/* The Artificer was built in memory of Babka * With love, Ean * * December 21, 2020 */ // DEVMODE is to prevent users from accessing parts of the bot that are currently broken const DEVMODE = false; // DEBUG is used to toggle the cmdPrompt const DEBUG = true; import { startBot, editBotsStatus, Intents, StatusTypes, ActivityType, Message, Guild, sendMessage, sendDirectMessage, cache } from "https://deno.land/x/discordeno@10.0.0/mod.ts"; import { serve } from "https://deno.land/std@0.83.0/http/server.ts"; import { Status, STATUS_TEXT } from "https://deno.land/std@0.83.0/http/http_status.ts"; import utils from "./src/utils.ts"; import solver from "./src/solver.ts"; import config from "./config.ts"; startBot({ token: config.token, intents: [Intents.GUILD_MESSAGES, Intents.DIRECT_MESSAGES, Intents.GUILDS], eventHandlers: { ready: () => { console.log("Logged in!"); editBotsStatus(StatusTypes.Online, `${config.prefix}help for commands`, ActivityType.Game); // setTimeout added to make sure the startup message does not error out setTimeout(() => { sendMessage(config.logChannel, `${config.name} has started, running version ${config.version}.`).catch(() => { console.error("Failed to send message 00"); }); }, 1000); }, guildCreate: (guild: Guild) => { sendMessage(config.logChannel, `New guild joined: ${guild.name} (id: ${guild.id}). This guild has ${guild.memberCount} members!`).catch(() => { console.error("Failed to send message 01"); }); }, guildDelete: (guild: Guild) => { sendMessage(config.logChannel, `I have been removed from: ${guild.name} (id: ${guild.id})`).catch(() => { console.error("Failed to send message 02"); }); }, debug: (DEVMODE ? console.error : () => { }), messageCreate: async (message: Message) => { // Ignore all other bots if (message.author.bot) return; // Ignore all messages that are not commands if (message.content.indexOf(config.prefix) !== 0) return; // Split into standard command + args format const args = message.content.slice(config.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g); const command = args.shift()?.toLowerCase(); // All commands below here // [[ping // Its a ping test, what else do you want. if (command === "ping") { // Calculates ping between sending a message and editing it, giving a nice round-trip latency. try { const m = await utils.sendIndirectMessage(message, "Ping?", sendMessage, sendDirectMessage); m.edit(`Pong! Latency is ${m.timestamp - message.timestamp}ms.`); } catch (err) { console.error("Failed to send message 10", message, err); } } // [[rip [[memory // Displays a short message I wanted to include else if (command === "rip" || command === "memory") { utils.sendIndirectMessage(message, "The Artificer was built in memory of my Grandmother, Babka\nWith much love, Ean\n\nDecember 21, 2020", sendMessage, sendDirectMessage).catch(err => { console.error("Failed to send message 11", message, err); }); } // [[help or [[h or [[? // Help command, prints from help file else if (command === "help" || command === "h" || command === "?") { utils.sendIndirectMessage(message, config.help.join("\n"), sendMessage, sendDirectMessage).catch(err => { console.error("Failed to send message 20", message, err); }); } // [[version or [[v // Returns version of the bot else if (command === "version" || command === "v") { utils.sendIndirectMessage(message, `My current version is ${config.version}.`, sendMessage, sendDirectMessage).catch(err => { console.error("Failed to send message 30", message, err); }); } // [[popcat or [[pop or [[p // popcat animated emoji else if (command === "popcat" || command === "pop" || command === "p") { utils.sendIndirectMessage(message, `<${config.emojis.popcat.animated ? "a" : ""}:${config.emojis.popcat.name}:${config.emojis.popcat.id}>`, sendMessage, sendDirectMessage).catch(err => { console.error("Failed to send message 40", message, err); }); message.delete().catch(err => { console.error("Failed to delete message 41", message, err); }); } // [[report or [[r (command that failed) // Manually report a failed roll else if (command === "report" || command === "r") { sendMessage(config.reportChannel, ("USER REPORT:\n" + args.join(" "))).catch(err => { console.error("Failed to send message 50", message, err); }); utils.sendIndirectMessage(message, "Failed command has been reported to my developer.", sendMessage, sendDirectMessage).catch(err => { console.error("Failed to send message 51", message, err); }); } // [[stats or [[s // Displays stats on the bot else if (command === "stats" || command === "s") { utils.sendIndirectMessage(message, `${config.name} is rolling dice for ${cache.members.size} users, in ${cache.channels.size} channels of ${cache.guilds.size} servers.