (rollCmd.length === 0) {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Always log API rolls for abuse detection
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,1,1)", [originalCommand, "EmptyInput", null]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 10", e);
if (query.has("o") && (query.get("o")?.toLowerCase() !== "d" && query.get("o")?.toLowerCase() !== "a")) {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Always log API rolls for abuse detection
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,1,1)", [originalCommand, "BadOrder", null]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 10", e);
// Clip off the leading prefix. API calls must be formatted with a prefix at the start to match how commands are sent in Discord
rollCmd = rollCmd.substr(rollCmd.indexOf(config.prefix) + 2).replace(/%20/g, " ");
// Parse the roll and get the return text
const returnmsg = solver.parseRoll(rollCmd, config.prefix, config.postfix, query.has("m"), query.has("n"), query.has("o") ? (query.get("o")?.toLowerCase() || "") : "");
// Alert users why this message just appeared and how they can report abues pf this feature
const apiPrefix = "The following roll was conducted using my built in API. If someone in this channel did not request this roll, please report API abuse here: <" + config.api.supportURL + ">\n\n";
let m, returnText = "";
// Handle sending the error message to whoever called the api
if (returnmsg.error) {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: returnmsg.errorMsg });
// Always log API rolls for abuse detection
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,1,1)", [originalCommand, returnmsg.errorCode, null]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 11", e);
} else {
returnText = apiPrefix + "<@" + query.get("user") + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\n" + returnmsg.line2;
let spoilerTxt = "";
// Determine if spoiler flag was on
if (query.has("s")) {
spoilerTxt = "||";
// Determine if no details flag was on
if (query.has("nd")) {
returnText += "\nDetails suppressed by nd query.";
} else {
returnText += "\nDetails:\n" + spoilerTxt + returnmsg.line3 + spoilerTxt;
// If the roll was a GM roll, send DMs to all the GMs
if (query.has("gms")) {
// Get all the GM user IDs from the query
const gms = (query.get("gms") || "").split(",");
if (gms.length === 0) {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Always log API rolls for abuse detection
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,1,1)", [originalCommand, "NoGMsSent", null]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 12", e);
// Make a new return line to be sent to the roller
let normalText = apiPrefix + "<@" + query.get("user") + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\nResults have been messaged to the following GMs: ";
gms.forEach(e => {
normalText += "<@" + e + "> ";
// Send the return message as a DM or normal message depening on if the channel is set
if ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0) {
m = await sendMessage(query.get("channel") || "", normalText).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 00 failed to send." });
errorOut = true;
} else {
m = await sendDirectMessage(query.get("user") || "", normalText).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 01 failed to send." });
errorOut = true;
// And message the full details to each of the GMs, alerting roller of every GM that could not be messaged
gms.forEach(async e => {
// If its too big, collapse it into a .txt file and send that instead.
const b = await new Blob([returnText as BlobPart], { "type": "text" });
// Update return text
returnText = apiPrefix + "<@" + query.get("user") + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\n" + returnmsg.line2 + "\nFull details have been attached to this messaged as a `.txt` file for verification purposes.";
// Attempt to DM the GMs and send a warning if it could not DM a GM
await sendDirectMessage(e, { "content": returnText, "file": { "blob": b, "name": "rollDetails.txt" } }).catch(async () => {
const failedSend = "WARNING: <@" + e + "> could not be messaged. If this issue persists, make sure direct messages are allowed from this server."
// Send the return message as a DM or normal message depening on if the channel is set
if ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0) {
m = await sendMessage(query.get("channel") || "", failedSend).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 10 failed to send." });
errorOut = true;
} else {
m = await sendDirectMessage(query.get("user") || "", failedSend).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 11 failed to send." });
errorOut = true;
// Always log API rolls for abuse detection
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,1,0)", [originalCommand, returnText, ((typeof m === "object") ? m.id : null)]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 13", e);
// Handle closing the request out
if (errorOut) {
} else {
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: normalText });
} else {
const newMessage: MessageContent = {};
newMessage.content = returnText;
// When not a GM roll, make sure the message is not too big
if (returnText.length > 2000) {
// If its too big, collapse it into a .txt file and send that instead.
