
663 lines
27 KiB

/* The Artificer was built in memory of Babka
* With love, Ean
* December 21, 2020
import {
// Discordeno deps
startBot, editBotStatus, editBotNickname,
sendMessage, sendDirectMessage,
cache, cacheHandlers, botId,
DiscordActivityTypes, DiscordenoGuild, DiscordenoMessage,
// MySQL Driver deps
} from "./deps.ts";
import api from "./src/api.ts";
import intervals from "./src/intervals.ts";
import utils from "./src/utils.ts";
import solver from "./src/solver.ts";
import {
generatePing, generateReport, generateStats, generateApiFailed, generateApiStatus, generateApiSuccess, generateDMFailed
} from "./src/constantCmds.ts";
import { EmojiConf } from "./src/mod.d.ts";
import { LogTypes as LT } from "./src/utils.enums.ts";
import { DEVMODE, DEBUG, LOCALMODE } from "./flags.ts";
import config from "./config.ts";
// Initialize DB client
const dbClient = await new Client().connect({
hostname: LOCALMODE ? config.db.localhost :,
port: config.db.port,
username: config.db.username,
password: config.db.password
// Initialize logging client with folder to use for logs, needs --allow-write set on Deno startup
// Start up the Discord Bot
token: LOCALMODE ? config.localtoken : config.token,
intents: [Intents.GuildMessages, Intents.DirectMessages, Intents.Guilds],
eventHandlers: {
ready: () => {
utils.log(LT.INFO, `${} Logged in!`);
activities: [{
name: "Booting up . . .",
type: DiscordActivityTypes.Game,
createdAt: new Date().getTime()
status: "online"
// Interval to rotate the status text every 30 seconds to show off more commands
setInterval(async () => {
utils.log(LT.LOG, "Changing bot status");
try {
// Wrapped in try-catch due to hard crash possible
activities: [{
name: await intervals.getRandomStatus(),
type: DiscordActivityTypes.Game,
createdAt: new Date().getTime()
status: "online"
} catch (e) {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to update status: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
}, 30000);
// Interval to update bot list stats every 24 hours
LOCALMODE ? utils.log(LT.INFO, "updateListStatistics not running") : setInterval(() => {
utils.log(LT.LOG, "Updating all bot lists statistics");
intervals.updateListStatistics(botId, cache.guilds.size);
}, 86400000);
// setTimeout added to make sure the startup message does not error out
setTimeout(() => {
LOCALMODE && editBotNickname(config.devServer, `LOCAL - ${}`);
LOCALMODE ? utils.log(LT.INFO, "updateListStatistics not running") : intervals.updateListStatistics(botId, cache.guilds.size);
activities: [{
name: "Booting Complete",
type: DiscordActivityTypes.Game,
createdAt: new Date().getTime()
status: "online"
sendMessage(config.logChannel, `${} has started, running version ${config.version}.`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
}, 1000);
guildCreate: (guild: DiscordenoGuild) => {
utils.log(LT.LOG, `Handling joining guild ${JSON.stringify(guild)}`);
sendMessage(config.logChannel, `New guild joined: ${} (id: ${}). This guild has ${guild.memberCount} members!`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
guildDelete: (guild: DiscordenoGuild) => {
utils.log(LT.LOG, `Handling leaving guild ${JSON.stringify(guild)}`);
sendMessage(config.logChannel, `I have been removed from: ${} (id: ${}).`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
debug: dmsg => utils.log(LT.LOG, `Debug Message | ${JSON.stringify(dmsg)}`),
messageCreate: async (message: DiscordenoMessage) => {
// Ignore all other bots
if (message.isBot) return;
// Ignore all messages that are not commands
if (message.content.indexOf(config.prefix) !== 0) return;
utils.log(LT.LOG, `Handling message ${JSON.stringify(message)}`);
// Split into standard command + args format
const args = message.content.slice(config.prefix.length).trim().split(/[ \n]+/g);
const command = args.shift()?.toLowerCase();
// All commands below here
// [[ping
// Its a ping test, what else do you want.
if (command === "ping") {
// Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run
dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("ping");`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// Calculates ping between sending a message and editing it, giving a nice round-trip latency.
try {
const m = await message.send(generatePing(-1));
m.edit(generatePing(m.timestamp - message.timestamp));
} catch (e) {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[rip [[memory
// Displays a short message I wanted to include
else if (command === "rip" || command === "memory") {
// Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run
dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("rip");`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
message.send( => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[rollhelp or [[rh or [[hr or [[??
