/* The Artificer was built in memory of Babka * With love, Ean * * December 21, 2020 */ import { // Discordeno deps cache, cacheHandlers, // Log4Deno deps log, LT, } from '../deps.ts'; import config from '../config.ts'; // getRandomStatus() returns status as string // Gets a new random status for the bot const getRandomStatus = async (): Promise => { let status = ''; switch (Math.floor((Math.random() * 4) + 1)) { case 1: status = `${config.prefix}help for commands`; break; case 2: status = `Running V${config.version}`; break; case 3: status = `${config.prefix}info to learn more`; break; default: { const cachedCount = await cacheHandlers.size('guilds'); status = `Rolling dice for ${cachedCount + cache.dispatchedGuildIds.size} servers`; break; } } return status; }; // updateListStatistics(bot ID, current guild count) returns nothing // Sends the current server count to all bot list sites we are listed on const updateListStatistics = (botID: bigint, serverCount: number): void => { config.botLists.forEach(async (e) => { log(LT.LOG, `Updating statistics for ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); if (e.enabled) { const tempHeaders = new Headers(); tempHeaders.append(e.headers[0].header, e.headers[0].value); tempHeaders.append('Content-Type', 'application/json'); // ?{} is a template used in config, just need to replace it with the real value const response = await fetch(e.apiUrl.replace('?{bot_id}', botID.toString()), { 'method': 'POST', 'headers': tempHeaders, 'body': JSON.stringify(e.body).replace('"?{server_count}"', serverCount.toString()), // ?{server_count} needs the "" removed from around it aswell to make sure its sent as a number }); log(LT.INFO, `Posted server count to ${e.name}. Results: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`); } }); }; export default { getRandomStatus, updateListStatistics };