const b = await new Blob([returnText as BlobPart], { "type": "text" });
// Update return text
returnText = "<@" + query.get("user") + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\n" + returnmsg.line2 + "\nDetails have been ommitted from this message for being over 2000 characters. Full details have been attached to this messaged as a `.txt` file for verification purposes.";
// Set info into the newMessage
newMessage.content = returnText;
newMessage.file = { "blob": b, "name": "rollDetails.txt" };
// Send the return message as a DM or normal message depening on if the channel is set
if ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0) {
m = await sendMessage(query.get("channel") || "", newMessage).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 20 failed to send." });
errorOut = true;
} else {
m = await sendDirectMessage(query.get("user") || "", newMessage).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 21 failed to send." });
errorOut = true;
// If enabled, log rolls so we can verify the bots math
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,1,0)", [originalCommand, returnText, ((typeof m === "object") ? m.id : null)]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 14", e);
// Handle closing the request out
if (errorOut) {
} else {
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: returnText });
} catch (err) {
// Handle any errors we missed
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.NotFound, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.NotFound) });
case "POST":
switch (path.toLowerCase()) {
case "/api/channel/add":
case "/api/channel/add/":
if ((query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("channel") && ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0))) {
if (apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("user"))) {
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let erroredOut = false;
// Insert new user/channel pair into the db
await dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO allowed_channels(userid,channelid) values(?,?)", [apiUserid, BigInt(query.get("channel"))]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 21");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
// Exit this case now if catch errored
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.OK) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.NotFound, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.NotFound) });
case "PUT":
switch (path.toLowerCase()) {
case "/api/key/ban":
case "/api/key/ban/":
case "/api/key/unban":
case "/api/key/unban/":
case "/api/key/activate":
case "/api/key/activate/":
case "/api/key/deactivate":
case "/api/key/deactivate/":
if ((query.has("a") && ((query.get("a") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0))) {
if (apiUserid === config.api.admin && apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("a"))) {
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let key, value, erroredOut = false;
// Determine key to edit
if (path.toLowerCase().indexOf("ban") > 0) {
key = "banned";
} else {
key = "active";
// Determine value to set
if (path.toLowerCase().indexOf("de") > 0 || path.toLowerCase().indexOf("un") > 0) {
value = 0;
} else {
value = 1;
// Execute the DB modification
await dbClient.execute("UPDATE all_keys SET ?? = ? WHERE userid = ?", [key, value, apiUserid]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to update database 28");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
// Exit this case now if catch errored
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.OK) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
case "/api/channel/ban":
case "/api/channel/ban/":
case "/api/channel/unban":
case "/api/channel/unban/":
if ((query.has("a") && ((query.get("a") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("channel") && ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0))) {
if (apiUserid === config.api.admin && apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("a"))) {
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let value, erroredOut = false;
// Determine value to set
if (path.toLowerCase().indexOf("un") > 0) {
value = 0;
} else {
value = 1;
// Execute the DB modification
await dbClient.execute("UPDATE allowed_channels SET banned = ? WHERE userid = ? AND channelid = ?", [value, apiUserid, BigInt(query.get("channel"))]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to update database 24");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
// Exit this case now if catch errored
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.OK) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
case "/api/channel/activate":
case "/api/channel/activate/":
case "/api/channel/deactivate":
case "/api/channel/deactivate/":
if ((query.has("channel") && ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0))) {
if (apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("user"))) {
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let value, erroredOut = false;
// Determine value to set
if (path.toLowerCase().indexOf("de") > 0) {
value = 0;
} else {
value = 1;
// Update the requested entry