// Help command specifically for the roll command
else if (command === "rollhelp" || command === "rh" || command === "hr" || command === "??" || command?.startsWith("xdy")) {
// Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run
dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("rollhelp");`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
message.send(constantCmds.rollHelp).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[help or [[h or [[?
// Help command, prints from help file
else if (command === "help" || command === "h" || command === "?") {
// Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run
dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("help");`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
message.send( => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[info or [[i
// Info command, prints short desc on bot and some links
else if (command === "info" || command === "i") {
// Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run
dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("info");`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
message.send( => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[privacy
// Privacy command, prints short desc on bot's privacy policy
else if (command === "privacy") {
// Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run
dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("privacy");`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
message.send(constantCmds.privacy).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[version or [[v
// Returns version of the bot
else if (command === "version" || command === "v") {
// Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run
dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("version");`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
message.send(constantCmds.version).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[report or [[r (command that failed)
// Manually report a failed roll
else if (command === "report" || command === "r") {
// Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run
dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("report");`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
sendMessage(config.reportChannel, generateReport(args.join(" "))).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
message.send( => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[stats or [[s
// Displays stats on the bot
else if (command === "stats" || command === "s") {
// Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run
dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("stats");`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// Calculate how many times commands have been run
const rollQuery = await dbClient.query(`SELECT count FROM command_cnt WHERE command = "roll";`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to query DB: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
const totalQuery = await dbClient.query(`SELECT SUM(count) as count FROM command_cnt;`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to query DB: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
const rolls = BigInt(rollQuery[0].count);
const total = BigInt(totalQuery[0].count);
const cachedGuilds = await cacheHandlers.size("guilds");
const cachedChannels = await cacheHandlers.size("channels");
const cachedMembers = await cacheHandlers.size("members");
message.send(generateStats(cachedGuilds + cache.dispatchedGuildIds.size, cachedChannels + cache.dispatchedChannelIds.size, cachedMembers, rolls, total - rolls)).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[api arg
// API sub commands
else if (command === "api") {
// Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run
dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("api");`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// Local apiArg in lowercase
const apiArg = (args[0] || "help").toLowerCase();
// Alert users who DM the bot that this command is for guilds only
if (message.guildId === 0n) {
message.send(constantCmds.apiGuildOnly).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// Makes sure the user is authenticated to run the API command
if (await hasGuildPermissions(message.authorId, message.guildId, ["ADMINISTRATOR"])) {
// [[api help
// Shows API help details
if (apiArg === "help") {
message.send(constantCmds.apiHelp).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[api allow/block
// Lets a guild admin allow or ban API rolls from happening in said guild
else if (apiArg === "allow" || apiArg === "block" || apiArg === "enable" || apiArg === "disable") {
const guildQuery = await dbClient.query(`SELECT guildid FROM allowed_guilds WHERE guildid = ?`, [message.guildId]).catch(e0 => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to query DB: ${JSON.stringify(e0)}`);
message.send(generateApiFailed(apiArg)).catch(e1 => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e1)}`);
if (guildQuery.length === 0) {
// Since guild is not in our DB, add it in
await dbClient.execute(`INSERT INTO allowed_guilds(guildid,active) values(?,?)`, [BigInt(message.guildId), ((apiArg === "allow" || apiArg === "enable") ? 1 : 0)]).catch(e0 => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into DB: ${JSON.stringify(e0)}`);
message.send(generateApiFailed(apiArg)).catch(e1 => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e1)}`);
} else {
// Since guild is in our DB, update it
await dbClient.execute(`UPDATE allowed_guilds SET active = ? WHERE guildid = ?`, [((apiArg === "allow" || apiArg === "enable") ? 1 : 0), BigInt(message.guildId)]).catch(e0 => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to update DB: ${JSON.stringify(e0)}`);
message.send(generateApiFailed(apiArg)).catch(e1 => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e1)}`);
// We won't get here if there's any errors, so we know it has bee successful, so report as such
message.send(generateApiSuccess(apiArg)).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[api delete
// Lets a guild admin delete their server from the database
else if (apiArg === "delete") {
await dbClient.execute(`DELETE FROM allowed_guilds WHERE guildid = ?`, [message.guildId]).catch(e0 => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to query DB: ${JSON.stringify(e0)}`);
message.send(constantCmds.apiDeleteFail).catch(e1 => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e1)}`);
// We won't get here if there's any errors, so we know it has bee successful, so report as such
message.send(constantCmds.apiRemoveGuild).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[api status
// Lets a guild admin check the status of API rolling in said guild
else if (apiArg === "status") {
// Get status of guild from the db
const guildQuery = await dbClient.query(`SELECT active, banned FROM allowed_guilds WHERE guildid = ?`, [message.guildId]).catch(e0 => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to query DB: ${JSON.stringify(e0)}`);
message.send(constantCmds.apiStatusFail).catch(e1 => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e1)}`);
// Check if we got an item back or not
if (guildQuery.length > 0) {
// Check if guild is banned from using API and return appropriate message
if (guildQuery[0].banned) {
message.send(generateApiStatus(true, false)).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else {
message.send(generateApiStatus(false, guildQuery[0].active)).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else {
// Guild is not in DB, therefore they are blocked
message.send(generateApiStatus(false, false)).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else {
message.send(constantCmds.apiPermError).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[roll]]
// Dice rolling commence!