`, sendMessage, sendDirectMessage).catch(err => { console.error("Failed to send message 60", message, err); }); } // [[ // Dice rolling commence! else { // If DEVMODE is on, only allow this command to be used in the devServer if (DEVMODE && message.guildID !== config.devServer) { utils.sendIndirectMessage(message, "Command is in development, please try again later.", sendMessage, sendDirectMessage).catch(err => { console.error("Failed to send message 70", message, err); }); return; } // Rest of this command is in a try-catch to protect all sends/edits from erroring out try { const m = await utils.sendIndirectMessage(message, "Rolling...", sendMessage, sendDirectMessage); const modifiers = { noDetails: false, spoiler: "", maxRoll: false, nominalRoll: false, gmRoll: false, gms: [] }; // Check if any of the args are command flags and pull those out into the modifiers object for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { switch (args[i].toLowerCase()) { case "-nd": modifiers.noDetails = true; args.splice(i, 1); i--; break; case "-s": modifiers.spoiler = "||"; args.splice(i, 1); i--; break; case "-m": modifiers.maxRoll = true; args.splice(i, 1); i--; break; case "-n": modifiers.nominalRoll = true; args.splice(i, 1); i--; break; case "-gm": modifiers.gmRoll = true; // -gm is a little more complex, as we must get all of the GMs that need to be DMd while (((i + 1) < args.length) && args[i + 1].startsWith("<@")) { // Keep looping thru the rest of the args until one does not start with the discord mention code modifiers.gms.push(args[i + 1].replace(/[!]/g, "")); args.splice((i + 1), 1); } if (modifiers.gms.length < 1) { // If -gm is on and none were found, throw an error m.edit("Error: Must specifiy at least one GM by mentioning them"); return; } args.splice(i, 1); i--; break; default: break; } } // maxRoll and nominalRoll cannot both be on, throw an error if (modifiers.maxRoll && modifiers.nominalRoll) { m.edit("Error: Cannot maximise and nominise the roll at the same time"); return; } // Rejoin all of the args and send it into the solver, if solver returns a falsy item, an error object will be substituded in const rollCmd = command + " " + args.join(" "); const returnmsg = solver.parseRoll(rollCmd, config.prefix, config.postfix, modifiers.maxRoll, modifiers.nominalRoll) || { error: true, errorMsg: "Error: Empty message", line1: "", line2: "", line3: "" }; let returnText = ""; // If there was an error, report it to the user in hopes that they can determine what they did wrong if (returnmsg.error) { returnText = returnmsg.errorMsg; m.edit(returnText); return; } else { // Else format the output using details from the solver returnText = "<@" + message.author.id + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\n" + returnmsg.line2; if (modifiers.noDetails) { returnText += "\nDetails suppressed by -nd flag."; } else { returnText += "\nDetails:\n" + modifiers.spoiler + returnmsg.line3 + modifiers.spoiler; } } // If the roll was a GM roll, send DMs to all the GMs if (modifiers.gmRoll) { // Make a new return line to be sent to the roller const normalText = "<@" + message.author.id + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\nResults have been messaged to the following GMs: " + modifiers.gms.join(" "); // And message the full details to each of the GMs, alerting roller of every GM that could not be messaged modifiers.gms.forEach(async e => { const msgs = utils.split2k(returnText); const failedDMs = []; for (let i = 0; ((failedDMs.indexOf(e) === -1) && (i < msgs.length)); i++) { await sendDirectMessage(e.substr(2, (e.length - 3)), msgs[i]).catch(() => { failedDMs.push(e); utils.sendIndirectMessage(message, "WARNING: " + e + " could not be messaged. If this issue persists, make sure direct messages are allowed from this server.", sendMessage, sendDirectMessage); }); } }); // Finally send the text m.edit(normalText); } else { // When not a GM roll, make sure the message is not too big if (returnText.length > 2000) { // If its too big, attempt to DM details to the roller const msgs = utils.split2k(returnText); let failed = false; for (let i = 0; (!failed && (i < msgs.length)); i++) { await sendDirectMessage(message.author.id, msgs[i]).catch(() => { failed = true; }); } // If DM fails to send, alert roller of the failure, else handle normally if (failed) { returnText = "<@" + message.author.id + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\n" + returnmsg.line2 + "\nDetails have been ommitted from this message for being over 2000 characters. WARNING: <@" + message.author.id + "> could **NOT** be messaged full details for verification purposes."; } else { returnText = "<@" + message.author.id + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\n" + returnmsg.line2 + "\nDetails have been ommitted from this message for being over 2000 characters. Full details have been messaged to <@" + message.author.id + "> for verification purposes."; } } // Finally send the text m.edit(returnText); } } catch (err) { console.error("Something failed 71"); } } } } }); // Start up the command prompt for debug usage if (DEBUG) { utils.cmdPrompt(config.logChannel, config.name, sendMessage); } // Start up the API for rolling from third party apps (like excel macros) if (config.api.enable) { const server = serve({ hostname: "", port: config.api.port }); console.log(`HTTP webserver running at: http://localhost:${config.api.port}/`); // Catching every request made to the server for await (const request of server) { // Super secure authentication const authenticated = true; if (authenticated) { // Get path and query as a string const [path, tempQ] = request.url.split("?"); // Turn the query into a map (if it exists) const query = new Map(); if (tempQ !== undefined) { tempQ.split("&").forEach(e => { const [option, params] = e.split("="); query.set(option.toLowerCase(), params); }); } // Handle the request switch (request.method) { case "GET": switch (path) { case "/roll": case "/roll/": // Make sure query contains all the needed parts if (query.has("rollstr") && query.has("channel") && query.has("user")) { if (query.has("n") && query.has("m")) { // Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) }); break; } // Super secure authorization const authorized = true; if (authorized) { // Rest of this command is in a try-catch to protect all sends/edits from erroring out try { // Flag to tell if roll was completely successful let errorOut = false; // Make sure rollCmd is not undefined let rollCmd = query.get("rollstr") || ""; if (rollCmd.length === 0) { // Alert API user that they messed up request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) }); break; } // Clip off the leading prefix. API calls must be formatted with a prefix at the start to match how commands are sent in Discord rollCmd = rollCmd.substr(rollCmd.indexOf(config.prefix) + 2).replace(/%20/g, " "); // Parse the roll and get the return text const returnmsg = solver.parseRoll(rollCmd, config.prefix, config.postfix, query.has("m"), query.has("n")); // Alert users why this message just appeared and how they can report abues pf this feature const apiPrefix = "The following roll was conducted using my built in API. If someone in this channel did not request this roll, please report API abuse here: <" + config.api.supportURL + ">\n\n"; let returnText = ""; // Handle sending the error message to whoever called the api if (returnmsg.error) { request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: returnmsg.errorMsg }); break; } else { returnText = apiPrefix + "<@" + query.get("user") + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\n" + returnmsg.line2; let spoilerTxt = ""; // Determine if spoiler flag was on if (query.has("s")) { spoilerTxt = "||"; } // Determine if no details flag was on if (query.has("nd")) { returnText += "\nDetails suppressed by nd query."; } else { returnText += "\nDetails:\n" + spoilerTxt + returnmsg.line3 + spoilerTxt; } } // If the roll was a GM roll, send DMs to all the GMs if (query.has("gms")) { // Get all the GM user IDs from the query const gms = (query.get("gms") || "").split(","); if (gms.length === 0) { // Alert API user that they messed up request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) }); break; } // Make a new return line to be sent to the roller let normalText = apiPrefix + "<@" + query.get("user") + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\nResults have been messaged to the following GMs: "; gms.forEach(e => { normalText += "<@" + e + "> "; }); // Send the return message as a DM or normal message depening on if the channel is set if ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0) { await sendMessage(query.get("channel") || "", normalText).catch(() => { request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 00 failed to send." }); errorOut = true; }); } else { await sendDirectMessage(query.get("user") || "", normalText).catch(() => { request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 01 failed to send." }); errorOut = true; }); } // And message the full details to each of the GMs, alerting roller of every GM that could not be messaged gms.forEach(async e => { const msgs = utils.split2k(returnText); const failedDMs = []; for (let i = 0; ((failedDMs.indexOf(e) === -1) && (i < msgs.length)); i++) { await sendDirectMessage(e, msgs[i]).catch( async () => { failedDMs.push(e); const failedSend = "WARNING: <@" + e + "> could not be messaged. If this issue persists, make sure direct messages are allowed from this server." // Send the return message as a DM or normal message depening on if the channel is set if ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0) { await sendMessage(query.get("channel") || "", failedSend).catch(() => { request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 10 failed to send." }); errorOut = true; }); } else { await sendDirectMessage(query.get("user") || "", failedSend).catch(() => { request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 11 failed to send." }); errorOut = true; }); } }); } }); // Handle closing the request out if (errorOut) { break; } else { request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: normalText }); break; } } else { // When not a GM roll, make sure the message is not too big if (returnText.length > 2000) { // If its too big, attempt to DM details to the roller const msgs = utils.split2k(returnText); let failed = false; for (let i = 0; (!failed && (i < msgs.length)); i++) { await sendDirectMessage(query.get("user") || "", msgs[i]).catch(() => { failed = true; }); } // If DM fails to send, alert roller of the failure, else handle normally if (failed) { returnText = apiPrefix + "<@" + query.get("user") + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\n" + returnmsg.line2 + "\nDetails have been ommitted from this message for being over 2000 characters. WARNING: <@" + query.get("user") + "> could **NOT** be messaged full details for verification purposes."; } else { returnText = apiPrefix + "<@" + query.get("user") + ">" + returnmsg.line1 + "\n" + returnmsg.line2 + "\nDetails have been ommitted from this message for being over 2000 characters. Full details have been messaged to <@" + query.get("user") + "> for verification purposes."; } } // Send the return message as a DM or normal message depening on if the channel is set if ((query.get("channel") || "").length > 0) { await sendMessage(query.get("channel") || "", returnText).catch(() => { request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 20 failed to send." }); errorOut = true; }); } else { await sendDirectMessage(query.get("user") || "", returnText).catch(() => { request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: "Message 21 failed to send." }); errorOut = true; }); } // Handle closing the request out if (errorOut) { break; } else { request.respond({ status: Status.OK, body: returnText }); break; } } } catch (err) { // Handle any errors we missed console.log(err) request.respond({ status: Status.InternalServerError, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.InternalServerError) }); } } else { // Alert API user that they messed up request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) }); } } else { // Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this request.respond({ status: Status.BadRequest, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.BadRequest) }); } break; default: // Alert API user that they messed up request.respond({ status: Status.NotFound, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.NotFound) }); break; } break; default: // Alert API user that they messed up request.respond({ status: Status.MethodNotAllowed, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.MethodNotAllowed) }); break; } } else { // Alert API user that they shouldn't be doing this request.respond({ status: Status.Forbidden, body: STATUS_TEXT.get(Status.Forbidden) }); } } }