await dbClient.execute("UPDATE allowed_channels SET active = ? WHERE userid = ? AND channelid = ?", [value, apiUserid, BigInt(query.get("channel"))]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to update database 26");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
// Exit this case now if catch errored
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.OK) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.NotFound, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.NotFound) });
case "DELETE":
switch (path.toLowerCase()) {
case "/api/key/delete":
case "/api/key/delete/":
if (query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0) && query.has("email") && ((query.get("email") || "").length > 0)) {
if (apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("user")) && apiUserEmail === query.get("email")) {
if (query.has("code") && ((query.get("code") || "").length > 0)) {
if ((query.get("code") || "") === apiUserDelCode) {
// User has recieved their delete code and we need to delete the account now
let erroredOut = false;
await dbClient.execute("DELETE FROM allowed_channels WHERE userid = ?", [apiUserid]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to delete from database 2A");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
if (erroredOut) {
await dbClient.execute("DELETE FROM all_keys WHERE userid = ?", [apiUserid]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to delete from database 2B");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.OK) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// User does not have their delete code yet, so we need to generate one and email it to them
const deleteCode = await nanoid(10);
let erroredOut = false;
// Execute the DB modification
await dbClient.execute("UPDATE all_keys SET deleteCode = ? WHERE userid = ?", [deleteCode, apiUserid]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to update database 29");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
if (erroredOut) {
// "Send" the email
await sendMessage(config.api.email, `<@${config.api.admin}> A USER HAS REQUESTED A DELETE CODE\n\nEmail Address: ${apiUserEmail}\n\nSubject: \`Artificer API Delete Code\`\n\n\`\`\`Hello Artificer API User,\n\nI am sorry to see you go. If you would like, please respond to this email detailing what I could have done better.\n\nAs requested, here is your delete code: ${deleteCode}\n\nSorry to see you go,\nThe Artificer Developer - Ean Milligan\`\`\``).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 30 failed to send." });
erroredOut = true;
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.FailedDependency, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.FailedDependency) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.NotFound, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.NotFound) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.MethodNotAllowed, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.MethodNotAllowed) });
if (updateRateLimitTime) {
const apiTimeNow = new Date().getTime();
rateLimitTime.set(apiUseridStr, apiTimeNow);
} else if (!authenticated && !rateLimited) {
// Get path and query as a string
const [path, tempQ] = request.url.split("?");
// Turn the query into a map (if it exists)
const query = new Map<string, string>();
if (tempQ !== undefined) {
tempQ.split("&").forEach(e => {
const [option, params] = e.split("=");
query.set(option.toLowerCase(), params);
// Handle the request
switch (request.method) {
case "GET":
switch (path.toLowerCase()) {
case "/api/key":
case "/api/key/":
if ((query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("email") && ((query.get("email") || "").length > 0))) {
// Generate new secure key
const newKey = await nanoid(25);
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let erroredOut = false;
// Insert new key/user pair into the db
await dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO all_keys(userid,apiKey,email) values(?,?,?)", [BigInt(query.get("user")), newKey, (query.get("email") || "").toLowerCase()]).catch(e => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 20");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
// Exit this case now if catch errored
if (erroredOut) {
// "Send" the email
await sendMessage(config.api.email, `<@${config.api.admin}> A USER HAS REQUESTED AN API KEY\n\nEmail Address: ${query.get("email")}\n\nSubject: \`Artificer API Key\`\n\n\`\`\`Hello Artificer API User,\n\nWelcome aboard The Artificer's API. You can find full details about the API on the GitHub: https://github.com/Burn-E99/TheArtificer\n\nYour API Key is: ${newKey}\n\nGuard this well, as there is zero tolerance for API abuse.\n\nWelcome aboard,\nThe Artificer Developer - Ean Milligan\`\`\``).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 31 failed to send." });
erroredOut = true;
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.OK) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.NotFound, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.NotFound) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.MethodNotAllowed, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.MethodNotAllowed) });
} else if (authenticated && rateLimited) {