else if ((`${command}${args.join("")}`).indexOf(config.postfix) > -1) {
// Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run
dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("roll");`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// If DEVMODE is on, only allow this command to be used in the devServer
if (DEVMODE && message.guildId !== config.devServer) {
message.send(constantCmds.indev).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// Rest of this command is in a try-catch to protect all sends/edits from erroring out
try {
const originalCommand = `${config.prefix}${command} ${args.join(" ")}`;
const m = await message.send(constantCmds.rolling);
const modifiers = {
noDetails: false,
spoiler: "",
maxRoll: false,
nominalRoll: false,
gmRoll: false,
gms: <string[]>[],
order: ""
// Check if any of the args are command flags and pull those out into the modifiers object
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
utils.log(LT.LOG, `Checking ${command}${args.join(" ")} for command modifiers ${i}`);
switch (args[i].toLowerCase()) {
case "-nd":
modifiers.noDetails = true;
args.splice(i, 1);
case "-s":
modifiers.spoiler = "||";
args.splice(i, 1);
case "-m":
modifiers.maxRoll = true;
args.splice(i, 1);
case "-n":
modifiers.nominalRoll = true;
args.splice(i, 1);
case "-gm":
modifiers.gmRoll = true;
// -gm is a little more complex, as we must get all of the GMs that need to be DMd
while (((i + 1) < args.length) && args[i + 1].startsWith("<@")) {
utils.log(LT.LOG, `Finding all GMs, checking args ${JSON.stringify(args)}`);
// Keep looping thru the rest of the args until one does not start with the discord mention code
modifiers.gms.push(args[i + 1].replace(/[!]/g, ""));
args.splice((i + 1), 1);
if (modifiers.gms.length < 1) {
// If -gm is on and none were found, throw an error
m.edit("Error: Must specifiy at least one GM by mentioning them");
if (DEVMODE && config.logRolls) {
// If enabled, log rolls so we can verify the bots math
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,0,1)", [originalCommand, "NoGMsFound",]).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into DB: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
args.splice(i, 1);
case "-o":
args.splice(i, 1);
if (args[i].toLowerCase()[0] !== "d" && args[i].toLowerCase()[0] !== "a") {
// If -o is on and asc or desc was not specified, error out
m.edit("Error: Must specifiy a or d to order the rolls ascending or descending");
if (DEVMODE && config.logRolls) {
// If enabled, log rolls so we can verify the bots math
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,0,1)", [originalCommand, "NoOrderFound",]).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into DB: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
modifiers.order = args[i].toLowerCase()[0];
args.splice(i, 1);
// maxRoll and nominalRoll cannot both be on, throw an error
if (modifiers.maxRoll && modifiers.nominalRoll) {
m.edit("Error: Cannot maximise and nominise the roll at the same time");
if (DEVMODE && config.logRolls) {
// If enabled, log rolls so we can verify the bots math
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,0,1)", [originalCommand, "MaxAndNominal",]).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into DB: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// Rejoin all of the args and send it into the solver, if solver returns a falsy item, an error object will be substituded in
const rollCmd = `${command} ${args.join(" ")}`;
const returnmsg = solver.parseRoll(rollCmd, config.prefix, config.postfix, modifiers.maxRoll, modifiers.nominalRoll, modifiers.order) || { error: true, errorCode: "EmptyMessage", errorMsg: "Error: Empty message", line1: "", line2: "", line3: "" };
let returnText = "";
// If there was an error, report it to the user in hopes that they can determine what they did wrong
if (returnmsg.error) {
returnText = returnmsg.errorMsg;
if (DEVMODE && config.logRolls) {
// If enabled, log rolls so we can verify the bots math
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,0,1)", [originalCommand, returnmsg.errorCode,]).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into DB: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else {
// Else format the output using details from the solver
returnText = `<@${message.authorId}>${returnmsg.line1}\n${returnmsg.line2}`;
if (modifiers.noDetails) {
returnText += "\nDetails suppressed by -nd flag.";
} else {
returnText += `\nDetails:\n${modifiers.spoiler}${returnmsg.line3}${modifiers.spoiler}`;
// If the roll was a GM roll, send DMs to all the GMs
if (modifiers.gmRoll) {
// Make a new return line to be sent to the roller
const normalText = `<@${message.authorId}>${returnmsg.line1}\nResults have been messaged to the following GMs: ${modifiers.gms.join(" ")}`;
// And message the full details to each of the GMs, alerting roller of every GM that could not be messaged
modifiers.gms.forEach(async e => {
utils.log(LT.LOG, `Messaging GM ${e}`);
// If its too big, collapse it into a .txt file and send that instead.
