
115 lines
3.6 KiB

/* The Artificer was built in memory of Babka
* With love, Ean
* December 21, 2020
import {
// Discordeno deps
// Log4Deno deps
// Discordeno deps
} from '../deps.ts';
// ask(prompt) returns string
// ask prompts the user at command line for message
const ask = async (question: string, stdin = Deno.stdin, stdout = Deno.stdout): Promise<string> => {
const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
// Write question to console
await stdout.write(new TextEncoder().encode(question));
// Read console's input into answer
const n = <number> await;
const answer = new TextDecoder().decode(buf.subarray(0, n));
return answer.trim();
// cmdPrompt(logChannel, botName) returns nothing
// cmdPrompt creates an interactive CLI for the bot, commands can vary
const cmdPrompt = async (logChannel: bigint, botName: string): Promise<void> => {
let done = false;
while (!done) {
// Get a command and its args
const fullCmd = await ask('cmd> ');
// Split the args off of the command and prep the command
const args = fullCmd.split(' ');
const command = args.shift()?.toLowerCase();
// All commands below here
// exit or e
// Fully closes the bot
if (command === 'exit' || command === 'e') {
console.log(`${botName} Shutting down.\n\nGoodbye.`);
done = true;
} // stop
// Closes the CLI only, leaving the bot running truly headless
else if (command === 'stop') {
console.log(`Closing ${botName} CLI. Bot will continue to run.\n\nGoodbye.`);
done = true;
} // m [channel] [message]
// Sends [message] to specified [channel]
else if (command === 'm') {
try {
const channelId = args.shift() || '';
const message = args.join(' ');
sendMessage(BigInt(channelId), message).catch((reason) => {
} catch (e) {
} // ml [message]
// Sends a message to the specified log channel
else if (command === 'ml') {
const message = args.join(' ');
sendMessage(logChannel, message).catch((reason) => {
} // help or h
// Shows a basic help menu
else if (command === 'help' || command === 'h') {
console.log(`${botName} CLI Help:
Available Commands:
exit - closes bot
stop - closes the CLI
m [ChannelID] [messgae] - sends message to specific ChannelID as the bot
ml [message] sends a message to the specified botlog
help - this message`);
} // Unhandled commands die here
else {
console.log('undefined command');
const genericLogger = (level: LT, message: string) => log(level, message);
const messageEditError = (location: string, message: DiscordenoMessage | string, err: Error) =>
genericLogger(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to edit message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
const messageSendError = (location: string, message: DiscordenoMessage | string, err: Error) =>
genericLogger(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
const messageDeleteError = (location: string, message: DiscordenoMessage | string, err: Error) =>
genericLogger(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to delete message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
const dbError = (location: string, type: string, err: Error) => genericLogger(LT.ERROR, `${location} | Failed to ${type} database | Error: ${} - ${err.message}`);
export default {
commonLoggers: {