// Alert API user that they are doing this too often
request.respond({ status: Status.TooManyRequests, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.TooManyRequests) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
api.start(dbClient, cache, sendMessage, sendDirectMessage);
@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
/* The Artificer was built in memory of Babka
* With love, Ean
* December 21, 2020
import {
// Discordeno deps
CacheData, Message, MessageContent,
// MySQL Driver deps
// httpd deps
// nanoid deps
} from "../deps.ts";
import solver from "./solver.ts";
import config from "../config.ts";
// start(databaseClient, botCache, sendMessage, sendDirectMessage) returns nothing
// start initializes and runs the entire API for the bot
const start = async (dbClient: Client, cache: CacheData, sendMessage: (c: string, m: (string | MessageContent)) => Promise<Message>, sendDirectMessage: (c: string, m: (string | MessageContent)) => Promise<Message>): Promise<void> => {
const server = serve({ hostname: "", port: config.api.port });
console.log(`HTTP api running at: http://localhost:${config.api.port}/`);
// rateLimitTime holds all users with the last time they started a rate limit timer
const rateLimitTime = new Map<string, number>();
// rateLimitCnt holds the number of times the user has called the api in the current rate limit timer
const rateLimitCnt = new Map<string, number>();
// Catching every request made to the server
for await (const request of server) {
// Check if user is authenticated to be using this API
let authenticated = false;
let rateLimited = false;
let updateRateLimitTime = false;
let apiUserid = 0n;
let apiUseridStr = "";
let apiUserEmail = "";
let apiUserDelCode = "";
// Check the requests API key
if (request.headers.has("X-Api-Key")) {
// Get the userid and flags for the specific key
const dbApiQuery = await dbClient.query("SELECT userid, email, deleteCode FROM all_keys WHERE apiKey = ? AND active = 1 AND banned = 0", [request.headers.get("X-Api-Key")]);
// If only one user returned, is not banned, and is currently active, mark as authenticated
if (dbApiQuery.length === 1) {
apiUserid = BigInt(dbApiQuery[0].userid);
apiUserEmail = dbApiQuery[0].email;
apiUserDelCode = dbApiQuery[0].deleteCode;
authenticated = true;
// Rate limiting inits
apiUseridStr = apiUserid.toString();
const apiTimeNow = new Date().getTime();
// Check if user has sent a request recently
if (rateLimitTime.has(apiUseridStr) && (((rateLimitTime.get(apiUseridStr) || 0) + config.api.rateLimitTime) > apiTimeNow)) {
// Get current count
const currentCnt = rateLimitCnt.get(apiUseridStr) || 0;
if (currentCnt < config.api.rateLimitCnt) {
// Limit not yet exceeded, update count
rateLimitCnt.set(apiUseridStr, (currentCnt + 1));
} else {
// Limit exceeded, prevent API use
rateLimited = true;
} else {
// Update the maps
updateRateLimitTime = true;
rateLimitCnt.set(apiUseridStr, 1);
if (authenticated && !rateLimited) {
// Get path and query as a string
const [path, tempQ] = request.url.split("?");
// Turn the query into a map (if it exists)
const query = new Map<string, string>();
if (tempQ !== undefined) {
tempQ.split("&").forEach(e => {
const [option, params] = e.split("=");
query.set(option.toLowerCase(), params);
// Handle the request
switch (request.method) {
case "GET":
switch (path.toLowerCase()) {
case "/api/key":
case "/api/key/":
if ((query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("a") && ((query.get("a") || "").length > 0))) {
if (apiUserid === config.api.admin && apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("a"))) {
// Generate new secure key
const newKey = await nanoid(25);
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let erroredOut = false;
// Insert new key/user pair into the db
await dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO all_keys(userid,apiKey) values(?,?)", [apiUserid, newKey]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 20");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
// Exit this case now if catch errored
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: JSON.stringify({ "key": newKey, "userid": query.get("user") }) });
} else {
// Only allow the db admin to use this API
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
case "/api/channel":
case "/api/channel/":
if (query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0)) {
if (apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("user"))) {
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let erroredOut = false;
// Get all channels userid has authorized
const dbAllowedChannelQuery = await dbClient.query("SELECT * FROM allowed_channels WHERE userid = ?", [apiUserid]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to query database 22");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Customized strinification to handle BigInts correctly
const returnChannels = JSON.stringify(dbAllowedChannelQuery, (_key, value) => (typeof value === 'bigint' ? value.toString() : value));
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: returnChannels });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
case "/api/roll":
case "/api/roll/":