const b = await new Blob([returnText as BlobPart], { "type": "text" });
if (b.size > 8388290) {
// Update return text
// todo: embedify
returnText = `<@${message.authorId}>${returnmsg.line1}\n${returnmsg.line2}\nFull details could not be attached to this messaged as a \`.txt\` file as the file would be too large for Discord to handle. If you would like to see the details of rolls, please send the rolls in multiple messages instead of bundled into one.`;
// Attempt to DM the GMs and send a warning if it could not DM a GM
await sendDirectMessage(BigInt(e.substr(2, (e.length - 3))), returnText).catch(() => {
} else {
// Update return
// todo: embedify
returnText = `<@${message.authorId}>${returnmsg.line1}\n${returnmsg.line2}\nFull details have been attached to this messaged as a \`.txt\` file for verification purposes.`;
// Attempt to DM the GMs and send a warning if it could not DM a GM
await sendDirectMessage(BigInt(e.substr(2, (e.length - 3))), { "content": returnText, "file": { "blob": b, "name": "rollDetails.txt" } }).catch(() => {
// Finally send the text
if (DEVMODE && config.logRolls) {
// If enabled, log rolls so we can verify the bots math
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,0,0)", [originalCommand, returnText,]).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into DB: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else {
// When not a GM roll, make sure the message is not too big
if (returnText.length > 2000) {
// If its too big, collapse it into a .txt file and send that instead.
const b = await new Blob([returnText as BlobPart], { "type": "text" });
if (b.size > 8388290) {
// Update return text
returnText = `<@${message.authorId}>${returnmsg.line1}\n${returnmsg.line2}\nDetails have been ommitted from this message for being over 2000 characters. Full details could not be attached to this messaged as a \`.txt\` file as the file would be too large for Discord to handle. If you would like to see the details of rolls, please send the rolls in multiple messages instead of bundled into one.`;
// Send the results
} else {
// Update return text
returnText = `<@${message.authorId}>${returnmsg.line1}\n${returnmsg.line2}\nDetails have been ommitted from this message for being over 2000 characters. Full details have been attached to this messaged as a \`.txt\` file for verification purposes.`;
// Remove the original message to send new one with attachment
// todo: embedify
await message.send({ "content": returnText, "file": { "blob": b, "name": "rollDetails.txt" } });
} else {
// Finally send the text
if (DEVMODE && config.logRolls) {
// If enabled, log rolls so we can verify the bots math
dbClient.execute("INSERT INTO roll_log(input,result,resultid,api,error) values(?,?,?,0,0)", [originalCommand, returnText,]).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to insert into DB: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} catch (e) {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Undandled Error: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// [[emoji or [[emojialias
// Check if the unhandled command is an emoji request
else {
// Start looping thru the possible emojis
config.emojis.some((emoji: EmojiConf) => {
utils.log(LT.LOG, `Checking if command was emoji ${JSON.stringify(emoji)}`);
// If a match gets found
if (emoji.aliases.indexOf(command || "") > -1) {
// Light telemetry to see how many times a command is being run
dbClient.execute(`CALL INC_CNT("emojis");`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to call stored procedure INC_CNT: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// Send the needed emoji1
message.send(`<${emoji.animated ? "a" : ""}:${}:${}>`).catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// And attempt to delete if needed
if (emoji.deleteSender) {
message.delete().catch(e => {
utils.log(LT.WARN, `Failed to delete message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
return true;
// Start up the command prompt for debug usage
if (DEBUG) {
// Start up the API for rolling from third party apps (like excel macros)
if (config.api.enable) {