/* The Artificer was built in memory of Babka * With love, Ean * * December 21, 2020 */ import { // Discordeno deps sendMessage, // nanoid deps nanoid } from "../deps.ts"; import { DEBUG } from "../flags.ts"; import { LogTypes } from "./utils.enums.ts"; // Constant initialized at runtime for consistent file names let startDate: string; let logFolder: string; let initialized = false; // ask(prompt) returns string // ask prompts the user at command line for message const ask = async (question: string, stdin = Deno.stdin, stdout = Deno.stdout): Promise => { const buf = new Uint8Array(1024); // Write question to console await stdout.write(new TextEncoder().encode(question)); // Read console's input into answer const n = await stdin.read(buf); const answer = new TextDecoder().decode(buf.subarray(0, n)); return answer.trim(); }; // cmdPrompt(logChannel, botName) returns nothing // cmdPrompt creates an interactive CLI for the bot, commands can vary const cmdPrompt = async (logChannel: bigint, botName: string): Promise => { let done = false; while (!done) { // Get a command and its args const fullCmd = await ask("cmd> "); // Split the args off of the command and prep the command const args = fullCmd.split(" "); const command = args.shift()?.toLowerCase(); // All commands below here // exit or e // Fully closes the bot if (command === "exit" || command === "e") { console.log(`${botName} Shutting down.\n\nGoodbye.`); done = true; Deno.exit(0); } // stop // Closes the CLI only, leaving the bot running truly headless else if (command === "stop") { console.log(`Closing ${botName} CLI. Bot will continue to run.\n\nGoodbye.`); done = true; } // m [channel] [message] // Sends [message] to specified [channel] else if (command === "m") { try { const channelId = args.shift() || ""; const message = args.join(" "); sendMessage(BigInt(channelId), message).catch(reason => { console.error(reason); }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } // ml [message] // Sends a message to the specified log channel else if (command === "ml") { const message = args.join(" "); sendMessage(logChannel, message).catch(reason => { console.error(reason); }); } // help or h // Shows a basic help menu else if (command === "help" || command === "h") { console.log(`${botName} CLI Help:\n\nAvailable Commands:\n exit - closes bot\n stop - closes the CLI\n m [ChannelID] [messgae] - sends message to specific ChannelID as the bot\n ml [message] sends a message to the specified botlog\n help - this message`); } // Unhandled commands die here else { console.log("undefined command"); } } }; // initLog() returns nothing // Handles ensuring the required directory structure is created const initLog = (name: string): void => { // Initialize the file name startDate = new Date().toISOString().split("T")[0]; logFolder = name; const startupMessage = ` --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- LOGGING STARTED ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ${new Date().toISOString()} ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------`; // Make all required folders if they are missing const folders = ["combined", "traces"]; Object.values(LogTypes).forEach(level => { folders.push(level) }); // Make each folder if its missing and insert the startup message folders.forEach(level => { Deno.mkdirSync(`./${logFolder}/${level}`, { recursive: true }); Deno.writeTextFileSync(`./${logFolder}/${level}/${startDate}.log`, `${startupMessage}\n`, {append: true}); }); initialized = true; }; // log(level, message) returns nothing // Handles sending messages to console.log and sending a copy of the log to a file for review on crashes const log = async (level: LogTypes, message: string, error = new Error()): Promise => { const msgId = await nanoid(10); const formattedMsg = `${new Date().toISOString()} | ${msgId} | ${level.padEnd(5)} | ${message}`; const traceMsg = `${error.stack}` // Default functionality of logging to console if (level !== LogTypes.LOG || DEBUG) { console[level](formattedMsg); } // Logging to files for permanent info if (initialized) { await Deno.writeTextFile(`./${logFolder}/${level}/${startDate}.log`, `${formattedMsg}\n`, {append: true}); await Deno.writeTextFile(`./${logFolder}/combined/${startDate}.log`, `${formattedMsg}\n`, {append: true}); await Deno.writeTextFile(`./${logFolder}/traces/${startDate}.log`, `${formattedMsg}\n${traceMsg}\n\n`, {append: true}); } }; export default { cmdPrompt, initLog, log };