// Make sure query contains all the needed parts
if ((query.has("rollstr") && ((query.get("rollstr") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("channel") && ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0))) {
if (query.has("n") && query.has("m")) {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Check if user is authenticated to use this endpoint
let authorized = false;
// Check if the db has the requested userid/channelid combo, and that the requested userid matches the userid linked with the api key
const dbChannelQuery = await dbClient.query("SELECT active, banned FROM allowed_channels WHERE userid = ? AND channelid = ?", [apiUserid, BigInt(query.get("channel"))]);
if (dbChannelQuery.length === 1 && (apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("user"))) && dbChannelQuery[0].active && !dbChannelQuery[0].banned) {
// Get the guild from the channel and make sure user is in said guild
const guild = cache.channels.get(query.get("channel") || "")?.guild;
if (guild && guild.members.get(query.get("user") || "")?.id) {
const dbGuildQuery = await dbClient.query("SELECT active, banned FROM allowed_guilds WHERE guildid = ?", [BigInt(guild.id)]);
// Make sure guild allows API rolls
if (dbGuildQuery.length === 1 && dbGuildQuery[0].active && !dbGuildQuery[0].banned) {
authorized = true;
if (authorized) {
// Rest of this command is in a try-catch to protect all sends/edits from erroring out
try {
// Flag to tell if roll was completely successful
let errorOut = false;
// Make sure rollCmd is not undefined
let rollCmd = query.get("rollstr") || "";
const originalCommand = query.get("rollstr");
if (rollCmd.length === 0) {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Always log API rolls for abuse detection
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,1,1)", [originalCommand, "EmptyInput", null]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 10");
if (query.has("o") && (query.get("o")?.toLowerCase() !== "d" && query.get("o")?.toLowerCase() !== "a")) {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Always log API rolls for abuse detection
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,1,1)", [originalCommand, "BadOrder", null]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 10");
// Clip off the leading prefix. API calls must be formatted with a prefix at the start to match how commands are sent in Discord
rollCmd = rollCmd.substr(rollCmd.indexOf(config.prefix) + 2).replace(/%20/g, " ");
// Parse the roll and get the return text
const returnmsg = solver.parseRoll(rollCmd, config.prefix, config.postfix, query.has("m"), query.has("n"), query.has("o") ? (query.get("o")?.toLowerCase() || "") : "");
// Alert users why this message just appeared and how they can report abues pf this feature
const apiPrefix = "The following roll was conducted using my built in API. If someone in this channel did not request this roll, please report API abuse here: <" + config.api.supportURL + ">\n\n";
let m, returnText = "";
// Handle sending the error message to whoever called the api
if (returnmsg.error) {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: returnmsg.errorMsg });
// Always log API rolls for abuse detection
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,1,1)", [originalCommand, returnmsg.errorCode, null]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 11");
} else {
returnText = apiPrefix + "<@" + query.get("user") + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\n" + returnmsg.line2;
let spoilerTxt = "";
// Determine if spoiler flag was on
if (query.has("s")) {
spoilerTxt = "||";
// Determine if no details flag was on
if (query.has("nd")) {
returnText += "\nDetails suppressed by nd query.";
} else {
returnText += "\nDetails:\n" + spoilerTxt + returnmsg.line3 + spoilerTxt;
// If the roll was a GM roll, send DMs to all the GMs
if (query.has("gms")) {
// Get all the GM user IDs from the query
const gms = (query.get("gms") || "").split(",");
if (gms.length === 0) {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Always log API rolls for abuse detection
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,1,1)", [originalCommand, "NoGMsSent", null]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 12");
// Make a new return line to be sent to the roller
let normalText = apiPrefix + "<@" + query.get("user") + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\nResults have been messaged to the following GMs: ";
gms.forEach(e => {
normalText += "<@" + e + "> ";
// Send the return message as a DM or normal message depening on if the channel is set
if ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0) {
m = await sendMessage(query.get("channel") || "", normalText).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 00 failed to send." });
errorOut = true;
} else {
m = await sendDirectMessage(query.get("user") || "", normalText).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 01 failed to send." });
errorOut = true;
// And message the full details to each of the GMs, alerting roller of every GM that could not be messaged
gms.forEach(async e => {
// If its too big, collapse it into a .txt file and send that instead.
