
215 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable File

import {
// Log4Deno deps
// Discordeno deps
} from './deps.ts';
import { constantCmds } from './src/constantCmds.ts';
import data from './src/data.ts';
import { DEBUG, LOCALMODE } from './flags.ts';
import config from './config.ts';
import { generateEmbeds } from './src/generateActionEmbeds.ts';
import { classToType } from './src/utils.ts';
// Initialize logging client with folder to use for logs, needs --allow-write set on Deno startup
initLog('logs', DEBUG);
token: LOCALMODE ? config.localToken : config.token,
intents: [Intents.GuildMessages, Intents.DirectMessages, Intents.Guilds],
eventHandlers: {
ready: () => {
activities: [{
name: 'Booting up . . .',
type: DiscordActivityTypes.Game,
createdAt: new Date().getTime(),
status: 'online',
// setTimeout added to make sure the startup message does not error out
setTimeout(() => {
LOCALMODE && editBotNickname(config.devServer, `LOCAL - ${config.name}`);
activities: [{
name: 'Booting Complete',
type: DiscordActivityTypes.Game,
createdAt: new Date().getTime(),
status: 'online',
sendMessage(config.logChannel, `${config.name} has started, running version ${config.version}.`).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
}, 1000);
guildCreate: (guild: DiscordenoGuild) => {
sendMessage(config.logChannel, `New guild joined: ${guild.name} (id: ${guild.id}). This guild has ${guild.memberCount} members!`).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
guildDelete: (guild: DiscordenoGuild) => {
sendMessage(config.logChannel, `I have been removed from: ${guild.name} (id: ${guild.id}).`).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
messageCreate: (message: DiscordenoMessage) => {
// Ignore all other bots
if (message.isBot) return;
// Ignore all messages that are not commands
if (message.content.indexOf(config.prefix) !== 0) return;
// Split into standard command + args format
const args = message.content.slice(config.prefix.length).trim().split(/[ \n]+/g);
const command = args.shift()?.toLowerCase();
if (command === 'help' || command === 'h' || command === '?') {
// l!help or l!h or l!?
// Help command, prints from help file
message.send(constantCmds.help).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else if (command === 'info' || command === 'i') {
// l!info or l!i
// Info command, prints short desc on bot and some links
message.send(constantCmds.info).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else if (command === 'version' || command === 'v') {
// l!version or l!v
// Returns version of the bot
message.send(constantCmds.version).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else if (command === 'flowchart' || command === 'flow' || command === 'f') {
// l!flowchart or l!flow or l!logos or l!f
// Returns logos actions stuff
message.send(constantCmds.flowchart).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else if (command === 'logograms' || command === 'logogram' || command === 'logos' || command === 'logo' || command === 'l') {
// l!logograms or l!logograms or l!logos or l!logo or l!l
// Returns logos actions stuff
if (!args.length) {
message.send(constantCmds.logogramsNoQuery).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else {
const params = {
class: '',
rawClass: '',
isNin: false,
page: 1,
debug: false,
const classPrefixes = ['-class=', 'class=', '-c=', 'c='];
const pagePrefixes = ['-page=', 'page=', '-p=', 'p='];
const debugPrefixes = ['-debug=', 'debug=', '-d=', 'd='];
const allPrefixes = classPrefixes.concat(pagePrefixes).concat(debugPrefixes);
args.forEach((arg) => {
if (classPrefixes.some((pfx) => arg.toLowerCase().startsWith(pfx))) { //
params.rawClass = arg.split('=')[1];
params.class = classToType(params.rawClass);
params.isNin = params.rawClass.toLowerCase() === 'nin';
} else if (pagePrefixes.some((pfx) => arg.toLowerCase().startsWith(pfx))) {
params.page = parseInt(arg.split('=')[1]);
} else if (debugPrefixes.some((pfx) => arg.toLowerCase().startsWith(pfx))) {
params.debug = true;
const cleanArgs = args.filter((arg) => !(allPrefixes.some((pfx) => arg.toLowerCase().startsWith(pfx))));
const rawQuery = cleanArgs.join(' ');
const query = rawQuery.toLowerCase();
if (data.ActionNames.includes(query)) {
log(LT.LOG, `in name matched '${query}'`);
const singleAction: Array<number> = [data.ActionNames.indexOf(query)];
content: 'Showing single action:',
embeds: generateEmbeds(singleAction, params.debug),
}).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else if (query && data.ActionShortNames.includes(query)) {
log(LT.LOG, `in shorthand matched '${query}'`);
const searchResults: Array<number> = data.Actions.filter((action) => action.shorthand === query).map((action) => data.ActionNames.indexOf(action.name.toLowerCase()));
content: searchResults.length > 1 ? `Showing ${searchResults.length} actions:` : 'Showing single action:',
embeds: generateEmbeds(searchResults, params.debug),
}).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else {
log(LT.LOG, `in general search '${query}'`);
const initialSearchResults: Array<number> = data.ActionNames.filter((action) => action.includes(query)).map((action) => data.ActionNames.indexOf(action));
const searchResults: Array<number> = initialSearchResults.filter((actionIdx) =>
params.class ? (data.Actions[actionIdx].jobs.includes('all-nin') && !params.isNin) || data.Actions[actionIdx].jobs.includes('all') || data.Actions[actionIdx].jobs.includes(params.class) : true
if (searchResults.length) {
const totalPages = Math.ceil(searchResults.length / config.resultsPerPage);
if (params.page > totalPages) {
params.page = totalPages;
const classMessage = params.class ? ` -class=${params.rawClass}` : '';
const userQuery = `${rawQuery}${classMessage}`.trim();
const paginationMessage = searchResults.length > config.resultsPerPage
? `\nShowing page ${params.page} of ${totalPages}\n\nTo see more results, please run \`${config.prefix}logos ${userQuery} -page=#\`, where # is the page number you wish to see.`
: '';
content: `${searchResults.length} result${searchResults.length > 1 ? 's' : ''} matching query: \`${userQuery}\`${paginationMessage}`,
embeds: generateEmbeds(searchResults.slice((params.page - 1) * config.resultsPerPage, config.resultsPerPage * params.page), params.debug),
}).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else {
content: `No results found matching query: \`${rawQuery}\``,
}).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else if (command === 'preset' || command === 'p') {
// l!preset or l!p
// Returns logos actions stuff
const rawQuery = args.join(' ');
const query = rawQuery.toLowerCase();
if (data.Presets.has(query)) {
const preset: Array<number> = data.Presets.get(query) ?? [];
content: `Showing ${rawQuery} Preset:`,
embeds: generateEmbeds(preset, false),
}).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
} else {
content: `No preset found matching query: \`${rawQuery}\``,
}).catch((e) => {
log(LT.ERROR, `Failed to send message: ${JSON.stringify(message)} | ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);