const b = await new Blob([returnText as BlobPart], { "type": "text" });
// Update return text
returnText = apiPrefix + "<@" + query.get("user") + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\n" + returnmsg.line2 + "\nFull details have been attached to this messaged as a `.txt` file for verification purposes.";
// Attempt to DM the GMs and send a warning if it could not DM a GM
await sendDirectMessage(e, { "content": returnText, "file": { "blob": b, "name": "rollDetails.txt" } }).catch(async () => {
const failedSend = "WARNING: <@" + e + "> could not be messaged. If this issue persists, make sure direct messages are allowed from this server."
// Send the return message as a DM or normal message depening on if the channel is set
if ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0) {
m = await sendMessage(query.get("channel") || "", failedSend).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 10 failed to send." });
errorOut = true;
} else {
m = await sendDirectMessage(query.get("user") || "", failedSend).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 11 failed to send." });
errorOut = true;
// Always log API rolls for abuse detection
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,1,0)", [originalCommand, returnText, ((typeof m === "object") ? m.id : null)]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 13");
// Handle closing the request out
if (errorOut) {
} else {
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: normalText });
} else {
const newMessage: MessageContent = {};
newMessage.content = returnText;
// When not a GM roll, make sure the message is not too big
if (returnText.length > 2000) {
// If its too big, collapse it into a .txt file and send that instead.
const b = await new Blob([returnText as BlobPart], { "type": "text" });
// Update return text
returnText = "<@" + query.get("user") + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\n" + returnmsg.line2 + "\nDetails have been ommitted from this message for being over 2000 characters. Full details have been attached to this messaged as a `.txt` file for verification purposes.";
// Set info into the newMessage
newMessage.content = returnText;
newMessage.file = { "blob": b, "name": "rollDetails.txt" };
// Send the return message as a DM or normal message depening on if the channel is set
if ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0) {
m = await sendMessage(query.get("channel") || "", newMessage).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 20 failed to send." });
errorOut = true;
} else {
m = await sendDirectMessage(query.get("user") || "", newMessage).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 21 failed to send." });
errorOut = true;
// If enabled, log rolls so we can verify the bots math
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,1,0)", [originalCommand, returnText, ((typeof m === "object") ? m.id : null)]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 14");
// Handle closing the request out
if (errorOut) {
} else {
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: returnText });
} catch (err) {
// Handle any errors we missed
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.NotFound, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.NotFound) });
case "POST":
switch (path.toLowerCase()) {
case "/api/channel/add":
case "/api/channel/add/":
if ((query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("channel") && ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0))) {
if (apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("user"))) {
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let erroredOut = false;
// Insert new user/channel pair into the db
await dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO allowed_channels(userid,channelid) values(?,?)", [apiUserid, BigInt(query.get("channel"))]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 21");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
// Exit this case now if catch errored
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.OK) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.NotFound, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.NotFound) });
case "PUT":
switch (path.toLowerCase()) {
case "/api/key/ban":
case "/api/key/ban/":
case "/api/key/unban":
case "/api/key/unban/":
case "/api/key/activate":
case "/api/key/activate/":
case "/api/key/deactivate":
case "/api/key/deactivate/":
if ((query.has("a") && ((query.get("a") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0))) {
if (apiUserid === config.api.admin && apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("a"))) {
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let key, value, erroredOut = false;
// Determine key to edit
if (path.toLowerCase().indexOf("ban") > 0) {
key = "banned";
} else {
key = "active";
// Determine value to set
if (path.toLowerCase().indexOf("de") > 0 || path.toLowerCase().indexOf("un") > 0) {
value = 0;
} else {
value = 1;
// Execute the DB modification
await dbClient.execute("UPDATE all_keys SET ?? = ? WHERE userid = ?", [key, value, apiUserid]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to update database 28");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
// Exit this case now if catch errored
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.OK) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
case "/api/channel/ban":
case "/api/channel/ban/":
case "/api/channel/unban":
case "/api/channel/unban/":
if ((query.has("a") && ((query.get("a") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("channel") && ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0))) {
if (apiUserid === config.api.admin && apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("a"))) {
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let value, erroredOut = false;
// Determine value to set
if (path.toLowerCase().indexOf("un") > 0) {
value = 0;
} else {
value = 1;
// Execute the DB modification
await dbClient.execute("UPDATE allowed_channels SET banned = ? WHERE userid = ? AND channelid = ?", [value, apiUserid, BigInt(query.get("channel"))]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to update database 24");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
// Exit this case now if catch errored
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.OK) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
case "/api/channel/activate":
case "/api/channel/activate/":
case "/api/channel/deactivate":
case "/api/channel/deactivate/":
if ((query.has("channel") && ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0))) {
if (apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("user"))) {
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let value, erroredOut = false;
// Determine value to set
if (path.toLowerCase().indexOf("de") > 0) {
value = 0;
} else {
value = 1;
// Update the requested entry
await dbClient.execute("UPDATE allowed_channels SET active = ? WHERE userid = ? AND channelid = ?", [value, apiUserid, BigInt(query.get("channel"))]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to update database 26");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
// Exit this case now if catch errored
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.OK) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.NotFound, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.NotFound) });
case "DELETE":
switch (path.toLowerCase()) {
case "/api/key/delete":
case "/api/key/delete/":
if (query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0) && query.has("email") && ((query.get("email") || "").length > 0)) {
if (apiUserid === BigInt(query.get("user")) && apiUserEmail === query.get("email")) {
if (query.has("code") && ((query.get("code") || "").length > 0)) {
if ((query.get("code") || "") === apiUserDelCode) {
// User has recieved their delete code and we need to delete the account now
let erroredOut = false;
await dbClient.execute("DELETE FROM allowed_channels WHERE userid = ?", [apiUserid]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to delete from database 2A");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
if (erroredOut) {
await dbClient.execute("DELETE FROM all_keys WHERE userid = ?", [apiUserid]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to delete from database 2B");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.OK) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// User does not have their delete code yet, so we need to generate one and email it to them
const deleteCode = await nanoid(10);
let erroredOut = false;
// Execute the DB modification
await dbClient.execute("UPDATE all_keys SET deleteCode = ? WHERE userid = ?", [deleteCode, apiUserid]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to update database 29");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
if (erroredOut) {
// "Send" the email
await sendMessage(config.api.email, `<@${config.api.admin}> A USER HAS REQUESTED A DELETE CODE\n\nEmail Address: ${apiUserEmail}\n\nSubject: \`Artificer API Delete Code\`\n\n\`\`\`Hello Artificer API User,\n\nI am sorry to see you go. If you would like, please respond to this email detailing what I could have done better.\n\nAs requested, here is your delete code: ${deleteCode}\n\nSorry to see you go,\nThe Artificer Developer - Ean Milligan\`\`\``).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 30 failed to send." });
erroredOut = true;
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.FailedDependency, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.FailedDependency) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.NotFound, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.NotFound) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.MethodNotAllowed, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.MethodNotAllowed) });
if (updateRateLimitTime) {
const apiTimeNow = new Date().getTime();
rateLimitTime.set(apiUseridStr, apiTimeNow);
} else if (!authenticated && !rateLimited) {
// Get path and query as a string
const [path, tempQ] = request.url.split("?");
// Turn the query into a map (if it exists)
const query = new Map<string, string>();
if (tempQ !== undefined) {
tempQ.split("&").forEach(e => {
const [option, params] = e.split("=");
query.set(option.toLowerCase(), params);
// Handle the request
switch (request.method) {
case "GET":
switch (path.toLowerCase()) {
case "/api/key":
case "/api/key/":
if ((query.has("user") && ((query.get("user") || "").length > 0)) && (query.has("email") && ((query.get("email") || "").length > 0))) {
// Generate new secure key
const newKey = await nanoid(25);
// Flag to see if there is an error inside the catch
let erroredOut = false;
// Insert new key/user pair into the db
await dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO all_keys(userid,apiKey,email) values(?,?,?)", [BigInt(query.get("user")), newKey, (query.get("email") || "").toLowerCase()]).catch(() => {
console.log("Failed to insert into database 20");
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) });
erroredOut = true;
// Exit this case now if catch errored
if (erroredOut) {
// "Send" the email
await sendMessage(config.api.email, `<@${config.api.admin}> A USER HAS REQUESTED AN API KEY\n\nEmail Address: ${query.get("email")}\n\nSubject: \`Artificer API Key\`\n\n\`\`\`Hello Artificer API User,\n\nWelcome aboard The Artificer's API. You can find full details about the API on the GitHub: https://github.com/Burn-E99/TheArtificer\n\nYour API Key is: ${newKey}\n\nGuard this well, as there is zero tolerance for API abuse.\n\nWelcome aboard,\nThe Artificer Developer - Ean Milligan\`\`\``).catch(() => {
request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 31 failed to send." });
erroredOut = true;
if (erroredOut) {
} else {
// Send API key as response
request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.OK) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.NotFound, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.NotFound) });
// Alert API user that they messed up
request.respond({ status: Status.MethodNotAllowed, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.MethodNotAllowed) });
} else if (authenticated && rateLimited) {
// Alert API user that they are doing this too often
request.respond({ status: Status.TooManyRequests, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.TooManyRequests) });
} else {
// Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this
request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) });
export default { start };
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
/* The Artificer was built in memory of Babka
* With love, Ean
* December 21, 2020
import {
// Discordeno deps
} from "../deps.ts";
import config from "../config.ts";
// getRandomStatus(bot cache) returns status as string
// Gets a new random status for the bot
const getRandomStatus = (cache: CacheData): string => {
let status = "";
switch (Math.floor((Math.random() * 4) + 1)) {
case 1:
status = `${config.prefix}help for commands`;
case 2:
status = `Running V${config.version}`;
case 3:
status = `${config.prefix}info to learn more`;
status = `Rolling dice for ${cache.guilds.size} servers`;
return status;
export default { getRandomStatus };
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// mod.d.ts custom types
// EmojiConf is used as a structure for the emojis stored in config.ts
export type EmojiConf = {
"name": string,
"aliases": Array<string>,
@ -1001,4 +1001,4 @@ const parseRoll = (fullCmd: string, localPrefix: string, localPostfix: string, m
return returnmsg;
export default { parseRoll };
export default { parseRoll };
@ -4,7 +4,10 @@
* December 21, 2020
import { Message, MessageContent } from "https://deno.land/x/discordeno@10.3.0/mod.ts";
import {
// Discordeno deps
Message, MessageContent
} from "../deps.ts";
// split2k(longMessage) returns shortMessage[]
// split2k takes a long string in and cuts it into shorter strings to be sent in Discord
@ -140,4 +143,6 @@ const sendIndirectMessage = async (originalMessage: Message, messageContent: (st
// Write logging function with trace and whatnot for errors and necessary messages to log, log bot state in server to determine if user is at fault or if I am at fault (maybe message user if its their fault?)
export default { split2k, cmdPrompt, sendIndirectMessage };
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
Built by <a href="https://github.com/Burn-E99/" target="_blank">Ean Milligan</a>
<div id="footer-right">
Version 1.4.1
Version 1.4.2
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
Built by <a href="https://github.com/Burn-E99/" target="_blank">Ean Milligan</a>
<div id="footer-right">
Version 1.4.1
Version 1.4.2
Reference in New Issue